[翻译] NSRegexTester


[翻译] NSRegexTester_第1张图片

This is a very simple Mac OS X application that allows you to test regular expressions against sample text. It is based on the Mac OS SDK's implementation of NSRegularExpression, which is based on ICU.

这是一个很简单的Mac OS X应用程序,允许你使用样本文本测试正则表达式。它基于Mac OS SDK中的NSRegularExpression实现,这个NSRegularExpression是遵循ICU正则表达式库的。


My problem is that, as a Rails developer, I'd grown accustomed to using Rubular, a brilliant regex testing tool. However, there are subtle differences in the syntax of regular expressions between the Mac SDK and others. This tool ensures that the expressions I enter will actually work when implemented in code.

我的问题是,对于正则表达式的测试工具,我倾向于去用Rubular,因为它做得特别好。然而,在格式上,Mac SDK与其他种类的正则表达式有着许多微妙的差异。这个工具就是确保,你键入的正则表达式与你用代码实现的是一致的,你不在需要担心微妙的差异问题了。



If you just want a binary, here you go.




[翻译] NSRegexTester_第2张图片



