3、ACE-实用生活口语---讲打电话Talking on the phone

Would you like to leave a message?
May I take a message for you ?
Please tell him to call me back.
I'll call back later.

He's not available now.
He is not in right now.
Can I leave him a message?

How can he get in touch with/get hold of you?
May I have your number?
Thanks for your help.
Nice talking to you. Goodbye for now.

A: Mr Green's office, may I help you?
B: Yes, my name is John Smith, and I'd like to speak to Mr Green,Please.
A: One moment, please. I'll put you through.
B: Thanks.

Hold on a second. I'll connect you.
I'm transferring your call to Mr.Green.
Put him on.
Your party is on the line.

A: Hello.
B: Hello. Can I speak to Mr.Smith, please.
A: I'm sorry, he is not here. Can I take a message?
B: Yes, please tell him that Mary called. It's urgent.

But it can wait.
I was tied up with some urgent business.



(2) 你能来我们将不胜荣幸。
We'll be delighted to have you / if you can come.

(3) 我们非常高兴参加你们的婚礼,好主意。
We'll be delighted to attend your wedding ceremony.
Good idea / Sounds great.

(4) 我很想去,但是我们已经有约在先了。明天不行,下次可以吗?
I'd love to, but I'm already booked up/I'm doing something else then.

I'm afraid tomorrow is a bit of a problem.
Can we make it another time?

Sorry, i can't. But thanks anyway.

A:I'm sorry, but I have to cancel our luncheon appointment。
B:I'm sorry to hear that.
A:I have pressing business to attend to.
B:No problem. We'll make it later in the month.

I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow.
You need to make an appointment with Doctor Li.
I have some urgent business to deal with.
Let's make it another day.
We'll talk about it later.
I'll catch you later.

A:This lunch is on me today.
B:I think you got it let time.
A:It's my pleasure.
B:Well, shall we split the check?
A:Why don't you let me pick it up?
B:Oh, that's not necessary.

It's on me/My treat/I'll pick up the check.
Let's go Dutch/Split the bill/have separate checks?
Why not do...
It's not a big deal, anyway.
You don't have to.

A:If you are free, how about lunch?
B:When did you have in mind?
A:I was thinking about Thursday.
B:That will be fine with me.

Keep/Bear it in your mind.
How about Thursday?
That'll suit me fine.
Is that all right/fine with everyone?
