The jQuery library includes a nice event handling system that supports all the underlying JavaScript events but makes them easier to use, consistent across browsers, and compatible with selectors. Listing 20-17 contains a demonstration.
Listing 20-17. Using jQuery Events
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $('table').addClass('summitTable'); $('tr:even').css('background-color', 'silver'); $(':submit[value="Reset"], a:contains("Add")') .css('float', 'left') .css('margin', '5px'); $('th:nth-child(2)').text('Height (m)').after('<th>Height (ft)</th>'); $('td:nth-child(2)') .after('<td/>') .each(function () { $(this).next().text((parseInt($(this).text()) * 3.28).toFixed(0)); }); $('form[action$="/DeleteSummit"]').submit(function () { var summitName = $(':hidden', this).attr('value'); return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete ' + summitName + ' ?'); }); }); </script>
In this example, we have used the submit method to register a function that will be called when a form is submitted. We have selected those forms whose action attribute value ends with /DeleteSummit,which is the set of forms embedded within the HTML table and which are responsible for deleting individual summits from the list.
The result that we return from the function determines whether the form will be submitted. If we return true, it will; if we return false, it won¡¯t. In this example, we generate a result by using the confirm function, which prompts the user, as shown in Figure 20-9.
Figure 20-9. Prompting the user before deleting a summit from the list
In this way, we have added a prompt that requires the user to confirm that they want a summit to be deleted before the form is submitted. Notice how easy it was to add the event handler to all the selected form elements. We just use a regular jQuery selector and called the submit method to register our function. jQuery takes care of everything else. jQuery supports all the underlying JavaScript events; for full details, consult the jQuery API reference.
通过这种方式,我们添加一个提示要求用户在表单提交前去确认他们想删除一个summit。注意,将事件处理添加到所有被我们选中的表单元素中是的多么简单,我们仅仅需要使用一个常规的jQuery选择器,然后调用提交方法注册我们的函数,jQuery会自行处理剩下的一切。jQuery支持所有的基础JavaScript事件,详细信息请查阅jQuery API参考。