前几章使用的protoc 的版本为3.14, 第七章使用的proto版本为3.15
解决方法:需要安装新版本的proto 3.15x,按照第四章的方式生成对应的文件。
按照GeYao README中的方法,重新生成基于自己基环境protobuf的proto:
protoc --cpp_out=./ key_frames.proto
protoc --cpp_out=./ ring_keys.proto
protoc --cpp_out=./ scan_contexts.proto
mv key_frames.pb.cc key_frames.pb.cpp
mv ring_keys.pb.cc ring_keys.pb.cpp
mv scan_contexts.pb.cc scan_contexts.pb.cpp
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: ring_keys.proto
#include "ring_keys.pb.h" 替换为 #include "lidar_localization/models/scan_context_manager/ring_keys.pb.h"
git clone https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt
cd fmt/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
编译过程中出现:error_state_kalman_filter.cpp:(.text.unlikely+0x84):对‘fmt::v8::detail::assert_fail(char const, int, char const)’未定义的引用**
参考网址: undefined reference to `vtable for fmt::v7::format_error‘
cd catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/cmake/sophus.cmake
list append 添加 fmt
# sophus.cmake
find_package (Sophus REQUIRED)
logging.cc:(.text+0x6961):对‘google::FlagRegisterer::FlagRegisterer(char const*, char const*, char const*, bool*, bool*)’未定义的引用
#解决办法: 打开glog.cmake , 末尾改为
FILE: lidar_localization/src/model/kalman_filter/error_state_kalman_filter.cpp
修改1:FUNCTION: ErrorStateKalmanFilter::ErrorStateKalmanFilter(const YAML::Node &node) {}
// set process equation in case of one step prediction & correction:
Eigen::Vector3d linear_acc_init(imu_data.linear_acceleration.x,
Eigen::Vector3d angular_vel_init(imu_data.angular_velocity.x,
// covert to navigation frame: // 把 IMU 的 velocity angular(flu系)转换到 导航系 下
linear_acc_init = linear_acc_init - accl_bias_; // body 系下
angular_vel_init = GetUnbiasedAngularVel(angular_vel_init, C_nb);
// init process equation, in case of direct correct step:
UpdateProcessEquation(linear_acc_init, angular_vel_init);
修改2:FUNCTION: ErrorStateKalmanFilter::GetVelocityDelta( )
bool ErrorStateKalmanFilter::GetVelocityDelta(
const size_t index_curr, const size_t index_prev,
const Eigen::Matrix3d &R_curr, const Eigen::Matrix3d &R_prev, double &T,
Eigen::Vector3d &velocity_delta, Eigen::Vector3d &linear_acc_mid) {
if (index_curr <= index_prev || imu_data_buff_.size() <= index_curr) {
return false;
const IMUData &imu_data_curr = imu_data_buff_.at(index_curr);
const IMUData &imu_data_prev = imu_data_buff_.at(index_prev);
T = imu_data_curr.time - imu_data_prev.time;
Eigen::Vector3d linear_acc_curr = Eigen::Vector3d(
imu_data_curr.linear_acceleration.x, imu_data_curr.linear_acceleration.y,
Eigen::Vector3d a_curr = GetUnbiasedLinearAcc(linear_acc_curr, R_curr); // w系下的a_curr
Eigen::Vector3d linear_acc_prev = Eigen::Vector3d(
imu_data_prev.linear_acceleration.x, imu_data_prev.linear_acceleration.y,
Eigen::Vector3d a_prev = GetUnbiasedLinearAcc(linear_acc_prev, R_prev); // w系下的a_prev
// mid-value acc can improve error state prediction accuracy:
linear_acc_mid = 0.5 * (a_curr + a_prev); // w 系下的linear_acc_mid , 用于更新pos_w 和 vel_w
velocity_delta = T * linear_acc_mid;
linear_acc_mid = 0.5 * (linear_acc_curr + linear_acc_prev) - accl_bias_; // b 系下的linear_acc_mid
return true;
inline Eigen::Vector3d ErrorStateKalmanFilter::GetUnbiasedAngularVel(
const Eigen::Vector3d &angular_vel, const Eigen::Matrix3d &R) {
return angular_vel - gyro_bias_;
inline Eigen::Vector3d
ErrorStateKalmanFilter::GetUnbiasedLinearAcc(const Eigen::Vector3d &linear_acc,
const Eigen::Matrix3d &R) {
return R * (linear_acc - accl_bias_) - g_;
在init filter 初始化滤波器时,
angular_vel_init 、linear_acc_init 都是b 系下的
// 可以调用 GetUnbiasedAngularVel ,因为角速度仍然时在b系下的
angular_vel_init = GetUnbiasedAngularVel(angular_vel_init, C_nb);
// 不可以调用 GetUnbiasedLinearAcc ,因为调用后加速度换左乘R,变换到n系下的
linear_acc_init = linear_acc_init - accl_bias_; // body 系下
包含: 1.更新名义值UpdateOdomEstimation
bool ErrorStateKalmanFilter::Update(const IMUData &imu_data) { // 更新
// TODO: understand ESKF update workflow
// update IMU buff:
if (time_ < imu_data.time) {
// update IMU odometry:
Eigen::Vector3d linear_acc_mid;
Eigen::Vector3d angular_vel_mid;
UpdateOdomEstimation(linear_acc_mid, angular_vel_mid); // 更新名义值 , 惯性解算
// update error estimation:
double T = imu_data.time - time_; // 滤波周期
UpdateErrorEstimation(T, linear_acc_mid, angular_vel_mid); // 更新误差估计
// move forward:
time_ = imu_data.time;
return true;
return false;
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::UpdateOdomEstimation( // 更新名义值
Eigen::Vector3d &linear_acc_mid, Eigen::Vector3d &angular_vel_mid) {
// TODO: this is one possible solution to previous chapter, IMU Navigation,
// assignment
// get deltas:
size_t index_curr_ = 1;
size_t index_prev_ = 0;
Eigen::Vector3d angular_delta = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
GetAngularDelta(index_curr_, index_prev_, angular_delta, angular_vel_mid); // 获取等效旋转矢量, 保存角速度中值
// update orientation:
Eigen::Matrix3d R_curr_ = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
Eigen::Matrix3d R_prev_ = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
UpdateOrientation(angular_delta, R_curr_, R_prev_); // 更新四元数
// get velocity delta:
double delta_t_;
Eigen::Vector3d velocity_delta_;
GetVelocityDelta(index_curr_, index_prev_, R_curr_, R_prev_, delta_t_, velocity_delta_, linear_acc_mid); // 获取速度差值, 保存线加速度中值
// save mid-value unbiased linear acc for error-state update:
// update position:
UpdatePosition(delta_t_, velocity_delta_);
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::UpdateErrorEstimation( // 更新误差值
const double &T, const Eigen::Vector3d &linear_acc_mid,
const Eigen::Vector3d &angular_vel_mid) {
static MatrixF F_1st;
static MatrixF F_2nd;
// TODO: update process equation: // 更新状态方程
UpdateProcessEquation(linear_acc_mid , angular_vel_mid);
// TODO: get discretized process equations: // 非线性化
F_1st = F_ * T; // T kalman 周期
MatrixF F = MatrixF::Identity() + F_1st;
MatrixB B = MatrixB::Zero();
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexNoiseGyro) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexNoiseGyro) * T;
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexNoiseGyro) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexNoiseGyro) *T;
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel)* sqrt(T);
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro)* sqrt(T);
// TODO: perform Kalman prediction
X_ = F * X_;
P_ = F * P_ * F.transpose() + B * Q_ * B.transpose(); // 只有方差进行了计算
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::UpdateProcessEquation(
const Eigen::Vector3d &linear_acc_mid,
const Eigen::Vector3d &angular_vel_mid) {
// set linearization point:
Eigen::Matrix3d C_nb = pose_.block<3, 3>(0, 0); // n2b 转换矩阵
Eigen::Vector3d f_b = linear_acc_mid + g_; // 加速度
Eigen::Vector3d w_b = angular_vel_mid; // 角速度
// set process equation:
SetProcessEquation(C_nb, f_b, w_b);
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::SetProcessEquation(const Eigen::Matrix3d &C_nb, // 更新状态方程 F矩阵
const Eigen::Vector3d &f_b,
const Eigen::Vector3d &w_b) {
// TODO: set process / system equation:
// a. set process equation for delta vel:
F_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorPos, kIndexErrorVel) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
F_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexErrorOri) = - C_nb * Sophus::SO3d::hat(f_b).matrix();
F_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexErrorAccel) = -C_nb;
F_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexErrorOri) = - Sophus::SO3d::hat(w_b).matrix();
F_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexErrorGyro) = - Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
// b. set process equation for delta ori:
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexNoiseGyro) = C_nb;
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexNoiseGyro) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
if(COV.PROCESS.BIAS_FLAG){ // 判断是否考虑随机游走
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
bool ErrorStateKalmanFilter::Correct(const IMUData &imu_data, // 修正
const MeasurementType &measurement_type,
const Measurement &measurement) {
static Measurement measurement_;
// get time delta:
double time_delta = measurement.time - time_;
if (time_delta > -0.05) { // 时间对齐
// perform Kalman prediction:
if (time_ < measurement.time) {
// get observation in navigation frame:
measurement_ = measurement;
measurement_.T_nb = init_pose_ * measurement_.T_nb;
// correct error estimation:
CorrectErrorEstimation(measurement_type, measurement_);
// eliminate error:
EliminateError(); // 更新名义值
// reset error state:
ResetState(); // 清零误差值,方差保留
return true;
a. 首先调用CorrectErrorEstimationPose 计算 Y, G, K。
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::CorrectErrorEstimationPose( // 计算 Y ,G ,K
const Eigen::Matrix4d &T_nb, Eigen::VectorXd &Y, Eigen::MatrixXd &G,
Eigen::MatrixXd &K) {
// TODO: set measurement: 计算观测 delta pos 、 delta ori
Eigen::Vector3d dp = pose_.block<3, 1>(0, 3) - T_nb.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
Eigen::Matrix3d dR = T_nb.block<3, 3>(0, 0).transpose() * pose_.block<3, 3>(0, 0) ;
// TODO: set measurement equation:
Eigen::Vector3d dtheta = Sophus::SO3d::vee(dR - Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() );
YPose_.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = dp; // delta position
YPose_.block<3, 1>(3, 0) = dtheta; // 失准角
Y = YPose_;
// set measurement G
GPose_.block<3, 3>(0, kIndexErrorPos) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
GPose_.block<3 ,3>(3, kIndexErrorOri) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
G = GPose_;
// set measurement C
CPose_.block<3, 3>(0,kIndexNoiseAccel) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
CPose_.block<3, 3>(3,kIndexNoiseGyro) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
Eigen::MatrixXd C = CPose_;
// TODO: set Kalman gain:
Eigen::MatrixXd R = RPose_; // 观测噪声
K = P_ * G.transpose() * ( G * P_ * G.transpose( ) + C * RPose_* C.transpose() ).inverse() ;
b. 更新后验,计算滤波的第4,5个公式
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::CorrectErrorEstimation(
const MeasurementType &measurement_type, const Measurement &measurement) {
// TODO: understand ESKF correct workflow
Eigen::VectorXd Y;
Eigen::MatrixXd G, K;
switch (measurement_type) {
case MeasurementType::POSE:
CorrectErrorEstimationPose(measurement.T_nb, Y, G, K);
// TODO: perform Kalman correct:
P_ = (MatrixP::Identity() - K*G) * P_ ; // 后验方差
X_ = X_ + K * (Y - G*X_); // 更新后的状态量
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::EliminateError(void) {
// 误差状态量 X_ : 15*1
// TODO: correct state estimation using the state of ESKF
// a. position:
// do it!
pose_.block<3, 1>(0, 3) -= X_.block<3, 1>(kIndexErrorPos, 0 ); // 减去error
// b. velocity:
// do it!
vel_ -= X_.block<3,1>(kIndexErrorVel, 0 );
// c. orientation:
// do it!
Eigen::Matrix3d dtheta_cross = Sophus::SO3d::hat(X_.block<3,1>(kIndexErrorOri, 0)); // 失准角的反对称矩阵
pose_.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = pose_.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * (Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() - dtheta_cross);
Eigen::Quaterniond q_tmp(pose_.block<3, 3>(0, 0) );
q_tmp.normalize(); // 为了保证旋转矩阵是正定的
pose_.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = q_tmp.toRotationMatrix();
// d. gyro bias:
if (IsCovStable(kIndexErrorGyro)) {
gyro_bias_ -= X_.block<3, 1>(kIndexErrorGyro, 0); // 判断gyro_bias_error是否可观
// e. accel bias:
if (IsCovStable(kIndexErrorAccel)) {
accl_bias_ -= X_.block<3, 1>(kIndexErrorAccel, 0); // 判断accel_bias_error是否可观
void ErrorStateKalmanFilter::ResetState(void) {
// reset current state:
X_ = VectorX::Zero();
# build:
# set up session:
source devel/setup.bash
# launch:
roslaunch lidar_localization kitti_localization.launch
# play ROS bag, lidar-only KITTI:
rosbag play kitti_lidar_only_2011_10_03_drive_0027_synced.bag
# evo estimate
δ x ˙ = F t δ x + B t w \delta\dot{x}= F_t\delta{x} + B_tw δx˙=Ftδx+Btw
δ p ˙ = δ v δ v ˙ = − R t [ a t − b a t ] × δ θ + R t ( n a − δ b a ) δ θ ˙ = − [ ω t − b ω t ] × δ θ + n ω − δ b ω δ b ˙ a = 0 δ b ˙ w = 0 \begin{array}{ll} \delta \dot{p} = \delta \boldsymbol{v} \\ \delta \dot{\boldsymbol{v}} =-\boldsymbol{R}_{t}\left[\boldsymbol{a}_{t}-\boldsymbol{b}_{a_{t}}\right]_{\times} \delta \boldsymbol{\theta}+\boldsymbol{R}_{t}\left(\boldsymbol{n}_{a}-\delta \boldsymbol{b}_{a}\right) \\ \delta \dot{\boldsymbol{\theta}} =-\left[\boldsymbol{\omega}_{t}-\boldsymbol{b}_{\omega_{t}}\right]_{\times} \delta \boldsymbol{\theta}+\boldsymbol{n}_{\omega}-\delta \boldsymbol{b}_{\omega} \\ \delta \dot{\boldsymbol{b}}_{a}=0 \\ \delta \dot{\boldsymbol{b}}_{w}=0 \\ \end{array} δp˙=δvδv˙=−Rt[at−bat]×δθ+Rt(na−δba)δθ˙=−[ωt−bωt]×δθ+nω−δbωδb˙a=0δb˙w=0
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 126: …array}\right] &̲&&& \boldsymbol…
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 126: …array}\right] &̲&&& \boldsymbol…
在 kitti_filtering.yaml 中添加bias_flag 选项,以选择是否考虑使用随机游走
FILE: /catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/config/filtering/kitti_filtering.yaml
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
gyro: 1.0e-4
accel: 2.5e-3
bias_accel: 2.5e-3
bias_gyro: 1.0e-4
bias_flag: true
pos: 1.0e-4
ori: 1.0e-4
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
FILE: catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/models/kalman_filter/error_state_kalman_filter.cpp
FUNCTION: ErrorStateKalmanFilter::ErrorStateKalmanFilter( )
// c. process noise: 过程噪声
Q_.block<3, 3>(kIndexNoiseAccel, kIndexNoiseAccel) = COV.PROCESS.ACCEL * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
Q_.block<3, 3>(kIndexNoiseGyro, kIndexNoiseGyro) = COV.PROCESS.GYRO * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
Q_.block<3, 3>(kIndexNoiseBiasAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel) = COV.PROCESS.BIAS_ACCEL * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
Q_.block<3, 3>(kIndexNoiseBiasGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro) = COV.PROCESS.BIAS_GYRO * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
线性kalman B矩阵
FILE: catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/models/kalman_filter/error_state_kalman_filter.cpp
FUNCTION: ErrorStateKalmanFilter::SetProcessEquation( )
// b. set process equation for delta ori:
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexNoiseGyro) = C_nb;
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexNoiseGyro) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
if(COV.PROCESS.BIAS_FLAG){ // 判断是否考虑随机游走
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
非线性kalman B矩阵
FILE: catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/models/kalman_filter/error_state_kalman_filter.cpp
FUNCTION: ErrorStateKalmanFilter::UpdateErrorEstimation( )
MatrixB B = MatrixB::Zero();
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexNoiseGyro) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorVel, kIndexNoiseGyro) * T;
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexNoiseGyro) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorOri, kIndexNoiseGyro) *T;
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorAccel, kIndexNoiseBiasAccel)* sqrt(T);
B.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro) = B_.block<3, 3>(kIndexErrorGyro, kIndexNoiseBiasGyro)* sqrt(T);
从上述实验中,得知,有没有考虑随机游走影响并不是特别大,也可能是kitti数据集groundtruth 本身存在数据的问题。
# set up session:
source devel/setup.bash
# save odometry:
rosservice call /save_odometry "{}"
# run evo evaluation:
# a. laser 输出评估结果,并以zip的格式存储:
evo_ape kitti ground_truth.txt laser.txt -r full --plot --plot_mode xy --save_results ./laser.zip
# b. fused 输出评估结果,并以zip的格式存储:
evo_ape kitti ground_truth.txt fused.txt -r full --plot --plot_mode xy --save_results ./fused.zip
#c. 比较 laser fused 一并比较评估
evo_res *.zip -p
主要调节 过程噪声 Q和观测噪声 R, 过程噪声与观测噪声一般在 kalman 迭代过程中保持不变。
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 176: …{array}\right] &̲&&&\quad \bolds…
可通过evo_res 指令 对比观察 laser_odom 和 fused_odom 的 APE曲线。若两者的曲线大致一致,且误差较大,则证明,滤波后的轨迹大致和观测一样 。说明观测噪声®给的小了,导致滤波后,融合的轨迹对观测的置信度更高,所以出现滤波后的轨迹和观测更像,这时应该适当把观测噪声® 加大,过程噪声(Q) 减少。同理反向调节。
rosservice call /save_odometry "{}"
evo_ape kitti ground_truth.txt laser.txt -r full --plot --plot_mode xy --save_results ./laser.zip
evo_ape kitti ground_truth.txt fused.txt -r full --plot --plot_mode xy --save_results ./fused.zip
evo_res *.zip -p
for example : 以 parametr3 为例子
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q
gyro: 1.0e-5
accel: 2.5e-4
bias_accel: 2.5e-4
bias_gyro: 1.0e-5
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R
pos: 1.0e-2
ori: 1.0e-2
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
结果: 从下表可知,fused 结果误差比laser的误差要大,证明对现在对预测(IMU)的置信度较高,观测(LIDAR)的置信度较低。
调整: 提高观测的置信度,降低预测的置信度;相应地:减少观测噪声® , 增大过程噪声(Q)
APE w.r.t. full transformation (unit-less)
(not aligned)
max mean median min rmse sse std
fused.txt 1.59676 0.90307 0.902652 0.0591278 0.922722 3725.8 0.189423
laser.txt 1.50034 0.901495 0.893804 0.161967 0.916559 3676.19 0.165489
调整后 : parameter 2为例子
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q 增大
gyro: 1.0e-4
accel: 2.5e-3
bias_accel: 2.5e-3
bias_gyro: 1.0e-4
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R 减小
pos: 1.0e-4
ori: 1.0e-4
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
结果:调整过后,fused 的轨迹误差降低,观测的置信度更高
APE w.r.t. full transformation (unit-less)
(not aligned)
max mean median min rmse sse std
fused.txt 1.52392 0.901544 0.898788 0.054487 0.918868 3703.18 0.177588
laser.txt 1.50034 0.90192 0.89412 0.161967 0.916964 3687.85 0.1654
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q
gyro: 1.0e-5
accel: 2.5e-4
bias_accel: 2.5e-4
bias_gyro: 1.0e-5
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R
pos: 1.0e-3
ori: 1.0e-3
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
evo estimate
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q
gyro: 1.0e-4
accel: 2.5e-3
bias_accel: 2.5e-3
bias_gyro: 1.0e-4
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R
pos: 1.0e-4
ori: 1.0e-4
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
evo estimate
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q
gyro: 1.0e-5
accel: 2.5e-4
bias_accel: 2.5e-4
bias_gyro: 1.0e-5
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R
pos: 1.0e-2
ori: 1.0e-2
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
evo estimate
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q
gyro: 1.0e-4
accel: 2.5e-3
bias_accel: 2.5e-3
bias_gyro: 1.0e-4
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R
pos: 1.0e-5
ori: 1.0e-5
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
evo estimate
pos: 1.0e-6
vel: 1.0e-6
ori: 1.0e-6
epsilon: 1.0e-6
delta: 1.0e-6
process: #过程噪声 Q
gyro: 1.0e-6
accel: 2.5e-6
bias_accel: 2.5e-6
bias_gyro: 1.0e-6
bias_flag: true
measurement: #观测噪声 R
pos: 1.0e-2
ori: 1.0e-2
pos: 1.0e-4
vel: 2.5e-3
evo estimate
如下图 evo_res 对比可得知,过程噪声调小,观测噪声调大,理论现象:IMU惯性解算的置信度更高, fused的误差结果和曲线有别于odom,现象正确。
max mean median min rmse sse std
fused.txt 1.59655 0.31706 0.25928 0.0297698 0.375757 620.687 0.20166
laser.txt 1.13668 0.230928 0.163564 0.0174648 0.289055 367.298 0.173854
1.多次运行第七章课程框架中kalman filter localization 时,结束后,laser_odom 的evo 精度评估数据都不太一样,ape mean 从 0.2 到 4,均有变化。
FILE : catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/filtering/kitti_filtering_flow.cpp
初始化滤波部分,使用的是scancontext,可能是sc 初始化出现问题,导致每次数据都有差别,所以打算换成“第四章”的gnss初始化。
bool KITTIFilteringFlow::InitLocalization(void) {
// ego vehicle velocity in body frame:
Eigen::Vector3f init_vel = current_pos_vel_data_.vel;
first try to init using scan context query:
if (filtering_ptr_->Init(current_cloud_data_, init_vel,
current_imu_synced_data_)) {
// // prompt:
LOG(INFO) << "Scan Context Localization Init Succeeded." << std::endl;
return true;
在 FILE: catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/filtering/kitti_filtering.cpp 框架中,已定义好 使用 scancontext 和 gnss 两种init pose的方式,无需我们再写
/* scan contexxt 初始化 pose , 输入 point cloud_*/
bool KITTIFiltering::Init(const CloudData &init_scan,
const Eigen::Vector3f &init_vel,
const IMUData &init_imu_data) {
if (SetInitScan(init_scan)) {
current_vel_ = init_vel;
kalman_filter_ptr_->Init(current_vel_.cast<double>(), init_imu_data);
return true;
return false;
/* gnss 初始化 pose , 输入 martix4d current_gnss_pose_*/
bool KITTIFiltering::Init(const Eigen::Matrix4f &init_pose,
const Eigen::Vector3f &init_vel,
const IMUData &init_imu_data) {
if (SetInitGNSS(init_pose)) {
current_vel_ = init_vel;
kalman_filter_ptr_->Init(current_vel_.cast<double>(), init_imu_data);
return true;
return false;
FILE : catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/filtering/kitti_filtering_flow.cpp
bool KITTIFilteringFlow::InitLocalization(void) {
// ego vehicle velocity in body frame:
Eigen::Vector3f init_vel = current_pos_vel_data_.vel;
// first try to init using scan context query:
// if (filtering_ptr_->Init(current_cloud_data_, init_vel,
// current_imu_synced_data_)) {
// // prompt:
// LOG(INFO) << "Scan Context Localization Init Succeeded." << std::endl;
// }
// first try to init using gnss init:
if (filtering_ptr_->Init(current_gnss_data_.pose, init_vel,
// prompt:
LOG(INFO) << "Gnss Localization Init Succeeded." << std::endl;
return true;
通过记录获得建图时gnss 原点坐标为:
latitude = 48.9825452359;
longitude = 8.39036610005;
altitude = 116.382141113;
将建图原点的"经纬高" 转换为到导航系(ENU系)下的原点
FILE: lidar_localization/src/sensor_data/gnss_data.cpp
void GNSSData::InitOriginPosition() {
geo_converter.Reset(48.982658, 8.390455, 116.396412); // 设置原点
origin_longitude = longitude;
origin_latitude = latitude;
origin_altitude = altitude;
origin_position_inited = true;
原框架中只在save_odometry 中更新 current_gnss_data_.pose
bool KITTIFilteringFlow::SaveOdometry(void) {
if (0 == trajectory.N) {
return false;
// init output files:
std::ofstream fused_odom_ofs;
std::ofstream laser_odom_ofs;
std::ofstream ref_odom_ofs;
if (!FileManager::CreateFile(fused_odom_ofs,
"/slam_data/trajectory/fused.txt") ||
"/slam_data/trajectory/laser.txt") ||
"/slam_data/trajectory/ground_truth.txt")) {
return false;
// write outputs:
for (size_t i = 0; i < trajectory.N; ++i) {
// sync ref pose with gnss measurement:
while (!gnss_data_buff_.empty() &&
(gnss_data_buff_.front().time - trajectory.time_.at(i) <= -0.05)) {
if (gnss_data_buff_.empty()) {
current_gnss_data_ = gnss_data_buff_.front();
const Eigen::Vector3f &position_ref =
current_gnss_data_.pose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
const Eigen::Vector3f &position_lidar =
trajectory.lidar_.at(i).block<3, 1>(0, 3);
if ((position_ref - position_lidar).norm() > 3.0) {
SavePose(trajectory.fused_.at(i), fused_odom_ofs);
SavePose(trajectory.lidar_.at(i), laser_odom_ofs);
SavePose(current_gnss_data_.pose, ref_odom_ofs);
return true;
在 InitLocalization() 函数中,更新current_gnss_data_
注意:这里有个地方需要注意的是,GNSS数据一般前几帧都是不准确,所以我们舍弃前三帧, 取第四帧, 需要对 SetInitGNSS 函数进行修改一下,修改为使用第四帧的gnss数据进行gnss pose 初始化。
FILE : catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/filtering/kitti_filtering_flow.cpp
bool KITTIFilteringFlow::InitLocalization(void) {
// ego vehicle velocity in body frame:
Eigen::Vector3f init_vel = current_pos_vel_data_.vel;
// first try to init using scan context query:
// if (filtering_ptr_->Init(current_cloud_data_, init_vel,
// current_imu_synced_data_)) {
// // prompt:
// LOG(INFO) << "Scan Context Localization Init Succeeded." << std::endl;
// }
// first try to init using gnss init:
static int gnss_count = 0;
if(!(gnss_count >3)){
current_gnss_data_ = gnss_data_buff_.at(gnss_count); // 舍弃GNSS的第三帧数据
// std::cout << " gnss_data_buff_ " << gnss_count << " " << current_gnss_data_.pose << std::endl;
gnss_count ++ ;
if (filtering_ptr_->Init(current_gnss_data_.pose, init_vel,
// prompt:
LOG(INFO) << "Gnss Localization Init Succeeded." << std::endl;
return true;
FILE : catkin_ws/src/lidar_localization/src/filtering/kitti_filtering.cpp
bool KITTIFiltering::SetInitGNSS(const Eigen::Matrix4f &gnss_pose) {
static int gnss_cnt = 0;
current_gnss_pose_ = gnss_pose;
// if (gnss_cnt == 0) { // 一般gnss 数据,前几帧都不准,所以取第三帧
// SetInitPose(gnss_pose);
// } else if (gnss_cnt > 3) {
// has_inited_ = true;
// }
if (gnss_cnt > 3) {
has_inited_ = true;
return true;
1.能够成功实现gnss 初始化,并在地图任意一点启动,初始化成功。
2.经过6次,同一套kalman 参数的实验,得出的evo 结果大致一样,可以认为修复了 每次启动evo评估结果不同的问题。
六次同一参数 evo 评估结果 ,大致相等
edited by kaho 2021.10.12