onedrive 没有速度_如何限制OneDrive的允许传输速度

onedrive 没有速度_如何限制OneDrive的允许传输速度_第1张图片

onedrive 没有速度

onedrive 没有速度_如何限制OneDrive的允许传输速度_第2张图片

Microsoft OneDrive is a pretty solid cloud storage offering, and it’s deeply integrated into Windows. Not only does it do a good job syncing folders, it also allows you to remotely fetch files on your PC. OneDrive can be a bit of a network bandwidth hog, but with the Anniversary Update of Windows 10, you can now set transfer speed limits.

Microsoft OneDrive是一种非常可靠的云存储产品,已与Windows深度集成。 它不仅可以很好地同步文件夹 ,还可以让您远程获取PC上的文件 。 OneDrive可能有点占用网络带宽,但是借助Windows 10的周年更新 ,您现在可以设置传输速度限制。

First, access OneDrive’s settings by right-clicking the OneDrive icon in your notification area and then clicking “Settings.”


onedrive 没有速度_如何限制OneDrive的允许传输速度_第3张图片

In the Microsoft OneDrive window, click the “Network” tab.

在Microsoft OneDrive窗口中,单击“网络”选项卡。

onedrive 没有速度_如何限制OneDrive的允许传输速度_第4张图片

On the Network tab, you can set limits separately for OneDrive’s upload and download rate. Just click the “Limit to” option for the rate you want to set and then type the rate (in KB/s) to which you want to limit OneDrive’s transfer speed.

在“网络”选项卡上,您可以分别设置OneDrive的上载和下载速率限制。 只需单击您要设置的速率的“限制为”选项,然后键入要限制OneDrive传输速度的速率(以KB / s为单位)。

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What you set the rate to depends entirely on your network type and speed and how much of it you want OneDrive to be able to use. If you’re unsure of your network speed, you can always use a tool like Speedtest to find it out. In general, most people have a lower upload than download speed, and that may be the more important limit to set for you, since OneDrive is notoriously bad about hogging as much upload speed as it can get. But you’ll just have to play with different rates a bit to see what feels right to you.

设置速率的方式完全取决于您的网络类型和速度以及您希望OneDrive能够使用的速率。 如果您不确定网络速度,可以随时使用Speedtest之类的工具来查找。 通常,大多数人的上传速度低于下载速度,这可能是为您设置的更重要的限制,因为众所周知,OneDrive不利于最大程度地提高上传速度。 但是,您只需要稍微改变一下速率即可查看适合您的感觉。

That’s all there is to it. Setting limits on the upload or download rate is especially important if you’re on a metered connection or if you have a bandwidth cap you’re keeping an eye on. It can also be useful setting limits temporarily if you just want to make sure OneDrive isn’t getting in the way of more important networking activities.

这里的所有都是它的。 如果您使用的是固定连接或有带宽限制,则设置上传或下载速率的限制尤为重要。 如果您只是想确保OneDrive不会妨碍更重要的网络活动,这对临时设置限制也很有用。


onedrive 没有速度
