Day 8-The Kite Runner(CH13-14)

Part 1 Vocabulary

1. file: V

Men filed into the room, leaving their shoesat the entrance, and sat cross-legged on the mattresses.

to walk in a line,one behind another


Eg: The visitors filed through the entrance to the ticket offices.

2. I gritted my teeth.

to press your top and bottom teeth together, often in anger


3. on welfare

He had kept his family on welfare.

receiving financial help from the state because you are poor or have not been employed for a long time


4. wedlock: n

They have kids out of wedlock.

the state of being married


5. saving grace:

a good quality that something or someone has that stops it, him, or her from being completely bad


The film's only-one saving grace is the excellent cinematography.

6. stir: V

Hopes stirred awake.

(literary)If an emotion stirs within you, you begin to feel it.


Eg: Hope stirred within her heart.

Part 2: Sentences

1. The idea of fatherhood unleashed a swirl of emotions in me. I found it frightening, invigorating, daunting, and exhilarating all at the same time.


2. The sun sparkled on the water where, dozens of miniature boats sailed, propelled by a crisp San Fran- cisco breeze.


3. I remembered when we used to lay forehead to forehead, sharing afterglow kisses and whispering until our eyes drifted closed


Day 8-The Kite Runner(CH13-14)_第1张图片

Part 3: Summary

Baba’s funeral was held at the mosque inHayward, following the Afghan tradition. The thought of Baba’s death terrified Amir. He had to find the way on his own. Without an engagement period, Amir began to learn about the Taheris after he married into their family. Soraya’s father, the general, suffered from blinding migraines once a month and he had kept his family on welfare instead of degrading himself with work unsuitable for his stature. Because the hope that his service would once again be calledupon still stirred within his heart.  With enchanting singing voice and love forsinging, Soraya’s mother still did not be allowed to sing in public, even at her daughter’s wedding. The gossip about Soraya still spread among those Afghans, which made Soraya sad and feel unfair. But Amir never cared about it partly because Amir knew he had his own past and regret.

Having moved into another apartment, Amir and Soraya settled into the routines. Amir took on a security job which was dreadfully boring but had saving grace. He had enough time to write his novel. Soraya became a teacher in a school. Then Amir’s first novel was released in 1989 and he became a minor celebrity in the Afghan community. It was the same year that Soraya and Amir decided to have a child. Having been treated many times, Soraya was not pregnant. The doctor suggested that they should adopt a child, an idea that they did not accept. Both Amir and Soraya felt the emptiness in their marriage.

In 2001, Amir got a phone call from RahimKhan, his father’s old business partner, who asked Amir to go back to Pakistan, saying “there is a way to be good again”. This phone call reminded Amir of hispast, which he had hidden for many years. Finally, Amir determined to go back and found his own way to be good again.

Part 4 随感


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