SAP UI5 应用在发送 OData batch 请求之前,会通过下列的_createBatchRequest
方法构造 batch 请求对象:
var oBatchRequest = that._createBatchRequest(aReadRequests);
该请求对象的 data 字段里,包含 batch 具体的 payload:
- Invoices?$skip=0&$top=100&$orderby=ShipperName%20asc
- Invoices/$count
该请求头部字段 Accept 为 multipart/mixed:
然后通过 oWrappedBatchRequestHandle.oRequestHandle = that._submitBatchRequest(oBatchRequest, aBatchGroup, fnSuccess, fnError) 方法进行提交。
token handling 标志位为 true,且方法不为 POST,因此在执行 batch 操作之前,先要获取 CSRF token:
url 为:
首先尝试 head 请求,如果报错,再切换成 get 请求:
// Initially try method "HEAD", error handler falls back to "GET" unless the flag forbids HEAD request
if (this.bDisableHeadRequestForToken) {
mTokenRequest.request = requestToken("GET", handleGetError);
} else {
mTokenRequest.request = requestToken("HEAD", handleHeadError);
请求 token 的 HTTP 请求的 Content-type 设置逻辑,和标志位 bJson
最重要的头部字段 x-csrf-token
, 值被填充成 fetch:
function requestToken(sRequestType, fnError) {
// trigger a read to the service url to fetch the token
oRequest = that._createRequest(sUrl, "", sRequestType,
that._getHeaders(undefined, true), null, null, !!bAsync);
oRequest.headers["x-csrf-token"] = "Fetch";
return that._request(oRequest, handleSuccess, fnError, undefined, undefined, that.getServiceMetadata());
执行了 head 请求后,响应的状态码是 200,但是 responseText
还是进入 success callback:
使用 handler 读取 token 请求的 response,这个 handler 支持的 content-type 类型:application/atomsvc+xml;q=0.8, application/json;odata=fullmetadata;q=0.7, application/json;q=0.5, /;q=0.1
这里因为 response.body 是空的,因此进入不了 dispatchHandler
清除所有相关的 token 标志位:
ODataModel.prototype.resetSecurityToken = function() {
delete this.oSharedServiceData.securityToken;
delete this.oHeaders["x-csrf-token"];
delete this.pSecurityToken;
resolve 一个空的 token 给 callback: