【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)

【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第1张图片




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论文名称 简称 会议/期刊 出版年份 baseline backbone 数据集
Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification - CVPR 2021 - LUPerson、market501、dukeMTMC-reID、CUHK03、MSMT17

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1,we present a large scale unlabeled person re-identification (Re-ID) dataset “LUPerson” and make the first attempt ofperforming unsupervised pre-training for improving the generalization ability of the learned person Re-ID feature representation.
2,Based on LUPerson, we system- atically study the key factors for learning Re-ID features from two perspectives: data augmentation and contrastive loss. Unsupervised


Our results also show that the performance improvement is more significant on small-scale target datasets or under few-shot setting.



【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第2张图片

Figure 3: Illustration of the Momentum Contrast mecha- nism for contrastive learning in MoCo [19].


1,文章自己构建了一个数据集 LUPerson: Large-scale Re-ID Dataset。一个超大规模的行人重识别数据集,超过200K identities,由46个场景收集得到。
【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第3张图片

2, 文章数据在YouTube上收集,使用YOLO-v5 来训练MS-COCO进行修行人检测,使用HRnet来检测身体的关键点。
如果一个行人满足:a头和上身可视,b下身局部可视。 c高宽比在1.5到5之间,d检测置信度大于0.72,e bounding box宽度大于48px,则是有效的。

3, LUPerson和现有数据集的比较。

  • LUPerson 是MSMT17的 30倍。
  • LUPerson 包含46260个场景,而现有的数据集最多15个场景(MSMT17)。
  • 拍摄设备复杂多样化。 - 光线范围变化大。
  • 风格和姿势多样化。

4, 使用广泛使用的对比学习方法 MoCoV2[9] 作为 baseline。通过两个增强分别得到查询样本q和正样本k+,构建对比损失如公式1所示。
【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第4张图片

5,文章设计的增强策略做了两点改变, 1是增加了 Ran- domErasing with high strength ,2是剔除了色彩抖动(color jitter)【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第5张图片

【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第6张图片



【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第7张图片


1,文章的出发点在于构建了一个超大的person re-ID数据集。这也是Re-ID研究领域的巨大贡献。
2,文章在对比学习的具体实现细节上很用心,通过细致的实验验证,对数据增强策略做出来改进。 同时,对大家广泛使用的 温度参数的取值也提出了质疑,并通过实验求得最佳值。
3,在迁移特征方面 也比较细致地对原有模型参数进行校准,这一点也极具创新性。

【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification(UPT)_第8张图片


author = {Dengpan Fu and
Dongdong Chen and
Jianmin Bao and
Hao Yang and
Lu Yuan and
Lei Zhang and
Houqiang Li and
Dong Chen},
title = {Unsupervised Pre-Training for Person Re-Identification},
booktitle = {{CVPR}},
pages = {14750–14759},
publisher = {Computer Vision Foundation / {IEEE}},
year = {2021}


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