Displaying Data with Pipes
Check code at: https://github.com/wghglory/angular2-fundamental
Using Built-in Pipes
Now in event list page, you can see event title case is not unique, so we can use pipe to make all titles uppercase.
Take event-detail.component.html for instance:
{{event?.name | uppercase}}
Date: {{event?.date | date:'shortDate'}}
Price: {{event?.price | currency:'USD':true}}
Creating a Custom Pipe
Now a problem is duration shows number instead of readable text in event-detail's session list.
- create events/shared/duration.pipe.ts. Register it in barrel, AppModule
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'
@Pipe({ name: 'duration' })
export class DurationPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: number): string {
switch (value) {
case 1: return 'Half Hour'
case 2: return 'One Hour'
case 3: return 'Half Day'
case 4: return 'Full Hour'
default: return value.toString();
- session-list add duration pipe:
Duration: {{session.duration | duration}}
Sorting and Filtering Overview
Angular 1 has performance issues. One is using filter, sort by pipe. If a object array have thousands of objects and each object has many properties, it will be very costly to filter or sort. Angular 1 checks if each property of all objects has changed...
Angular 2 pipe is no longer responsible for sorting or filtering. By default, angular 2 runs the pipe only when the identity of source has changed. Angular 2 also can use "impure pipes", which is same mechanism as angular 1 with performance issue
In event-detail page, session-list has "level", and we want to filter session-list by "level". We put 4 buttons on top.
event-detail.component.ts add "filterBy" property:
export class EventDetailComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private eventService: EventService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
event: IEvent
addMode: boolean = false
+ filterBy: string = 'all';
+ import { Component, Input, OnChanges } from '@angular/core'
import { ISession } from '../shared/index'
selector: 'session-list',
templateUrl: 'app/events/event-detail/session-list.component.html'
export class SessionListComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() sessions: ISession[]
+ @Input() filterBy: string
+ visibleSessions: ISession[] = [];
//whenever the input variable changes
+ ngOnChanges() {
+ if (this.sessions) {
+ this.filterSessions(this.filterBy);
+ }
+ }
+ filterSessions(filter) {
+ if (filter === 'all') {
+ // this.visibleSessions = this.sessions; //wrong, we want to make a copy
+ this.visibleSessions = this.sessions.slice(0); //clone the arr
+ } else {
+ this.visibleSessions = this.sessions.filter(s => {
+ return s.level.toLocaleLowerCase() == filter;
+ })
+ }
+ }
session-list.component.html: use visiableSessions instead of sessions
event-detail.component.ts add sortBy property:
sortBy: string = 'votes'; //default votes
import { Component, Input, OnChanges } from '@angular/core'
import { ISession } from '../shared/index'
selector: 'session-list',
templateUrl: 'app/events/event-detail/session-list.component.html'
export class SessionListComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() sessions: ISession[]
@Input() filterBy: string
visibleSessions: ISession[] = [];
+ @Input() sortBy: string
//whenever the input variable changes
ngOnChanges() {
if (this.sessions) {
+ this.sortBy === 'name' ? this.visibleSessions.sort(sortByNameAsc) : this.visibleSessions.sort(sortByVotesDesc)
filterSessions(filter) {
if (filter === 'all') {
// this.visibleSessions = this.sessions; //wrong, we want to make a copy
this.visibleSessions = this.sessions.slice(0); //clone the arr
} else {
this.visibleSessions = this.sessions.filter(s => {
return s.level.toLocaleLowerCase() == filter;
+ function sortByNameAsc(s1: ISession, s2: ISession) {
+ if (s1.name > s2.name) return 1;
+ else if (s1.name === s2.name) return 0;
+ else return -1;
+ }
+ function sortByVotesDesc(s1: ISession, s2: ISession) {
+ return (s2.voters.length - s1.voters.length);
+ }