LeetCode github集合,附CMU大神整理笔记

Github LeetCode集合



Github 项目链接:https://github.com/sunliancheng/leetcode_github




最近重做了好多很早前刷过的题目,比较欣慰的是从能AC(耗时很多)到现在时间能 beat 95%的题目,同时思路比较清晰。感觉还是蛮有成就感的。

经不完全统计,我 leetcode 代码行数破一万行了。这是我的一小步,也是我的一大步!


序号 题目
1 Two Sum
2 Add Two Numbers
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
4 Median Of Two Sorted Arrays
5 Longest Palindromic Substring
6 Zigzag Conversion
7 Reverse Integer
8 String To Integer
9 Palindrome Number
10 Regular Expression Matching
11 Container With Most Water
12 Integer To Roman
13 Roman To Integer
14 Longest Common Prefix
15 3 Sum
16 3 Sum Cloest
17 Letter Combinations Of A Phone Number
18 4 Sum
19 Remove Nth Node From End Of List
20 Valid Parentheses
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists
22 Generate Parentheses
23 Merge K Sorted Liksts
24 Swap Nodes In Pairs
25 Reverse Nodes In K Group
26 Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
27 Remove Element
28 Implement StrStr
29 Divide Two Integers
30 Substring With Concatenation Of All Words
31 Next Permutaion
32 Longest Valid Parentheses
33 Search In Rotated Sorted Array
34 Find First And Last Position Of Element In Sorted Array
35 Search Insert Position
36 Valid Sudoku
37 Sudoku Solver
38 Count And Say
39 Combination Sum
40 Combination Sum2
41 First Missing Positive
42 Trapping Rain Water
43 Multiply Strings
44 Wildcard Matching
45 Jump Game2
46 Permutations
47 Permutations2
48 Rotate Image
49 Group Anagrams
50 Pow
51 N Queens
52 N Queens2
53 Maximum Subarray
54 Spiral Matrix
55 Jump Game
56 Merge Intervals
57 Insert Iterval
58 Length Of Last Word
59 Spiral Matrix2
60 Permutation Sequence
61 Rotate List
62 Unique Paths
63 Unique Paths2
64 Minimum Path Sum
65 Valid Number
66 Plus One
67 Add Binary
69 Sqrt
70 Climbing Stairs
71 Simplify Path
72 Edit Distance
73 Set Matrix Zeros
74 Search A 2D Matrix
75 Sort
