Age of Ambition 7


—Do you live on democracy ?

—If democracy can really give you the good life ,that’s good .But without democracy, if we can still have the good life, why should we choose democracy?

Prosperity ,computers ,and Westernization had not pushed China’s elite toward democracy in the way that outsiders had expected .Rather prosperity and the strength of the Party had persuaded more than a few to postpone idealism as long as life for them kept improving .


1、 Its success raised his spirits. 振奋精神

2、 Occidentalized generation 西化的一代

3、 Pampered pigs 催肥猪(pamper someone, you make them feel comfortable by doing things for them or giving them expensive or luxurious things. 溺爱; 细心照顾)

4、 In the anonymity of the Web, decorum deteriorated(politeness )

5、 I was struck that ... (= it reminded me that )

6、 ...for fear that 担心

7、 A six-floor walk-up 没有电梯的楼

8、 He lived largely online 大部分时间都在上网

9、 Take to 用法:take to sb or sth 喜欢/ take to doing sth (begin to do it as a regular habit养成…的习惯 )

10、 When he passed through Shanghai 路过

11、 He fished around in it 翻来翻去

12、 形容人群热切观望的情形: A frisson swept through the crowd. People surged toward the curb, straining to see over one another’s heads.

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