



Apple is pretty strict when it comes to what apps are allowed to do on its platform, and it draws a hard line on call recording. But with a little hackery, you can record a phone call from your iPhone. Here’s how.

对于允许在其平台上执行的应用程序,Apple相当严格,并且在通话记录方面也有严格规定。 但是,有了一点黑客,您就可以通过iPhone录制电话。 这是如何做。

首先,了解当地法律 (First, Know the Local Laws)

Before we go into how to do this, it’s important to understand whether recording a phone call is legal. The super-short version is if you’re an active participant in the call, you’ve got a good chance that it’s legal. If you’re not, it’s almost definitely illegal. The slightly longer version is that various state and federal laws cover the topic. To further muddy the waters, these laws also vary by country. There’s a fairly comprehensive list on Wikipedia, but as with everything on Wikipedia, find a second source for your local laws. Rev, a company we’ll talk about below, also has an excellent blog post on the subject.

在进行此操作之前,重要的是要了解录制电话是否合法。 超级短版是如果您是电话中的积极参与者,那么您很有可能会合法。 如果不是,那几乎绝对是非法的。 稍长一点的版本是该州的各种州和联邦法律。 为了使水进一步浑浊,这些法律也因国家/地区而异。 Wikipedia上有一个相当全面的列表 ,但与Wikipedia上的所有内容一样,请为您的当地法律找到第二个来源。 Rev,我们将在下面讨论的公司,也有关于该主题的出色博客文章 。

It boils down to the two types of consent: one-party and two-party (which is a bit of a misnomer). One-party consent means you can record a call as long as you are on that call. Most U.S. states, the federal statute, and most other countries require one-party consent. Two-party consent means everyone on a call must approve of the recording, whether it’s two people, three people, or more. There are several U.S. states and some countries that require two-party consent. Again—research your local laws.

归结为两种类型的同意:一党和两党(有点用词不当)。 单方同意意味着您可以录制通话,只要您一直在通话中即可。 美国大多数州,联邦法规以及大多数其他国家/地区都需要一党同意。 两方同意意味着通话中的每个人都必须批准录音,无论是两个人,三个人或更多。 美国有几个州和一些国家/地区需要两党同意。 再次-研究您当地的法律。

The penalty for not complying with the law varies, ranging from civil to criminal litigation. When in doubt, clearly state at the beginning of a call that it’s being recorded and ask everyone to affirm that this is okay.

因不遵守法律而受到的处罚从民事诉讼到刑事诉讼不等。 如有疑问,请在通话开始时清楚说明正在录音,并要求所有人确认这是可以的。

So, now that we’re legal let’s get to it. There are two methods you can use to record a phone call on an iPhone: hardware or software. We’ll outline the options for each below from the simplest to the most complex.

因此,既然我们合法,那就开始吧。 您可以使用两种方法在iPhone上记录电话:硬件或软件。 我们将在下面概述从最简单到最复杂的每个选项。

最简单的选择:免提电话和录音机 (The Simplest Option: Speakerphone and a Voice Recorder)

Hardware call recording can be as simple as putting a call on speakerphone and setting a digital recorder down next to your phone. The Sony Voice Recorder ICD-PX Series is a highly rated option on Amazon for $60. It has a built-in bbUSB plug, MicroSD expansion, and includes a lavaliere mic in case you ever want to record someone face-to-face.

硬件通话录音可以很简单,只需在扬声器上拨打电话,然后将数字录音机放到手机旁边即可。 索尼录音机ICD-PX系列是亚马逊上价格很高的选择,价格为60美元。 它具有内置的bbUSB插头,MicroSD扩展接口,并包含一个lavaliere麦克风,以防您需要面对面记录某人。

But this method works with any voice recorder. Just arm it to record, put your phone on speakerphone, and record away. If you never plan to broadcast the recording and it’s just for personal notes, this option is probably for you. If you need higher quality, though, things get a bit more complicated.

但是此方法适用于任何录音机。 只需武装它进行录音,将您的电话放在免提电话上,然后录音即可。 如果您从不打算播放录音,而只是作为个人笔记,则此选项可能适合您。 但是,如果您需要更高的质量,事情会变得更加复杂。

软件选项:使用Rev Call Recorder记录呼叫 (The Software Option: Recording a Call with Rev Call Recorder)

Apple doesn’t allow apps to record a phone call on your device. However, there are some apps you can get that will enable you to record via a three-way conversation. The call is routed through the company’s servers, where it’s recorded. It’s a crafty little workaround if you need something more refined than a speakerphone call recorded on a voice recorder but don’t want to invest in specialized recording hardware.

Apple不允许应用程序在您的设备上记录电话。 但是,您可以获得一些应用程序,这些应用程序使您可以通过三方对话进行录制。 呼叫通过记录在公司服务器上的路由进行路由。 如果您需要比录音机上录制的免提通话更精致的东西,但又不想投资专门的录音硬件,这是一个狡猾的小解决方法。

Rev Call Recorder is a highly rated call recording service (4.4 stars and nearly 2,000 reviews at the time of this writing). It’s also free, but you can pay for the optional service of having a recording transcribed.

Rev Call Recorder是一项获得很高评价的电话录音服务(在撰写本文时,它提供了4.4星和近2,000条评论)。 它也是免费的,但是您可以支付录制唱片的可选服务的费用。

Before we get into the process, though, let’s talk about the company—we reached out to Rev to talk about privacy and security. Call recordings are retained indefinitely until you delete them. They are stored encrypted on Rev’s servers, and they have never suffered a data breach (#KnockOnWood). Digging into their privacy policy a bit, we see that most of the company’s use of your recordings revolves around their transcription service.

不过,在进入流程之前,让我们先谈谈公司-我们与Rev讨论了隐私和安全问题。 通话记录将无限期保留,直到将其删除。 它们以加密方式存储在Rev的服务器上,并且从未遭受数据泄露(#KnockOnWood)。 深入研究他们的隐私政策 ,我们发现该公司对您的录音的大部分使用都围绕着他们的转录服务。

There are other provisions in there about compliance with laws, business transfers, and the like. Technically, since call transcriptions are reviewed by freelancers, they are considered “third parties,” but that’s the extent of it. In short, you can trust Rev with your recordings about as much as any other service with your data. If that makes you uncomfortable, the hardware options above and below are a better choice for you.

那里还有其他有关遵守法律,业务转让等的规定。 从技术上讲,由于电话抄录是由自由职业者审查的,因此它们被视为“第三方”,但这仅是其范围。 简而言之,您可以将Rev记录与任何其他数据服务一样信任。 如果这样使您不舒服,则上面和下面的硬件选项是您更好的选择。

如何使用Rev记录外拨电话 (How to Record an Outbound Call with Rev)

To record an outbound call, launch the Rev app before you even start the call. Tap Start Recorded Call > Outgoing Call.

要录制呼出电话,请开始通话之前启动Rev应用程序。 点按开始录音>拨出电话。


Type the phone number you want to call (or select it from your contacts). Tap “Start Call.”

输入您要呼叫的电话号码(或从联系人中选择)。 点击“开始通话”。


The first time you do this, you’re shown a brief tutorial that walks you through the process of recording an outgoing call. Hit the arrow button in the bottom-right corner to go through the tutorial, and then tap the “Got it! Start” button.

首次执行此操作时,将显示一个简短的教程,该教程将引导您完成记录去电的过程。 点击右下角的箭头按钮浏览本教程,然后点击“知道了! 开始按钮。


Tap “Call” to call Rev’s recording phone number. After that call starts, the app prompts you to call the recipient’s phone number.

点按“通话”以拨打Rev的录音电话号码。 通话开始后,应用程序会提示您拨打收件人的电话号码。


When both calls are connected, tap “Merge Calls.”



A reminder is sent to you via text telling you to merge the calls, as well. From that point onward, the call is recorded and stored on Rev’s servers.

还会通过文本向您发送提醒,告诉您合并呼叫。 从那时起,该呼叫将被记录并存储在Rev的服务器上。

如何记录来电 (How to Record an Incoming Call)

Recording an incoming call is a bit easier. First, accept the call like normal, and then press the Home button on your phone to return to the home screen.

记录来电要容易一些。 首先,像平常一样接听电话,然后按手机上的主屏幕按钮以返回主屏幕。


Open the Rev Call Recorder app.

打开Rev Call Recorder应用程序。


Tap Start Recorded Call > Incoming Call.



Tap “Call” to dial into Rev’s recording line.



Once you’re connected, tap “Merge Calls.”



There’s a lot of tapping and multitasking here, but it’s not too painstaking, overall. There are other software options out there, like Google Voice. However, Google Voice only allows you to record incoming calls. Also, other software options have caveats of their own. Rev offers the most comprehensive and flexible solution we could find.

这里有很多轻按和多任务处理,但总体来说并不太麻烦。 还有其他软件选项,例如Google语音。 但是,Google语音只允许您记录来电。 此外,其他软件选项也有其自身的警告。 Rev提供了我们所能找到的最全面,最灵活的解决方案。

The downside of the software method is you’re entrusting your private conversations to a third party. If you’re not cool with that, the hardware method might be a better choice for you. It does involve more setup and equipment, though.

该软件方法的缺点是您将私人对话委托给第三方。 如果您对此不满意,那么硬件方法可能是您更好的选择。 但是,它确实涉及更多的设置和设备。

专业方法:将录音机与输入配合使用 (The Pro Method: Use a Recorder with an Input)


This method is the one we recommend for any broadcast-quality recording. Unless you’re tape synching your interview (that’s a fancy, industry term meaning both of you are recording your own local audio), this is the best way to go because it eliminates as much signal noise as possible. There are no third-party servers, and you’re reducing as many laggy internet and bad-signal phone issues as you can. The downside is it’s complicated and expensive.

对于任何广播质量的录制,我们建议使用此方法。 除非您用磁带同步采访(这是一个花哨的行业术语,意味着你们俩都在录制自己的本地音频),否则这是最好的方法,因为它可以消除尽可能多的信号噪声。 没有第三方服务器,您正在尽力减少大量的互联网延迟和信号不良电话问题。 缺点是它复杂且昂贵。

The first item you need is a recorder with an input. There are many options at varying price points, but the Zoom H5 recorder (which, at $280, is a bit pricey) is one of the best. It has all the I/O you need—inputs for recording and outputs for headphones. Plus, it has MicroSD expansion and is quite versatile for all your recording needs.

您需要的第一项是带有输入的记录器。 有许多不同价格的选择,但Zoom H5记录仪 (售价280美元,有点贵)是最好的记录仪之一。 它具有您需要的所有I / O,即用于录音的输入和用于耳机的输出。 此外,它还具有MicroSD扩展功能,可以满足您的所有录制需求。

Next, you need a cable to connect your iPhone to your recorder—like this Cable Matters 3.5mm male to XLR male audio cable for a little over $8.00. If your phone has a headphone jack, you’re all set. If you’re using a newer iPhone, however, you’ll need a lightning to headphone jack dongle (#donglelife). If your iPhone came with a dongle, that one would work. If not, you can get one for $9. From there, grab your iPhone (and dongle, if necessary), and plug the 3.5mm cable into the phone/dongle. Plug the other end into the Zoom recorder.

接下来,您需要一根电缆将iPhone连接到录音机,例如3.5毫米公对XLR公头音频电缆 ,价格略高于8.00美元。 如果您的电话带有耳机插Kong,则一切就绪。 但是,如果您使用的是更新的iPhone,则需要闪电般的耳机插Kong加密狗(#donglelife)。 如果您的iPhone带有加密狗,则该加密狗将正常工作。 如果没有,您可以花9美元买到一个 。 从那里拿起iPhone(如果需要,还可以插入加密狗),然后将3.5mm电缆插入电话/加密狗。 将另一端插入变焦记录器。

If you want to record your side of the call, you’ll also need a mic and an XLR cable. We recommend the tried-and-true Shure SM58 Microphone along with this $7 AmazonBasics XLR cable. Plug That into the second input on the Zoom recorder.

如果要记录通话情况,则还需要麦克风和XLR电缆。 我们建议使用久经考验的Shure SM58麦克风以及这条$ 7的AmazonBasics XLR电缆 。 将其插入变焦记录器的第二个输入。

Finally, you need a set of headphones that plug into the Zoom recorder, so you can hear the person on the other end.



After you’ve plugged your headphones into the Zoom recorder, make your call. Let the other party know the conversation is being recorded, and then press the record button.

将耳机插入变焦记录器后,拨打电话。 让对方知道正在录制对话,然后按录制按钮。

Here’s the whole setup in action.



Of course, this is just one method of recording calls with hardware. There’s a slew of options out there, although they might work differently than what we’ve outlined here. If you’re looking for the highest-quality recording possible, however, the Zoom/SM58 combo is hard to beat.

当然,这只是用硬件记录呼叫的一种方法。 尽管有很多选择可能与我们在此处概述的工作方式有所不同,但仍有很多选择。 但是,如果您正在寻找最高质量的记录,则Zoom / SM58组合很难被击败。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/424772/how-to-record-a-phone-call-on-your-iphone/

