针对上述问题就提出了AutoML,AutoML(Automated machine learning)是自动化构建端到端机器学习流程,解决实际场景问题的过程。
在本篇内容中我们将介绍到微软开发的高效轻量级自动化机器学习框架FLAML(A Fast and Lightweight AutoML Library)。
2.1 FLAML特点
- 对于分类和回归等常见的机器学习任务,FLAML可以在消耗尽量少的资源前提下,快速找到高质量模型。它支持经典机器学习模型和深度神经网络。
- 最小定制(设定计算资源限制)
- 中等定制(例如设定scikit-learn学习器、搜索空间和度量标准)
- 完全定制(自定义训练和评估代码)。
- 它支持快速且低消耗的自动调优,能够处理大型搜索空间。 FLAML 由 Microsoft Research 发明的新的高效益超参数优化和学习器选择方法支撑。
2.2 安装方法
pip install flaml
(1) Notebook示例支持
如果大家要跑官方的 notebook代码示例,安装时添加[notebook]选项:
pip install flaml[notebook]
(2) 更多模型学习器支持
- 如果我们希望flaml支持catboost模型,安装时添加[catboost]选项
pip install flaml[catboost]
- 如果我们希望flaml支持vowpal wabbit ,安装时添加[vw]选项
pip install flaml[vw]
- 如果我们希望flaml支持时间序列预估器prophet和statsmodels,安装时可以添加[forecast]
pip install flaml[forecast]
(3) 分布式调优支持
- ray
pip install flaml[ray]
- nni
pip install flaml[nni]
- blendsearch
pip install flaml[blendsearch]
3.1 全自动模式
下面我们用一个场景数据案例(二分类)来演示FLAML工具库的全自动模式。(大家可以在jupyter notebook中运行下列的代码,关于IDE与环境配置大家可以参考ShowMeAI文章 图解python | 安装与环境设置)。
!pip install flaml[notebook]
(1) 加载数据和预处理
我们从 OpenML 下载航空公司数据集 Airlines dataset。 这个数据集的建模任务是在给定预定起飞信息的情况下预测给定航班是否会延误。
from flaml.data import load_openml_dataset
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = load_openml_dataset(dataset_id=1169, data_dir='./')
(2) 运行 FLAML全自动模式
下面我们直接运行 FLAML automl 全自动模式,实际在运行配置中,我们可以指定 任务类型、时间预算、误差度量、学习者列表、是否下采样、重采样策略类型等。 如果不作任何设定的话,所有这些参数都会使用默认值(例如,默认分类器是 [lgbm
, xgboost
, xgb_limitdepth
, catboost
, rf
, extra_tree
, lrl1
# 导入工具库并初始化AutoML对象
from flaml import AutoML
automl = AutoML()
# 参数设定
settings = {
"time_budget": 240, # 总时间上限(单位秒)
"metric": 'accuracy', # 候选可以是: 'r2', 'rmse', 'mae', 'mse', 'accuracy', 'roc_auc', 'roc_auc_ovr', 'roc_auc_ovo', 'log_loss', 'mape', 'f1', 'ap', 'ndcg', 'micro_f1', 'macro_f1'
"task": 'classification', # 任务类型
"log_file_name": 'airlines_experiment.log', # flaml日志文件
"seed": 7654321, # 随机种子
# 运行自动化机器学习
automl.fit(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, **settings)
, xgboost
, xgb_limitdepth
, catboost
, rf
, extra_tree
, lrl1
(3) 最优模型与评估结果
print('Best ML leaner:', automl.best_estimator)
print('Best hyperparmeter config:', automl.best_config)
print('Best accuracy on validation data: {0:.4g}'.format(1-automl.best_loss))
print('Training duration of best run: {0:.4g} s'.format(automl.best_config_train_time))
Best ML leaner: lgbm
Best hyperparmeter config: {'n_estimators': 1071, 'num_leaves': 25, 'min_child_samples': 36, 'learning_rate': 0.10320258241974468, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0009765625, 'reg_lambda': 0.08547376339713011, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}
Best accuracy on validation data: 0.6696
Training duration of best run: 9.274 s
# 最佳模型
LGBMClassifier(learning_rate=0.10320258241974468, max_bin=1023,
min_child_samples=36, n_estimators=1071, num_leaves=25,
reg_alpha=0.0009765625, reg_lambda=0.08547376339713011,
(4) 模型存储与加载
# 模型存储与持久化
import pickle
with open('automl.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(automl, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# 模型加载
with open('automl.pkl', 'rb') as f:
automl = pickle.load(f)
# 对测试集进行预估
y_pred = automl.predict(X_test)
print('Predicted labels', y_pred)
print('True labels', y_test)
y_pred_proba = automl.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
Predicted labels ['1' '0' '1' ... '1' '0' '0']
True labels 118331 0
328182 0
335454 0
520591 1
344651 0
367080 0
203510 1
254894 0
296512 1
362444 0
Name: Delay, Length: 134846, dtype: category
Categories (2, object): ['0' < '1']
# 测试集效果评估
from flaml.ml import sklearn_metric_loss_score
print('accuracy', '=', 1 - sklearn_metric_loss_score('accuracy', y_pred, y_test))
print('roc_auc', '=', 1 - sklearn_metric_loss_score('roc_auc', y_pred_proba, y_test))
print('log_loss', '=', sklearn_metric_loss_score('log_loss', y_pred_proba, y_test))
accuracy = 0.6720332824110467
roc_auc = 0.7253276908529442
log_loss = 0.6034449031876942
(5) 查看日志历史详情
from flaml.data import get_output_from_log
time_history, best_valid_loss_history, valid_loss_history, config_history, metric_history = \
get_output_from_log(filename=settings['log_file_name'], time_budget=240)
for config in config_history:
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 10000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 4, 'num_leaves': 4, 'min_child_samples': 20, 'learning_rate': 0.09999999999999995, 'log_max_bin': 8, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0009765625, 'reg_lambda': 1.0, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 4, 'num_leaves': 4, 'min_child_samples': 20, 'learning_rate': 0.09999999999999995, 'log_max_bin': 8, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0009765625, 'reg_lambda': 1.0, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 10000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 4, 'num_leaves': 14, 'min_child_samples': 15, 'learning_rate': 0.22841390623808822, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0014700173967242716, 'reg_lambda': 7.624911621832711, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 4, 'num_leaves': 14, 'min_child_samples': 15, 'learning_rate': 0.22841390623808822, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0014700173967242716, 'reg_lambda': 7.624911621832711, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 10000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 4, 'num_leaves': 25, 'min_child_samples': 12, 'learning_rate': 0.5082200481556802, 'log_max_bin': 8, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9696263001275751, 'reg_alpha': 0.0028107036379524425, 'reg_lambda': 3.716898117989413, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 4, 'num_leaves': 25, 'min_child_samples': 12, 'learning_rate': 0.5082200481556802, 'log_max_bin': 8, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9696263001275751, 'reg_alpha': 0.0028107036379524425, 'reg_lambda': 3.716898117989413, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 10000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 23, 'num_leaves': 14, 'min_child_samples': 15, 'learning_rate': 0.22841390623808822, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0014700173967242718, 'reg_lambda': 7.624911621832699, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 23, 'num_leaves': 14, 'min_child_samples': 15, 'learning_rate': 0.22841390623808822, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0014700173967242718, 'reg_lambda': 7.624911621832699, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 10000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 101, 'num_leaves': 12, 'min_child_samples': 24, 'learning_rate': 0.07647794276357095, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.001749539645587163, 'reg_lambda': 4.373760956394571, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 101, 'num_leaves': 12, 'min_child_samples': 24, 'learning_rate': 0.07647794276357095, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.001749539645587163, 'reg_lambda': 4.373760956394571, 'FLAML_sample_size': 10000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 40000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 101, 'num_leaves': 12, 'min_child_samples': 24, 'learning_rate': 0.07647794276357095, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.001749539645587163, 'reg_lambda': 4.373760956394571, 'FLAML_sample_size': 40000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 101, 'num_leaves': 12, 'min_child_samples': 24, 'learning_rate': 0.07647794276357095, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.001749539645587163, 'reg_lambda': 4.373760956394571, 'FLAML_sample_size': 40000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 40000, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 361, 'num_leaves': 11, 'min_child_samples': 32, 'learning_rate': 0.13528717598813866, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9851977789068981, 'reg_alpha': 0.0038372002422749616, 'reg_lambda': 0.25113531892556773, 'FLAML_sample_size': 40000}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 361, 'num_leaves': 11, 'min_child_samples': 32, 'learning_rate': 0.13528717598813866, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9851977789068981, 'reg_alpha': 0.0038372002422749616, 'reg_lambda': 0.25113531892556773, 'FLAML_sample_size': 40000}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 364083, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 361, 'num_leaves': 11, 'min_child_samples': 32, 'learning_rate': 0.13528717598813866, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9851977789068981, 'reg_alpha': 0.0038372002422749616, 'reg_lambda': 0.25113531892556773, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 361, 'num_leaves': 11, 'min_child_samples': 32, 'learning_rate': 0.13528717598813866, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9851977789068981, 'reg_alpha': 0.0038372002422749616, 'reg_lambda': 0.25113531892556773, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 364083, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 547, 'num_leaves': 46, 'min_child_samples': 60, 'learning_rate': 0.281323306091088, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.001643352694266288, 'reg_lambda': 0.14719738747481906, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 547, 'num_leaves': 46, 'min_child_samples': 60, 'learning_rate': 0.281323306091088, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.001643352694266288, 'reg_lambda': 0.14719738747481906, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}}
{'Current Learner': 'lgbm', 'Current Sample': 364083, 'Current Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 1071, 'num_leaves': 25, 'min_child_samples': 36, 'learning_rate': 0.10320258241974468, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0009765625, 'reg_lambda': 0.08547376339713011, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}, 'Best Learner': 'lgbm', 'Best Hyper-parameters': {'n_estimators': 1071, 'num_leaves': 25, 'min_child_samples': 36, 'learning_rate': 0.10320258241974468, 'log_max_bin': 10, 'colsample_bytree': 1.0, 'reg_alpha': 0.0009765625, 'reg_lambda': 0.08547376339713011, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}}
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
plt.title('Learning Curve')
plt.xlabel('Wall Clock Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Validation Accuracy')
plt.scatter(time_history, 1 - np.array(valid_loss_history))
plt.step(time_history, 1 - np.array(best_valid_loss_history), where='post')
(6) 对比默认XGBoost/LightGBM实验结果
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
# 训练拟合
xgb = XGBClassifier()
cat_columns = X_train.select_dtypes(include=['category']).columns
X = X_train.copy()
X[cat_columns] = X[cat_columns].apply(lambda x: x.cat.codes)
xgb.fit(X, y_train)
lgbm = LGBMClassifier()
lgbm.fit(X_train, y_train)
# 测试集预估
X = X_test.copy()
X[cat_columns] = X[cat_columns].apply(lambda x: x.cat.codes)
y_pred_xgb = xgb.predict(X)
y_pred_lgbm = lgbm.predict(X_test)
# 评估效果
print('默认参数 xgboost accuracy', '=', 1 - sklearn_metric_loss_score('accuracy', y_pred_xgb, y_test))
print('默认参数 lgbm accuracy', '=', 1 - sklearn_metric_loss_score('accuracy', y_pred_lgbm, y_test))
print('flaml (4min) accuracy', '=', 1 - sklearn_metric_loss_score('accuracy', y_pred, y_test))
默认参数 xgboost accuracy = 0.6676060098186078
默认参数 lgbm accuracy = 0.6602346380315323
flaml (4min) accuracy = 0.6720332824110467
3.2 自定义学习器
(1) 自定义模型
正则化贪心森林 (RGF) 是一种机器学习方法,目前未包含在 FLAML 中。 RGF 有许多调整参数,其中最关键的是:[max_leaf
, n_iter
, n_tree_search
, opt_interval
, min_samples_leaf
]。 要运行自定义/新学习器,用户需要提供以下信息:
- 自定义/新学习器的实现
- 超参数名称和类型的列表
- 超参数的粗略范围(即上限/下限)
在下面的示例代码中,RGF 信息被包装在一个名为 MyRegularizedGreedyForest 的 python 类中。
from flaml.model import SKLearnEstimator
from flaml import tune
from flaml.data import CLASSIFICATION
class MyRegularizedGreedyForest(SKLearnEstimator):
def __init__(self, task='binary', **config):
task: A string of the task type, one of
'binary', 'multi', 'regression'
config: A dictionary containing the hyperparameter names
and 'n_jobs' as keys. n_jobs is the number of parallel threads.
super().__init__(task, **config)
'''task=binary or multi for classification task'''
from rgf.sklearn import RGFClassifier
self.estimator_class = RGFClassifier
from rgf.sklearn import RGFRegressor
self.estimator_class = RGFRegressor
def search_space(cls, data_size, task):
'''[required method] search space
A dictionary of the search space.
Each key is the name of a hyperparameter, and value is a dict with
its domain (required) and low_cost_init_value, init_value,
cat_hp_cost (if applicable).
{'domain': tune.randint(lower=1, upper=10), 'init_value': 1}.
space = {
'max_leaf': {'domain': tune.lograndint(lower=4, upper=data_size[0]), 'init_value': 4, 'low_cost_init_value': 4},
'n_iter': {'domain': tune.lograndint(lower=1, upper=data_size[0]), 'init_value': 1, 'low_cost_init_value': 1},
'n_tree_search': {'domain': tune.lograndint(lower=1, upper=32768), 'init_value': 1, 'low_cost_init_value': 1},
'opt_interval': {'domain': tune.lograndint(lower=1, upper=10000), 'init_value': 100},
'learning_rate': {'domain': tune.loguniform(lower=0.01, upper=20.0)},
'min_samples_leaf': {'domain': tune.lograndint(lower=1, upper=20), 'init_value': 20},
return space
def size(cls, config):
'''[optional method] memory size of the estimator in bytes
config - the dict of the hyperparameter config
A float of the memory size required by the estimator to train the
given config
max_leaves = int(round(config['max_leaf']))
n_estimators = int(round(config['n_iter']))
return (max_leaves * 3 + (max_leaves - 1) * 4 + 1.0) * n_estimators * 8
def cost_relative2lgbm(cls):
'''[optional method] relative cost compared to lightgbm
return 1.0
(2) 运行FLAML自定义模型automl
automl = AutoML()
automl.add_learner(learner_name='RGF', learner_class=MyRegularizedGreedyForest)
# 添加配置
settings = {
"time_budget": 10, # total running time in seconds
"metric": 'accuracy',
"estimator_list": ['RGF', 'lgbm', 'rf', 'xgboost'], # list of ML learners
"task": 'classification', # task type
"log_file_name": 'airlines_experiment_custom_learner.log', # flaml log file
"log_training_metric": True, # whether to log training metric
automl.fit(X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, **settings)
(3) 自定义优化指标
我们可以为模型自定义优化指标。 下面的示例代码中,我们合并训练损失和验证损失作为自定义优化指标,并对其进行优化,希望损失最小化。
def custom_metric(X_val, y_val, estimator, labels, X_train, y_train,
weight_val=None, weight_train=None, config=None,
groups_val=None, groups_train=None):
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
import time
start = time.time()
y_pred = estimator.predict_proba(X_val)
pred_time = (time.time() - start) / len(X_val)
val_loss = log_loss(y_val, y_pred, labels=labels,
y_pred = estimator.predict_proba(X_train)
train_loss = log_loss(y_train, y_pred, labels=labels,
alpha = 0.5
return val_loss * (1 + alpha) - alpha * train_loss, {
"val_loss": val_loss, "train_loss": train_loss, "pred_time": pred_time
# two elements are returned:
# the first element is the metric to minimize as a float number,
# the second element is a dictionary of the metrics to log
automl = AutoML()
settings = {
"time_budget": 10, # total running time in seconds
"metric": custom_metric, # pass the custom metric funtion here
"task": 'classification', # task type
"log_file_name": 'airlines_experiment_custom_metric.log', # flaml log file
automl.fit(X_train = X_train, y_train = y_train, **settings)
3.3 sklearn流水线调优
FLAML可以配合sklearn pipeline进行模型自动化调优,我们这里依旧以航空公司数据集 Airlines dataset 案例为场景,对其用法做一个讲解。
(1) 加载数据集
# 数据集准备
from flaml.data import load_openml_dataset
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = load_openml_dataset(
dataset_id=1169, data_dir='./', random_state=1234, dataset_format='array')
(2) 构建建模流水线
import sklearn
from sklearn import set_config
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from flaml import AutoML
imputer = SimpleImputer()
standardizer = StandardScaler()
automl = AutoML()
automl_pipeline = Pipeline([
("standardizer", standardizer),
("automl", automl)
Pipeline(steps=[('imputuer', SimpleImputer()),
('standardizer', StandardScaler()),
('automl', )])
(3) 参数设定与automl拟合
# 设定
settings = {
"time_budget": 60, # 总时长约束
"metric": 'accuracy', # 可选: ['accuracy','roc_auc', 'roc_auc_ovr', 'roc_auc_ovo', 'f1','log_loss','mae','mse','r2']
"task": 'classification', # 任务类型
"log_file_name": 'airlines_experiment.log', # flaml日志文件
# 拟合
automl_pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train,
(4) 取出最优模型
# Get the automl object from the pipeline
automl = automl_pipeline.steps[2][1]
# Get the best config and best learner
print('Best ML leaner:', automl.best_estimator)
print('Best hyperparmeter config:', automl.best_config)
print('Best accuracy on validation data: {0:.4g}'.format(1-automl.best_loss))
print('Training duration of best run: {0:.4g} s'.format(automl.best_config_train_time))
Best ML leaner: xgboost
Best hyperparmeter config: {'n_estimators': 63, 'max_leaves': 1797, 'min_child_weight': 0.07275175679381725, 'learning_rate': 0.06234183309508761, 'subsample': 0.9814772488195874, 'colsample_bylevel': 0.810466508891351, 'colsample_bytree': 0.8005378817953572, 'reg_alpha': 0.5768305704485758, 'reg_lambda': 6.867180836557797, 'FLAML_sample_size': 364083}
Best accuracy on validation data: 0.6721
Training duration of best run: 15.45 s
(5) 测试集评估与模型存储
import pickle
with open('automl.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(automl, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# 测试集预估与效果评估
y_pred = automl_pipeline.predict(X_test)
print('Predicted labels', y_pred)
print('True labels', y_test)
y_pred_proba = automl_pipeline.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
print('Predicted probas ',y_pred_proba[:5])
Predicted labels [0 1 1 ... 0 1 0]
True labels [0 0 0 ... 1 0 1]
Predicted probas [0.3764987 0.6126277 0.699604 0.27359942 0.25294745]
3.4 XGBoost自动调优
(1) 工具库导入与基本设定
# 导入工具库
from flaml import AutoML
automl = AutoML()
# 参数设定
settings = {
"time_budget": 120, # total running time in seconds
"metric": 'r2', # primary metrics for regression can be chosen from: ['mae','mse','r2','rmse','mape']
"estimator_list": ['xgboost'], # list of ML learners; we tune xgboost in this example
"task": 'regression', # task type
"log_file_name": 'houses_experiment.log', # flaml log file
(2) 自动化机器学习拟合
automl.fit(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, **settings)
(3) 最优模型与评估
# 最优模型
print('Best hyperparmeter config:', automl.best_config)
print('Best r2 on validation data: {0:.4g}'.format(1 - automl.best_loss))
print('Training duration of best run: {0:.4g} s'.format(automl.best_config_train_time))
Best hyperparmeter config: {'n_estimators': 776, 'max_leaves': 160, 'min_child_weight': 32.57408640781376, 'learning_rate': 0.034786853332414935, 'subsample': 0.9152991332236934, 'colsample_bylevel': 0.5656764254642628, 'colsample_bytree': 0.7313266091895249, 'reg_alpha': 0.005771390107656191, 'reg_lambda': 1.49126672786588}
Best r2 on validation data: 0.834
Training duration of best run: 9.471 s
XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree',
colsample_bylevel=0.5656764254642628, colsample_bynode=1,
colsample_bytree=0.7313266091895249, gamma=0, gpu_id=-1,
grow_policy='lossguide', importance_type='gain',
interaction_constraints='', learning_rate=0.034786853332414935,
max_delta_step=0, max_depth=0, max_leaves=160,
min_child_weight=32.57408640781376, missing=nan,
monotone_constraints='()', n_estimators=776, n_jobs=-1,
num_parallel_tree=1, random_state=0,
reg_alpha=0.005771390107656191, reg_lambda=1.49126672786588,
scale_pos_weight=1, subsample=0.9152991332236934,
tree_method='hist', use_label_encoder=False, validate_parameters=1,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.barh(X_train.columns, automl.model.estimator.feature_importances_)
(4) 模型存储
import pickle
with open('automl.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(automl, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
(5) 测试集预估及模型评估
# 测试集预估
y_pred = automl.predict(X_test)
print('Predicted labels', y_pred)
print('True labels', y_test)
# 测试集评估
from flaml.ml import sklearn_metric_loss_score
print('r2', '=', 1 - sklearn_metric_loss_score('r2', y_pred, y_test))
print('mse', '=', sklearn_metric_loss_score('mse', y_pred, y_test))
print('mae', '=', sklearn_metric_loss_score('mae', y_pred, y_test))
3.5 LightGBM自动调优
# 导入工具库
from flaml import AutoML
automl = AutoML()
# 参数配置
settings = {
"time_budget": 240, # total running time in seconds
"metric": 'r2', # primary metrics for regression can be chosen from: ['mae','mse','r2','rmse','mape']
"estimator_list": ['lgbm'], # list of ML learners; we tune lightgbm in this example
"task": 'regression', # task type
"log_file_name": 'houses_experiment.log', # flaml log file
"seed": 7654321, # random seed
# 自动化机器学习拟合调优
automl.fit(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, **settings)
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