6. ZigZag Conversion - LeetCode

LeetCode Problems Solutions

question description: 问题描述


6. ZigZag Conversion - LeetCode_第1张图片


6. ZigZag Conversion - LeetCode_第2张图片


solution with java - Java解决方案

public String convert(String s, int numRows) {

        if (numRows == 1) { //特殊处理,建议单独写在这里,避免后面逻辑复杂
            return s;

        String resultStr = ""; // 结果值

        int keyIndex = 0; //字典的key值,只会是从 0 到 numrows - 1 的值
        boolean israsing = true; // 是否递增 01234321012343210

        Map dict = new HashMap<>();//将传进来的字符串 有规律的保存进字典

        char[] characters = s.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < characters.length ; i ++){

            Character chars = characters[i];

            if (keyIndex == 0) {

                israsing = true;

            }else if (keyIndex == (numRows - 1)) {

                israsing = false;

            String key = keyIndex + "";
            if (dict.get(key) == null) {
                dict.put(key,dict.get(key) + chars.toString());

            if (israsing) {
                keyIndex += 1;
                keyIndex -= 1;

        for (int j = 0 ; j < numRows ; j ++){
            String index = j + "";
            if (dict.get(index) != null){
                resultStr += dict.get(index);

        return resultStr;


solution with swift - swift解决方案

func convert(_ s: String, _ numRows: Int) -> String {
        if numRows == 1 { //特殊处理,建议单独写在这里,避免后面逻辑复杂
            return s
        var resultStr = "" // 结果值

        var keyIndex = 0 //字典的key值,只会是从 0 到 numrows - 1 的值
        var israsing = true // 是否递增 01234321012343210
        var dict = [String:String]() //将传进来的字符串 有规律的保存进字典
        for char in s.characters{
//            let startIndex = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: multiple * numRows + remainder)
//            let endIndex = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: index + 1)
//            resultStr = s.replacingCharacters(in: startIndex..

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