
A: What are you in the mood for tonight?
B: I'm in the mood for an action movie. What about the new Bond movie?

A: Do you feel like seeing a comedy or a romance?
B: I'd rather see a comedy. I don't really care for romances.



A: What are you in the mood for tonight? 您今天晚上想看什么电影?
B: I'm in the mood for an action movie. What about the new Bond movie? 我想看动作片。那部邦德新片怎么样?

A: Do you feel like seeing a comedy or a romance? 您想看喜剧片还是爱情片?
B: I'd rather see a comedy. I don't really care for romances. 我比较喜欢看喜剧片。我不喜欢爱情片。


I've already seen it, but I'd see it again. 我已经看过了,但我还想再看一遍。

I've heard it's not very good. 我听说不是很好。

The reviews were very negative. 评论都非常负面。

People say it's really fabulous. 大家说非常精彩。
