
COMP1038 Coursework 02 – Digital Mini
Banking System
This is the COMP1038 Coursework 02. It is worth 40% of the module mark. The
deadline for this exercise is 16:00 on Saturday 26th of December 2020.
Read the entire document before beginning the exercise.
If you have any questions about this exercise, please ask in the Q&A forum on
Moodle, after a lecture, in a lab, or during the advertised office hours. Do not post
your program or parts of your program to Moodle as you are not allowed to share your
coursework programs with other students. If any questions require this exercise to be
clarified then this document will be updated and everyone will be notified via Moodle.
Version History
 Version 2.0 - 2020-12-04 – version 2.
You must submit a single C source code file containing all your code for this exercise
and a text file containing city names, branch names, and their codes. The files must be
called DigitalMiniBank__.c and
CityBranchCodes__.txt. The program must not
requires any other files outside of the standard C headers which are always available.
The first line of the C source code file should be a comment which contains your
student ID number, username, and full name, of the form:
// 6512345 zy12345 Joe Blogs
The file must compile without warnings or errors when I use the command
gcc -std=c99 -lm -Wall DigitalMiniBank__.c -o
This command will be run on our Linux server cslinux. If it does not compile, for any
reason, then you will lose all the marks for testing (common reasons in the past have
been submitting a file with the wrong filename, or developing your solution on your
personal computer without having tested it on our Linux server). If the file compiles
but has warnings then you will lose some marks for not correcting the warnings.
The completed source code file should be uploaded to the Coursework Submission
link on the COMP1038 Moodle page. You may submit as many times as you wish
before the deadline (the last submission before the deadline will be used). After the
deadline has passed, if you have already submitted your exercise then you will not be
able to submit again. If you have not already submitted then you will be allowed to
submit once.
Late submissions: Late submissions will lose 2 percentage points per hour, rounded
up to the next whole hour. This is to better represent the large benefit a small amount
of extra time can give at the end of a programming exercise. No late submissions will
be accepted more than 50 hours after the exercise deadline. If you have extenuating
circumstances you should file them before the deadline.
You should complete this coursework on your own. Anyone suspected of plagiarism
will be investigated and punished in accordance with the university policy on
plagiarism (see your student handbook and the University Quality Manual). This may
include a mark of zero for this coursework.
You should write the source code required for this assignment yourself. If you use
code from other sources (books, web pages, etc), you should use comments to
acknowledge this (and marks will be heavily adjusted down accordingly). The only
exception to this is the dynamic data-structures (linked lists and others) developed
during the lectures and tutorials; you may use these, with or without modification,
without penalty as long as you add a comment in your program saying you have taken
them from the lectures or tutorials and saying how you have modified it (or not
modified it). If you do not acknowledge their source in a comment then it will be
regarded as potential plagiarism.
You must not copy or share source code with other students. You must not work
together on your solution. You can informally talk about higher-level ideas but not to
a level of detail that would allow you all to create the same source code.
Remember, it is quite easy for experienced lecturers to spot plagiarism in source code.
We also have automated tools that can help us identify shared code, even with
modifications designed to hide copying. If you are having problems you should ask
questions rather than plagiarize. If you are not able to complete the exercise then you
should still submit your incomplete program as that will still get you some of the
marks for the parts you have done (but make sure your incomplete solution compiles
and partially runs!).
If I have concerns about a submission, I may ask you to come to my office and
explain your work in your own words.
The marking scheme will be as follows:
 Tests (60%): Your program should correctly implement the task requirements.
A number of tests will be run against your program with different input data
designed to test if this is the case for each individual requirement. The tests
themselves are secret but general examples of the tests might be:
o Does the program work with the example I/O in the question?
o Does the program work with typical valid input?
o Does the program correctly deal with input around boundary values?
o Does the program correctly deal with invalid input (both invalid files and
o Does the program handle errors with resources not being available (eg,
malloc failing or a filename being wrong)?
o Does the program output match the required format?
o Does the program output an appropriate table when required?
As noted in the submission section, if your program does not compile then
you will lose all testing marks.
 Appropriate use of language features (30%): Your program should use the
appropriate C language features in your solution. You can use any language
features or techniques that you have seen in the course, or you have learned on
your own, as long as they are appropriate for your solution. Examples of this
might be:
o If you have many similar values, are you using arrays (or equivalent)
instead of many individual variables?
o Have you broken your program down into separate functions?
o Are all your function arguments being used?
o If your functions return values, are they being used?
o If you have complex data, are you using structures?
o Are you using loops to avoid repeating many lines of code?
o Are your if/switch statements making a difference, or are the conditions
always true or false making the statement pointless?
o Are you closing files when the file is no longer in use?
 Source code formatting (10%): Your program should be correctly formatted
and easy to understand by a competent C programmer. This includes, but is not
limited to, indentation, bracketing, variable/function naming, and use of
Nowadays, bank accounts have become an important part of human life for saving
money easy and safe way. Due to the recent growth of digitization, most of the banks
are maintaining the accounts of their customers on a computerized system. As a
banking software developer, your task is to develop a computerized banking system.
When the program runs, it should display the following main menu to the user and
prompt them to enter a menu option:
1) Show city code and branch code
2) Open an account
3) Show account details
4) Show list of accounts
5) Deposit in an account
6) Withdraw from an account
7) Transfer money
8) Transaction details
9) Close an account
If the user enters the number of an option, the program should perform that option
then return to the main menu to let the user select another option. If the user enters
something which is not a valid option then the program should print "Unknown
option." then print "Option: " again for the user to select another option. The user
may enter any input at this, or any other prompt, in the program, terminated by
pressing the return key (newline character). Your program must deal with this
appropriately, accepting valid input and rejecting invalid input according to the
particular prompt.
If the user selects “Show city code and branch code”, then the program will show the
list of city and city codes, and a prompt “Enter the city code:”. When the user
enters a city code from the list, it will display list of branches within that city and their
codes. For doing this, the students need to prepare a text file containing city names
and branch names and their codes. The file shoud contains at least 10 city names, 5
branch name from each city, and their respective codes.
If the user selects “Open an account”, then the program should ask the user to input
flowing data.
Description Type Size Remarks
Name String 100 characters
Id Number String 15 Characters Id can be alphanumeric
Address String 200 Characters
Date of Birth String 10 Characters YYYY/MM/DD
Initial deposit Integer not less than 1000 RMB
After inputting these data of an account the account will be created and a numeric
account number will be assigned by the program in the format of xxxxxxxxxx. The
first xxx is the city code which is a number within 001-999 from the list of city codes,
the second xx is the branch code which is a number within 01-99 from list of branch
codes, and the third xxxxx is the account number which is a number within 00001-

  1. Account number will be assigned in sequence starting with 00001. With the
    same city code and same branch code, two account numbers can’t be the same.
    Today’s date (system date) will be associated with the account by the program as the
    account opening date.
    If the user selects “Show account details”, then the program should ask the user to
    input the account number and the program will display all the information about the
    If the user selects “Show list of accounts”, then the program should ask the user to
    input the city code and the branch code. The program will display a table as follows.
    Account Number Name Id Number Balance
    If the user selects “Deposit in an account”, then the program should ask the user to
    input the account number and show the details of the account and prompt for input the
    amount in integer by the user. After input, the amount will be added with the
    corresponding accounts’ balance and display the new account balance.
    If the user selects “Withdraw from an account”, then the program should ask the user
    to input the account number and show the details of the account and prompt for input
    the amount in integer by the user. After input, the amount will be deducted from the
    corresponding accounts’ balance and display the new account balance. If the
    withdrawal amount is more than the balance in the account the program will show
    ‘Withdrawal amount can’t be more than the balance in the account’ and ask for the
    withdrawal amount again.
    If the user selects “Transfer money”, then the program should ask the user to input the
    account number of the debiting account and display the name, Id, and balance of the
    account. Thereafter, the program will ask the user to the input account number of the
    crediting account and display the name, Id, and balance of the account. Then the
    program will ask the user to input the transfer amount. If the transfer amount is more
    than the balance in the debiting account the program will display “Transfer amount
    can’t be more than the balance of the debiting account” and the program will ask the
    user to input a new transfer amount. Thereafter, if the transaction is successful, the
    transfer money will be deducted from the balance of the debiting account and will be
    added with the balance of the crediting account and show the message “Transaction
    successful”. Then the program will keep a record of this transaction by storing the
    Debiting account number, Crediting account number, transfer amount, and the date of
    the transaction. If the transaction is unsuccessful, the program will display
    “Transaction unsuccessful”.
    If the user selects “Transaction details”, then the program should ask the user to
    input the account number, start date, and end date. The dates will be input in
    YYYY/MM/DD format. If the end date is more recent than the start date the program
    will display “End date can’t be later than the start date”. Else the program will display
    a list of all transactions between the start and end date in the form of a table as
    Date Debiting account Crediting account Transfer amount
    Records in the table will be arranged in ascending order based on date. i.e. the record
    for the most recent transaction will be on the top of the table.
    If the user selects “Close an account”, then the program should ask the user to input
    an account number and display the account details. Thereafter, it will show a prompt
    for the confirmation from the user for closing the account. If the user confirms to
    close the account, the corresponding records of the account will be deleted from the
    file holding the information of the list of the accounts and move to the list of the
    closing accounts file. After closing an account the corresponding account number will
    not be given to any other user.
    If the user selects “Quit”, then the program should terminate. Before exiting, the
    program should explicitly free any main memory it has allocated that it hasn't yet
    freed. (Note that most operating systems will recover all unfreed memory from a
    program when it exits but this exercise requires you to free allocated memory yourself
    in order to demonstrate you can do it). The program also closes all the open files
    before existing.
    After every operation, the program will ask the user if the user wants to do the same
    operation again or return to the main menu. The program will proceed with its
    execution according to the users’ decision.
    Example input/output
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    City code City code City Code
    Ningbo 001 Beijing 002 Chongqing 003
    Shanghai 004 Tianjin 005 Anqing 006
    Bengbu 007 Bozhou 008 Chaohu 009
    Enter the city code: 001
    Branch name code Branch name code Branch name Code
    Yinzhou 01 Fenghua 02 Ninghai 03
    Xiangshan 04 Beilun 05 Haishu 06
    Jiangbei 07 Zhenhai 08 Yuyao 09
    Cixi 10
    Do you want to see more city and branch codes (Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter the name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Enter the Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Enter the address of the account holder: 1A Brandon Road, Guangzhou, China-
    Enter the DoB of the account holder: 1980/05/11
    Enter the initial balance of the account (not less than 1000 RMB): 800
    Initial deposit can’t be less than 1000 RMB
    Enter the initial balance of the account (not less than 1000 RMB): 1500
    The account number is: 1011212345
    Do you want to open more accounts?(Y/N): Y
    Enter the name of the account holder: Hao Liu
    Enter the Id number of the account holder: E175526740307
    Enter the address of the account holder: 2B Hansui Road, Ningbo, China-
    Enter the DoB of the account holder: 1985/07/21
    Enter the initial balance of the account (not less than 1000 RMB): 800
    Initial deposit can’t be less than 1000 RMB.
    Enter the initial balance of the account (not less than 1000 RMB): 1200
    The account number is: 1231514327
    Do you want to open more accounts?(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter an account number: 1011212345
    Name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Address of the account holder: 1A Brandon Road, Guangzhou, China- 3210011
    DoB of the account holder: 1980/05/11
    Balance of the account: 1500
    Date of opening: 2020/11/19
    Do you want to see the details of more accounts?(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter the city code: 101
    Enter the branch code: 12
    Account Number Name Id Number Balance
  2. John Bravia E145326780009 1500
    Do you want to see more account lists(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter the account number: 1011212345
    Name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Balance of the account: 2000
    Enter the deposit amount: 500
    New account balance is: 2500
    Do you want to deposit in another account(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter the account number: 1011212345
    Name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Balance of the account: 1500
    Enter the withdrawal amount: 2500
    The withdrawal amount can’t be more than the balance in the account.
    Enter the withdrawal amount: 500
    New account balance is: 1500
    Do you want to withdraw in another account(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter the debiting account number: 1011212345
    Name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Balance of the account: 1500
    Enter the crediting account number: 1231514327
    Name of the account holder: Hao Liu
    Id number of the account holder: E175526740307
    Balance of the account: 1200
    Enter the transfer amount: 1600
    Transfer amount can’t be more than the balance of the debiting account.
    Enter the transfer amount: 200
    Transaction successful
    Balance of the account 1011212345 is: 1300
    Balance of the account 1231514327 is: 1400
    Do you want to do more transfer(Y/N): Y
    Enter the debiting account number: 1011212345
    Name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Balance of the account: 1300
    Enter the crediting account number: 1231514327
    Name of the account holder: Hao Liu
    Id number of the account holder: E175526740307
    Balance of the account: 1400
    Enter the transfer amount: 100
    Transaction successful.
    Balance of the account 1011212345 is: 1200
    Balance of the account 1231514327 is: 1500
    Do you want to do more transfer(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter the account number: 1011212345
    Enter the starting date: 2020/11/19
    Enter the ending date: 2020/11/22
    End date can’t be later than the start date
    Enter the ending date: 2020/11/15
    Date Debiting account Crediting account Transfer amount
    2020/11/19 1011212345 1231514327 100
    2020/11/19 1011212345 1231514327 200
    Do you want to check more transaction details(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Enter an account number: 1011212345
    Name of the account holder: John Bravia
    Id number of the account holder: E145326780009
    Balance of the account: 1200
    Do you want to close the account(Y/N): Y
    Account successfully closed
    Do you want to close more account(Y/N): N
    1) Show city code and branch code
    2) Open an account
    3) Show account details
    4) Show list of accounts
    5) Deposit in an account
    6) Withdraw from an account
    7) Transfer money
    8) Transaction details
    9) Close an account
    Z2019024 $
     You have efficiently utilized files to store account-related information.
     You have to appropriately create, read from, write into, and close files to store
    data and process data.
     You should create as minimum files as possible. You need to close all the open
    files when they are no longer in use.
     Remember to free any main memory which you no longer need. Your program
    should not have any main memory leaks (dynamically allocated areas of
    memory that are no longer reachable). You will need to consider how the
    responsibility for allocated data transfers as your program runs.
     Your program should be able to handle some, if not all, invalid input entered by
