

public interface ProxyFactory {

  // 设置工厂属性
  default void setProperties(Properties properties) {

  // 创建代理对象
  Object createProxy(Object target, ResultLoaderMap lazyLoader, Configuration configuration, ObjectFactory objectFactory, List> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs);





public class CglibProxyFactory implements ProxyFactory {

  private static final String FINALIZE_METHOD = "finalize";
  private static final String WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD = "writeReplace";

  public CglibProxyFactory() {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot enable lazy loading because CGLIB is not available. Add CGLIB to your classpath.", e);

  // 创建一个代理
  public Object createProxy(Object target, ResultLoaderMap lazyLoader, Configuration configuration, ObjectFactory objectFactory, List> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs) {
    return EnhancedResultObjectProxyImpl.createProxy(target, lazyLoader, configuration, objectFactory, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs);

  // 创建一个反序列化的代理
  public Object createDeserializationProxy(Object target, Map unloadedProperties, ObjectFactory objectFactory, List> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs) {
    return EnhancedDeserializationProxyImpl.createProxy(target, unloadedProperties, objectFactory, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs);
  private static class EnhancedResultObjectProxyImpl implements MethodInterceptor {

    // 被代理类
    private final Class type;
    // 要懒加载的属性Map
    private final ResultLoaderMap lazyLoader;
    // 是否是激进懒加载
    private final boolean aggressive;
    // 能够触发懒加载的方法名“equals”, “clone”, “hashCode”, “toString”。这四个方法名在Configuration中被初始化。
    private final Set lazyLoadTriggerMethods;
    // 对象工厂
    private final ObjectFactory objectFactory;
    // 被代理类构造函数的参数类型列表
    private final List> constructorArgTypes;
    // 被代理类构造函数的参数列表
    private final List constructorArgs;

    private EnhancedResultObjectProxyImpl(Class type, ResultLoaderMap lazyLoader, Configuration configuration, ObjectFactory objectFactory, List> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs) {
      this.type = type;
      this.lazyLoader = lazyLoader;
      this.aggressive = configuration.isAggressiveLazyLoading();
      this.lazyLoadTriggerMethods = configuration.getLazyLoadTriggerMethods();
      this.objectFactory = objectFactory;
      this.constructorArgTypes = constructorArgTypes;
      this.constructorArgs = constructorArgs;

    public static Object createProxy(Object target, ResultLoaderMap lazyLoader, Configuration configuration, ObjectFactory objectFactory, List> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs) {
      final Class type = target.getClass();
      EnhancedResultObjectProxyImpl callback = new EnhancedResultObjectProxyImpl(type, lazyLoader, configuration, objectFactory, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs);
      Object enhanced = crateProxy(type, callback, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs);
      PropertyCopier.copyBeanProperties(type, target, enhanced);
      return enhanced;

     * 代理类的拦截方法
     * @param enhanced 代理对象本身
     * @param method 被调用的方法
     * @param args 每调用的方法的参数
     * @param methodProxy 用来调用父类的代理
     * @return 方法返回值
     * @throws Throwable
    public Object intercept(Object enhanced, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
      // 取出被代理类中此次被调用的方法的名称
      final String methodName = method.getName();
      try {
        synchronized (lazyLoader) { // 防止属性的并发加载
          if (WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD.equals(methodName)) { // 被调用的是writeReplace方法
            // 创建一个原始对象
            Object original;
            if (constructorArgTypes.isEmpty()) {
              original = objectFactory.create(type);
            } else {
              original = objectFactory.create(type, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs);
            // 将被代理对象的属性拷贝进入新创建的对象
            PropertyCopier.copyBeanProperties(type, enhanced, original);
            if (lazyLoader.size() > 0) { // 存在懒加载属性
              // 则此时返回的信息要更多,不仅仅是原对象,还有相关的懒加载的设置等信息。因此使用CglibSerialStateHolder进行一次封装
              return new CglibSerialStateHolder(original, lazyLoader.getProperties(), objectFactory, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs);
            } else {
              // 没有未懒加载的属性了,那直接返回原对象进行序列化
              return original;
          } else {
            if (lazyLoader.size() > 0 && !FINALIZE_METHOD.equals(methodName)) { // 存在懒加载属性且被调用的不是finalize方法
              if (aggressive || lazyLoadTriggerMethods.contains(methodName)) { // 设置了激进懒加载或者被调用的方法是能够触发全局懒加载的方法
                // 完成所有属性的懒加载
              } else if (PropertyNamer.isSetter(methodName)) { // 调用了属性写方法
                // 则先清除该属性的懒加载设置。该属性不需要被懒加载了
                final String property = PropertyNamer.methodToProperty(methodName);
              } else if (PropertyNamer.isGetter(methodName)) { // 调用了属性读方法
                final String property = PropertyNamer.methodToProperty(methodName);
                // 如果该属性是尚未加载的懒加载属性,则进行懒加载
                if (lazyLoader.hasLoader(property)) {
        // 触发被代理类的相应方法。能够进行到这里的是除去writeReplace方法外的方法,例如读写方法、toString方法等
        return methodProxy.invokeSuper(enhanced, args);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);







public static class LoadPair implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20130412;
    // 用来根据反射得到数据库连接的方法名
    private static final String FACTORY_METHOD = "getConfiguration";
    // 判断是否经过了序列化的标志位,因为该属性被设置了transient,经过一次序列化和反序列化后会变为null
    private final transient Object serializationCheck = new Object();
    // 输出结果对象的封装
    private transient MetaObject metaResultObject;
    // 用以加载未加载属性的加载器
    private transient ResultLoader resultLoader;
    // 日志记录器
    private transient Log log;
    // 用来获取数据库连接的工厂
    private Class configurationFactory;
    // 未加载的属性的属性名
    private String property;
    // 能够加载未加载属性的SQL的编号
    private String mappedStatement;
    // 能够加载未加载属性的SQL的参数
    private Serializable mappedParameter;

    private LoadPair(final String property, MetaObject metaResultObject, ResultLoader resultLoader) { = property;
      this.metaResultObject = metaResultObject;
      this.resultLoader = resultLoader;

      if (metaResultObject != null && metaResultObject.getOriginalObject() instanceof Serializable) {
        final Object mappedStatementParameter = resultLoader.parameterObject;

        if (mappedStatementParameter instanceof Serializable) {
          this.mappedStatement = resultLoader.mappedStatement.getId();
          this.mappedParameter = (Serializable) mappedStatementParameter;

          this.configurationFactory = resultLoader.configuration.getConfigurationFactory();
        } else {
          Log log = this.getLogger();
          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Property [" + + "] of ["
                    + metaResultObject.getOriginalObject().getClass() + "] cannot be loaded "
                    + "after deserialization. Make sure it's loaded before serializing "
                    + "forenamed object.");

    public void load() throws SQLException {
      if (this.metaResultObject == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("metaResultObject is null");
      if (this.resultLoader == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("resultLoader is null");


     * 进行加载操作
     * @param userObject 需要被懒加载的对象(只有当this.metaResultObject == null || this.resultLoader == null才生效,否则会采用属性metaResultObject对应的对象)
     * @throws SQLException
    public void load(final Object userObject) throws SQLException {
      if (this.metaResultObject == null || this.resultLoader == null) { // 输出结果对象的封装不存在或者输出结果加载器不存在
        // 判断用以加载属性的对应的SQL语句存在
        if (this.mappedParameter == null) {
          throw new ExecutorException("Property [" + + "] cannot be loaded because "
                  + "required parameter of mapped statement ["
                  + this.mappedStatement + "] is not serializable.");

        final Configuration config = this.getConfiguration();
        // 取出用来加载结果的SQL语句
        final MappedStatement ms = config.getMappedStatement(this.mappedStatement);
        if (ms == null) {
          throw new ExecutorException("Cannot lazy load property [" +
                  + "] of deserialized object [" + userObject.getClass()
                  + "] because configuration does not contain statement ["
                  + this.mappedStatement + "]");

        // 创建结果对象的包装
        this.metaResultObject = config.newMetaObject(userObject);
        // 创建结果加载器
        this.resultLoader = new ResultLoader(config, new ClosedExecutor(), ms, this.mappedParameter,
                metaResultObject.getSetterType(, null, null);

      // 只要经历过持久化,则可能在别的线程中了。为这次惰性加载创建的新线程ResultLoader
      if (this.serializationCheck == null) {
        // 取出原来的ResultLoader中的必要信息,然后创建一个新的
        // 这是因为load函数可能在不同的时间多次执行(第一次加载属性A,又过了好久加载属性B)。
        // 而该对象的各种属性是跟随对象的,加载属性B时还保留着加载属性A时的状态,即ResultLoader是加载属性A时设置的
        // 则此时ResultLoader中的Executor在ResultLoader中被替换成了一个能运行的Executor,而不是ClosedExecutor
        // 能运行的Executor的状态可能不是close,这将导致它被复用,从而引发多线程问题
        // 是不是被两次执行的一个关键点就是有没有经过序列化,因为执行完后会被序列化并持久化
        final ResultLoader old = this.resultLoader;
        this.resultLoader = new ResultLoader(old.configuration, new ClosedExecutor(), old.mappedStatement,
                old.parameterObject, old.targetType, old.cacheKey, old.boundSql);

      this.metaResultObject.setValue(property, this.resultLoader.loadResult());

    private Configuration getConfiguration() {
      if (this.configurationFactory == null) {
        throw new ExecutorException("Cannot get Configuration as configuration factory was not set.");

      Object configurationObject;
      try {
        final Method factoryMethod = this.configurationFactory.getDeclaredMethod(FACTORY_METHOD);
        if (!Modifier.isStatic(factoryMethod.getModifiers())) {
          throw new ExecutorException("Cannot get Configuration as factory method ["
                  + this.configurationFactory + "]#["
                  + FACTORY_METHOD + "] is not static.");

        if (!factoryMethod.isAccessible()) {
          configurationObject = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedExceptionAction) () -> {
            try {
              return factoryMethod.invoke(null);
            } finally {
        } else {
          configurationObject = factoryMethod.invoke(null);
      } catch (final ExecutorException ex) {
        throw ex;
      } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) {
        throw new ExecutorException("Cannot get Configuration as factory class ["
                + this.configurationFactory + "] is missing factory method of name ["
                + FACTORY_METHOD + "].", ex);
      } catch (final PrivilegedActionException ex) {
        throw new ExecutorException("Cannot get Configuration as factory method ["
                + this.configurationFactory + "]#["
                + FACTORY_METHOD + "] threw an exception.", ex.getCause());
      } catch (final Exception ex) {
        throw new ExecutorException("Cannot get Configuration as factory method ["
                + this.configurationFactory + "]#["
                + FACTORY_METHOD + "] threw an exception.", ex);

      if (!(configurationObject instanceof Configuration)) {
        throw new ExecutorException("Cannot get Configuration as factory method ["
                + this.configurationFactory + "]#["
                + FACTORY_METHOD + "] didn't return [" + Configuration.class + "] but ["
                + (configurationObject == null ? "null" : configurationObject.getClass()) + "].");

      return Configuration.class.cast(configurationObject);

    private Log getLogger() {
      if (this.log == null) {
        this.log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
      return this.log;

到此这篇关于mybatis源码解读之executor包懒加载功能 的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关executor包懒加载功能 内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
