



一个投资者想把自己的积蓄投资到股市。他有一系列股票可以选择,但是对任何一只股票它只能买一手,购买股票的前不能超过它的积蓄总额。他有一个股神朋友能非常准确的预测股票当前的价格和一年后的价格,假设预测是完全正确的情况下,请你找出股票的最佳购买方案,使得投资者的收益最大化。例如投资者当前积蓄为saving=250,当前股票价格为current_value=[175, 133, 109, 210, 97],股票一年后价格为future_value=[200, 125, 128, 228, 133], 于是最佳投资方法为购买下标为2和4的两只股票,所得收益为 (128-109) + (133 - 97) = 55,请你设计算法,在给定saving, current_value, future_value的情况下计算最优收益。




如果我们用selectStock(saving, index, current_value, future_value)表示储蓄额为saving的情况下,从下标为index开始的股票中所获得的最大收益,于是针对第i只股票,在购买了它的情况下,所能获得的收益就是 future_value[i] - current_value[i] + selectStock(saving - current_value[i], i + 1, current_value, future_value)。
如果不购买第i只股票,那么所得最大收益就是selectStock(saving, i+1, current_value, future_value),于是我们计算出两个值后,选取最大那个就是针对第i只股票的最好决策。这里的思路针对的是套路2,我们看看套路1,3怎么实现。

我们要使用一个表,用来记录在储蓄额为saving,并且当前可选择股票的下标为i时所能获得的最优例如,于是我们构造一个哈希表profit_map = {}, 键值是一个tuple:(saving, sotck_index),在计算selectStock时,我们先根据saving 和 i 在profit_map中查找,看看给定情况下是否已经有结果,如果有了结果里面返回,如果没有,那么计算当前条件下的最佳收益后,将对应结果存储到表里,于是代码实现如下:

start_time = time.time()
profit_map = {}
stock_selected = []

def  selectStock(saving, index, currentValue, futureValue):
    if saving <= 0: #储蓄额为0,无法进行投资因此收益为0
        return 0
    if index >= len(currentValue): #所有股票都选取完毕,直接返回
        return 0

    if (saving, index) in profit_map:
        return profit_map[(saving, index)]

    profit_for_buying = 0
    if saving >= currentValue[i]:
        profit_for_buying = futureValue[index] - currentValue[index] + selectStock(saving - currentValue[index], index + 1, currentValue, futureValue)

    profit_for_ignore = selectStock(saving, index + 1, currentValue, futureValue)
    if  profit_for_buying > profit_for_ignore:
        profit_map[(saving, index)] = profit_for_buying
        stock_selected[index] = 1
        profit_map[(saving, index+1)] = profit_for_ignore
        stock_selected[index] = 0

    return max(profit_for_buying, profit_for_ignore)

current_value = []
future_value = []
saving = 0
with open("input009.txt") as f:
    saving = int(f.readline())
    element_count = int(f.readline())  #current_value数组元素个数
    for i in range(element_count):
    f.readline() #future_value数组元素个数,它与current_value一样,所以忽略掉
    for i in range(element_count):

#saving = 250 
#current_value = [175, 133, 109,  210, 97]
#future_value = [200, 125, 128, 228, 133]

print("saving: ", saving)
print("current_value: ", current_value)
print("future_value: ", future_value)
print("len: ", len(current_value))

for i in range(len(current_value)):

max_profit = selectStock(saving, 0, current_value, future_value)
print("--- running time is %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
print("max profit is: ",max_profit)

total_profit = 0
for i in range(len(stock_selected)):
    if stock_selected[i] == 1:
        total_profit += future_value[i] - current_value[i]
        print("select stock: {}, with profit: {}".format(i, future_value[i] - current_value[i]))


saving:  8099
current_value:  [199, 193, 201, 172, 159, 106, 42, 70, 118, 209, 202, 108, 189, 162, 283, 5, 123, 43, 127, 128, 105, 90, 91, 225, 192, 37, 251, 77, 195, 64, 7, 289, 24, 59, 84, 110, 48, 88, 248, 174, 131, 258, 244, 58, 50, 169, 217, 160, 41, 95, 283, 200, 149, 249, 106, 116, 174, 47, 159, 21, 119, 105, 42, 56]
future_value:  [231, 234, 7, 253, 35, 289, 27, 288, 278, 170, 238, 72, 146, 129, 254, 245, 16, 177, 272, 267, 12, 116, 289, 62, 25, 247, 138, 272, 28, 280, 297, 263, 51, 262, 38, 229, 146, 204, 285, 1, 269, 57, 290, 296, 293, 294, 297, 299, 264, 191, 266, 299, 277, 26, 269, 297, 94, 248, 46, 104, 288, 17, 33, 279]
len:  64
--- running time is 0.6094491481781006 seconds ---
max profit is:  5719
select stock: 0, with profit: 32
select stock: 1, with profit: 41
select stock: 3, with profit: 81
select stock: 5, with profit: 183
select stock: 7, with profit: 218
select stock: 8, with profit: 160
select stock: 10, with profit: 36
select stock: 15, with profit: 240
select stock: 17, with profit: 134
select stock: 18, with profit: 145
select stock: 19, with profit: 139
select stock: 21, with profit: 26
select stock: 22, with profit: 198
select stock: 25, with profit: 210
select stock: 27, with profit: 195
select stock: 29, with profit: 216
select stock: 30, with profit: 290
select stock: 32, with profit: 27
select stock: 33, with profit: 203
select stock: 35, with profit: 119
select stock: 36, with profit: 98
select stock: 37, with profit: 116
select stock: 38, with profit: 37
select stock: 40, with profit: 138
select stock: 42, with profit: 46
select stock: 43, with profit: 238
select stock: 44, with profit: 243
select stock: 45, with profit: 125
select stock: 46, with profit: 80
select stock: 47, with profit: 139
select stock: 48, with profit: 223
select stock: 49, with profit: 96
select stock: 51, with profit: 99
select stock: 52, with profit: 128
select stock: 54, with profit: 163
select stock: 55, with profit: 181
select stock: 57, with profit: 201
select stock: 59, with profit: 83
select stock: 60, with profit: 169
select stock: 63, with profit: 223


我们分析一下算法复杂度,可以看到如果profit_map填入的key为(saving, index),其中index取值范围就是输入数组的个数,因此profit_map最会存储的个数为 saving* n,于是算法的时间复杂度为O(saving * n), 空间复杂度也是O(saving * n).

