Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 July 11

Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 July 11_第1张图片

【作者】Eileen Caddy



WHAT does life mean to you? Do you enjoy it to the full? Do you expect the very best from it? Do you accept that it is infinite, that it has no beginning and no end? Does the knowledge thrill and uplift you, or does it horrify and depress you? Your attitude towards life at this time is most important, for many wonders are unfolding, and it is necessary that you go along with all that is happening and do not fight against it. It is a time of unfoldment, not of strife or struggle; therefore be still, behold wonder upon wonder unfold in true perfection, and give eternal thanks. Give thanks for being alive and for being part of what is taking place. Give thanks for the rapid changes, and change with the changes. All is for the very best; therefore be not afraid but move forward joyfully. Feel yourself a part of the whole process of change, of wholeness and of newness.



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