解决MAMP PRO 提示 Either you did not provide the necessary admin credentials or the MAMP PRO package ...

公司购买了2020款M1芯片的MacMini主机,系统为最新的macOS 11.2.3

解决MAMP PRO 提示 Either you did not provide the necessary admin credentials or the MAMP PRO package ..._第1张图片

在软件迁移的过程中,MAMP PRO无法使用了。如下报错:

Either you did not provide the necessary admin credentials or the MAMP PRO package could not be initialized correctly. You can either restart the application and try again or re-install the software.


打开MAMP PRO,在终端执行以下命令,点击回车,然后输入电脑密码,点击回车即可。

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/de.appsolute.mampprohelper.plist

你可能感兴趣的:(解决MAMP PRO 提示 Either you did not provide the necessary admin credentials or the MAMP PRO package ...)