Willpower Day5

1.deprivation       NOUN       the fact of not having sth that you need, like enough food, money or a home; the process that causes this 貧困;喪失;剝奪

原句Studies show that the effects of sleep deprivation on your brain are equivalent to being mildly intoxicated-a state that many of us can attest does little for self-control.

仿 They seemed to recover more quickly from periods of sleep deprivation .睡眠剥夺

2.optimal      ADJ   最理想的;最佳的    most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied.

原Some studies show that a single good night’s sleep restores brain function to an optimal level.

仿He is the optimal candidate.

3.unrelenting     ADJ    (of an unpleasant situation 令人不快的局面 ) not stopping or becoming less severe 持續的;不緩和的;勢頭不減的

原But just as with stress, we run into trouble when self-control becomes chronic and unrelenting.

仿An unrelenting feminist.

4.tension          NOUN     a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax (情緒上的)緊張,煩躁

nervous tension 神經緊張

原If you notice tension in your forehead or jaw, scrunch up your eyes and face,then stretch your mouth wide open before relaxing the face completely.

仿. She felt at rest, the tension gone.

5.pundit            NOUN          a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public 行家;權威;專家

原In recent years, a number of high-profile pundits have claimed that Americans have lost their collective willpower.

例句~The pundit disagree on the best way of dealing with the problem.


To succeed at our willpower challenges, we need to find the state of mind and body that puts our energy toward self-control, not self-defense.


7.The reason for our willpower reduction is the more pressure and less self-control caused by sleep deprivation.Therefore, good enough sleep is needed for us.We can set a willpower rule for ourselves to help us sleep early.At the same time, the author also shows us that chronic self-control is bad for our body. So don't try to control everything.It will increase the chronic stress.Manage stress is an important part of improving our willpower.Slow down the breathing, five minutes of meditation, relax, sleep, they are all good ways for us.

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