【SafeInsureCoin】 BlockChain Risk ManageMent - FINEXBOX

#虚拟币 #FINEXBOX #交易所 #比特币 #狗狗币 #以太坊

Safeinsure is a decentralized insurance marketplace bringing equitable price discovery and global access to insurance policy shoppers worldwide. SafeInsure puts consumer power back in your hands with an honest, accountable, and democratic insurance marketplace on the blockchain.

#SafeInsure(#SINS) deposits/withdrawals and trading are enabled. Welcome to trade! #finexbox #likefollowback #Airdrop #IFB #IFBDrive#1DDrive #refollow #1FIRST #Dogecoin #237Drive #EdeDrive#взаимный #фолловинг #フォロワー #相互关注#giveaway #虚拟币 #FINEXBOX #交易所 #比特币 #狗狗币 #以太坊

twitter: https://twitter.com/finexbox/status/1073520838152876032

transaction link: https://www.finexbox.com/market/pair/SINS-BTC.html

你可能感兴趣的:(【SafeInsureCoin】 BlockChain Risk ManageMent - FINEXBOX)