先安装MySQL,安装server和client……然后要安装开发包,在Ubuntu下:sudo apt-get install libMySQLclient15-dev
gcc -o mysqlDemo -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient main.c
In the MySQL and mSQL world, there are three basic concepts: the connection, the result set, and the rows in the result set. We will use these concepts as the core of the object model on which our library will be based.
Figure 13-1. Object-oriented database access library
#ifndef CONNECTION_H #define CONNECTION_H #include <sys/time.h> //if you use Microsoft SQL Server #if defined(HAS_MSQL) #include <msql.h> //you use mysql #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) #include <mysql.h> #endif #include "Result.h" class Connection { public: Connection(const char*,const char*); Connection(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*); ~Connection(); void Close(); void Connect(const char* host,const char* dataBase, const char* userID,const char* password); int GetAffectedRows() const; const char* GetError(); int IsConnected() const; Result* Query(const char* sqlCommand); private: int affectedRows; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) int connection; #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) MYSQL mysql; MYSQL* connection; #else #error No database defined. #endif }; #endif // CONNECTION_H
#include "Connection.h" Connection::Connection(const char* host,const char* dataBase) :affectedRows(0) { #if defined(HAS_MSQL) connection=-1; #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) connection=(MYSQL*)NULL; #else #error No database linked. #endif Connect(host,dataBase,(const char*)NULL,(const char*)NULL); } Connection::Connection(const char* host,const char* dataBase, const char* userID,const char* password) :affectedRows(0) { #if defined(HAS_MSQL) connection=-1; #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) connection=(MYSQL*)NULL; #else #error No database linked. #endif Connect(host,dataBase,userID,password); } void Connection::Connect(const char* host,const char* dataBase, const char* userID,const char* password) { int state; if(IsConnected()) throw "Connection has been established."; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) connection=msqlConnect(host); state=msqlSelectDB(connection,dataBase); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) mysql_init(&mysql); connection=mysql_real_connect(&mysql,host,userID,password, dataBase,0,NULL,0); #else #error No database linked. #endif if(!IsConnected()) throw GetError(); if(state<0) throw GetError(); } Connection::~Connection() { if(IsConnected()) Close(); } void Connection::Close() { if(!IsConnected()) return; #if defined HAS_MSQL msqlClose(connection); connection=-1; #elif defined HAS_MYSQL mysql_close(connection); connection=(MYSQL*)NULL; #else #error No database linked #endif } Result* Connection::Query(const char* sqlCommand) { T_RESULT* result; int state; if(!IsConnected()) throw "DataBase not connected."; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) state=mysqlQuery(connection,sqlCommand); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) state=mysql_query(connection,sqlCommand); #else #error No dataBase Linked. #endif if(state!=0) throw GetError(); #if defined(HAS_MSQL) result=msqlStoreResult(); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) result=mysql_store_result(connection); #else #error No database linked. #endif //if the result was null,it was an update or an error occurred if(result==(T_RESULT*)NULL) { #if defined(HAS_MSQL) affectedRows=state; #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) int fieldCount=mysql_field_count(connection); if(fieldCount!=0) throw GetError(); else affectedRows=mysql_affected_rows(connection); #else #error No database linked. #endif //return NULL for updates return (Result*)NULL; } //return a Result instance for queries return new Result(result); } int Connection::GetAffectedRows() const { return affectedRows; } const char* Connection::GetError() { #if defined(HAS_MSQL) return msqlErrMsg; #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) if(IsConnected()) return mysql_error(connection); else return mysql_error(&mysql); #else #error No database linked. #endif } int Connection::IsConnected() const { #if defined(HAS_MSQL) return connection>0; #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) return (connection!=NULL); #else #error No database linked. #endif }
#ifndef RESULT_H #define RESULT_H #include <sys/time.h> #if defined(HAS_MSQL) #include <msql.h> #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) #include <mysql.h> #endif #include "Row.h" class Result { public: Result(T_RESULT* ); ~Result(); void Close(); Row* GetCurrentRow(); int GetRowCount(); int Next(); private: int rowCount; T_RESULT* result; Row* currentRow; }; #endif //RESULT_H
#include "Result.h" Result::Result(T_RESULT* res) :rowCount(-1),result(res),currentRow((Row*)NULL) {} Result::~Result() { Close(); } int Result::Next() { T_ROW row; if(result==(T_RESULT*)NULL) throw "Result set closed."; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) row=msqlFetchRow(result); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) row=mysql_fetch_row(result); #else #error No database linked. #endif if(!row) { currentRow=(Row*)NULL; return 0; } else { currentRow=new Row(result,row); return 1; } } Row* Result::GetCurrentRow() { if(result==(T_RESULT*)NULL) throw "Result set closed."; return currentRow; } void Result::Close() { if(result==(T_RESULT*)NULL) return; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) msqlFreeResult(result); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) mysql_free_result(result); #else #error No database linked. #endif result=(T_RESULT*)NULL; } int Result::GetRowCount() { if(result==(T_RESULT*)NULL) throw "Result set closed."; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) rowCount=msqlNumRows(result); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) rowCount=mysql_num_rows(result); #else #error No database linked. #endif if(rowCount>-1) return rowCount; else return 0; }
#ifndef ROW_H #define ROW_H #include <sys/types.h> #include <malloc.h> #define HAS_MYSQL 1 #if defined(HAS_MSQL) #include <msql.h> #define T_RESULT m_result #define T_ROW m_row #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) #include <mysql.h> #define T_RESULT MYSQL_RES #define T_ROW MYSQL_ROW #endif class Row { public: Row(T_RESULT* ,T_ROW); ~Row(); char* GetField(int index); int GetFieldCount(); int IsClosed() const; void Close(); private: T_RESULT* result; T_ROW fields; }; #endif // ROW_H
#include "Row.h" #include <malloc.h> Row::Row(T_RESULT* res,T_ROW row) :result(res),fields(row) {} Row::~Row() { if(!IsClosed()) Close(); } void Row::Close() { if(IsClosed()) throw "Row closed."; fields=(T_ROW)NULL; result=(T_RESULT*)NULL; } int Row::GetFieldCount() { if(IsClosed()) throw "Row closed."; #if defined(HAS_MSQL) return msqlNumFields(result); #elif defined(HAS_MYSQL) return mysql_num_fields(result); #else #error No database linked. #endif } char* Row::GetField(int field) { if(IsClosed()) throw "Row closed."; if(field<0 || field>GetFieldCount()-1) throw "Field index out of bounds."; return fields[field]; } int Row::IsClosed() const { return (fields==(T_ROW)NULL); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "Connection.h" #define HAS_MYSQL 1 int main() { try { Connection mysqlConnection("localhost","TestDataBase", "lei","123456"); Result* queryResult=NULL; Row* row=NULL; int affectedRows=0; mysqlConnection.Query("INSERT INTO Student\ VALUES('2007','Jay',27);"); affectedRows=mysqlConnection.GetAffectedRows(); printf("Affected rows: %d row(s)\n",affectedRows); queryResult=mysqlConnection.Query("SELECT * FROM Student;"); while(queryResult->Next()) { row=queryResult->GetCurrentRow(); printf("StudentID: %s\n",row->GetField(0)); printf("StudentName: %s\n",row->GetField(1)); printf("Age: %s\n",row->GetField(2)); delete row; } printf("Total rows: %d row(s)\n",queryResult->GetRowCount()); queryResult->Close(); delete queryResult; } catch(const char* exceptionString) { printf("%s\n",exceptionString); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
在上面的main函数中,可以看到,由于Connection::Query()和Connection::GetCurrentow()都返回了一个指针,而这些指针都需要用户自己释放,有时我们可能会忘了delete这些指针,又或者执行到某一条语句时(如row=queryResult->GetCurrentRow();)出现异常,使得delete Result和delete Row都得不到执行,最后指针Result和Row指向的内存空间没有释放。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "Connection.h" #include "auto_ptr.h" #define HAS_MYSQL 1 int main() { try { Connection mysqlConnection("localhost","TestDataBase", "lei","123456"); auto_ptr<Result> queryResult; auto_ptr<Row> row; int affectedRows=0; mysqlConnection.Query("INSERT INTO Student\ VALUES('2007','Jay',27);"); affectedRows=mysqlConnection.GetAffectedRows(); printf("Affected rows: %d row(s)\n",affectedRows); queryResult.reset(mysqlConnection.Query("SELECT * FROM Student;")); while(queryResult->Next()) { row.reset(queryResult->GetCurrentRow()); printf("StudentID: %s\n",row->GetField(0)); printf("StudentName: %s\n",row->GetField(1)); printf("Age: %s\n",row->GetField(2)); } printf("Total rows: %d row(s)\n",queryResult->GetRowCount()); queryResult->Close(); } catch(const char* exceptionString) { printf("%s\n",exceptionString); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }