

mutate() adds new variables that are functions of existing variables
select()picks variables based on their names.
filter() picks cases based on their values.
summarise() reduces multiple values down to a single summary.
arrange() changes the ordering of the rows.
group_by()allows you to perform any operation “by group”






# 数据准备
data(Gasoline, package = "plm")
gasoline <- as_tibble(Gasoline)



filter(gasoline, year == 1969)
## # A tibble: 18 x 6
##    country   year lgaspcar lincomep  lrpmg lcarpcap
##  1 AUSTRIA   1969     4.05    -6.15 -0.559    -8.79
##  2 BELGIUM   1969     3.85    -5.86 -0.355    -8.52
##  3 CANADA    1969     4.86    -5.56 -1.04     -8.10
##  4 DENMARK   1969     4.17    -5.72 -0.407    -8.47
##  5 FRANCE    1969     3.77    -5.84 -0.315    -8.37
##  6 GERMANY   1969     3.90    -5.83 -0.589    -8.44
##  7 GREECE    1969     4.89    -6.59 -0.180   -10.7 
##  8 IRELAND   1969     4.21    -6.38 -0.272    -8.95
##  9 ITALY     1969     3.74    -6.28 -0.248    -8.67
## 10 JAPAN     1969     4.52    -6.16 -0.417    -9.61
## 11 NETHERLA  1969     3.99    -5.88 -0.417    -8.63
## 12 NORWAY    1969     4.09    -5.74 -0.338    -8.69
## 13 SPAIN     1969     3.99    -5.60  0.669    -9.72
## 14 SWEDEN    1969     3.99    -7.77 -2.73     -8.20
## 15 SWITZERL  1969     4.21    -5.91 -0.918    -8.47
## 16 TURKEY    1969     5.72    -7.39 -0.298   -12.5 
## 17 U.K.      1969     3.95    -6.03 -0.383    -8.47
## 18 U.S.A.    1969     4.84    -5.41 -1.22     -7.79


gasoline %>% filter(year == 1969)

效果是一样的。管道操作符%>%的作用就是把符号前的对象作为第一个参数传递给符号后的函数。x %>% f(y)等价于f(x,y)
between(x, left, right)等价于x >= left & x <= right(dplyr包的函数)

gasoline %>% filter(year %in% seq(1969, 1973))
gasoline %>% filter(between(year, 1969, 1973))


## # A tibble: 90 x 6
##    country  year lgaspcar lincomep  lrpmg lcarpcap
##  1 AUSTRIA  1969     4.05    -6.15 -0.559    -8.79
##  2 AUSTRIA  1970     4.08    -6.08 -0.597    -8.73
##  3 AUSTRIA  1971     4.11    -6.04 -0.654    -8.64
##  4 AUSTRIA  1972     4.13    -5.98 -0.596    -8.54
##  5 AUSTRIA  1973     4.20    -5.90 -0.594    -8.49
##  6 BELGIUM  1969     3.85    -5.86 -0.355    -8.52
##  7 BELGIUM  1970     3.87    -5.80 -0.378    -8.45
##  8 BELGIUM  1971     3.87    -5.76 -0.399    -8.41
##  9 BELGIUM  1972     3.91    -5.71 -0.311    -8.36
## 10 BELGIUM  1973     3.90    -5.64 -0.373    -8.31
## # ... with 80 more rows



gasoline %>% select(country, year, lrpmg)
## # A tibble: 342 x 3
##    country  year  lrpmg
##  1 AUSTRIA  1960 -0.335
##  2 AUSTRIA  1961 -0.351
##  3 AUSTRIA  1962 -0.380
##  4 AUSTRIA  1963 -0.414
##  5 AUSTRIA  1964 -0.445
##  6 AUSTRIA  1965 -0.497
##  7 AUSTRIA  1966 -0.467
##  8 AUSTRIA  1967 -0.506
##  9 AUSTRIA  1968 -0.522
## 10 AUSTRIA  1969 -0.559
## # ... with 332 more rows


gasoline %>% select(-country, -year, -lrpmg)
## # A tibble: 342 x 3
##    lgaspcar lincomep lcarpcap
##  1     4.17    -6.47    -9.77
##  2     4.10    -6.43    -9.61
##  3     4.07    -6.41    -9.46
##  4     4.06    -6.37    -9.34
##  5     4.04    -6.32    -9.24
##  6     4.03    -6.29    -9.12
##  7     4.05    -6.25    -9.02
##  8     4.05    -6.23    -8.93
##  9     4.05    -6.21    -8.85
## 10     4.05    -6.15    -8.79
## # ... with 332 more rows

提取变量时可以用new_name = old_name的表达方式对变量进行重新命名:

gasoline %>% select(country, date = year, lrpmg)
##  # A tibble: 342 x 3
##     country  date  lrpmg
##   1 AUSTRIA  1960 -0.335
##   2 AUSTRIA  1961 -0.351
##   3 AUSTRIA  1962 -0.380
##   4 AUSTRIA  1963 -0.414
##   5 AUSTRIA  1964 -0.445
##   6 AUSTRIA  1965 -0.497
##   7 AUSTRIA  1966 -0.467
##   8 AUSTRIA  1967 -0.506
##   9 AUSTRIA  1968 -0.522
##  10 AUSTRIA  1969 -0.559
##  # ... with 332 more rows


gasoline %>% rename(nation = country, date = year)
## # A tibble: 342 x 6
##    nation   date lgaspcar lincomep  lrpmg lcarpcap
##  1 AUSTRIA  1960     4.17    -6.47 -0.335    -9.77
##  2 AUSTRIA  1961     4.10    -6.43 -0.351    -9.61
##  3 AUSTRIA  1962     4.07    -6.41 -0.380    -9.46
##  4 AUSTRIA  1963     4.06    -6.37 -0.414    -9.34
##  5 AUSTRIA  1964     4.04    -6.32 -0.445    -9.24
##  6 AUSTRIA  1965     4.03    -6.29 -0.497    -9.12
##  7 AUSTRIA  1966     4.05    -6.25 -0.467    -9.02
##  8 AUSTRIA  1967     4.05    -6.23 -0.506    -8.93
##  9 AUSTRIA  1968     4.05    -6.21 -0.522    -8.85
## 10 AUSTRIA  1969     4.05    -6.15 -0.559    -8.79
## # ... with 332 more rows


gasoline %>% select(year, country, lrpmg, everything())
## # A tibble: 342 x 6
##     year country  lrpmg lgaspcar lincomep lcarpcap
##  1  1960 AUSTRIA -0.335     4.17    -6.47    -9.77
##  2  1961 AUSTRIA -0.351     4.10    -6.43    -9.61
##  3  1962 AUSTRIA -0.380     4.07    -6.41    -9.46
##  4  1963 AUSTRIA -0.414     4.06    -6.37    -9.34
##  5  1964 AUSTRIA -0.445     4.04    -6.32    -9.24
##  6  1965 AUSTRIA -0.497     4.03    -6.29    -9.12
##  7  1966 AUSTRIA -0.467     4.05    -6.25    -9.02
##  8  1967 AUSTRIA -0.506     4.05    -6.23    -8.93
##  9  1968 AUSTRIA -0.522     4.05    -6.21    -8.85
## 10  1969 AUSTRIA -0.559     4.05    -6.15    -8.79
## # ... with 332 more rows

代码中的everything()的作用是选择所有变量。它是"select helper"中的一员。
select helper是一组只在select()中起作用的特殊函数,它们的功能是方便地根据变量名选择变量, select helper包括:

starts_with(): Starts with a prefix.
ends_with(): Ends with a suffix.
contains(): Contains a literal string.
matches(): Matches a regular expression.
num_range(): Matches a numerical range like x01, x02, x03.
one_of(): Matches variable names in a character vector.
everything(): Matches all variables.
last_col(): Select last variable, possibly with an offset.

