
class Person:

def __init__(self, firstName, lastName, idNumber):

self.firstName = firstName

self.lastName = lastName

self.idNumber = idNumber

def printPerson(self):

print("Name:", self.lastName +",", self.firstName)

print("ID:", self.idNumber)

class Student(Person):

# Class Constructor


#  Parameters:

#  firstName - A string denoting the Person's first name.

#  lastName - A string denoting the Person's last name.

#  id - An integer denoting the Person's ID number.

#  scores - An array of integers denoting the Person's test scores.


# Write your constructor here

#  Function Name: calculate

#  Return: A character denoting the grade.


# Write your function here

    def __init__(self, firstName, lastName, idNumber, scores):

super().__init__(firstName, lastName, idNumber)

self.scores = scores

def calculate(self):


if (avg>=90 and avg<=100):

return 'O'

        elif (avg>=80 and avg<90):

return 'E'

        elif (avg>=70 and avg<80):

return 'A'

        elif (avg>=55 and avg<70):

return 'P'

        elif (avg>=40 and avg<55):

return 'D'

        elif avg<40:

return 'T'

line =input().split()

firstName = line[0]

lastName = line[1]

idNum = line[2]

numScores =int(input())# not needed for Python

scores =list(map(int, input().split()))

s = Student(firstName, lastName, idNum, scores)


print("Grade:", s.calculate())
