Flutter 学习之DIO封装



dio: ^3.0.9
json_serializable: ^3.3.0
dio_cookie_manager: ^1.0.0
dio_http_cache: ^0.2.6


  • 显示日志
  • 缓存cooker
  • 缓存结果


import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:chuanzhi/contract/api.dart';
import 'package:chuanzhi/contract/config.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:cookie_jar/cookie_jar.dart';
import 'package:dio_cookie_manager/dio_cookie_manager.dart';
import 'package:dio_http_cache/dio_http_cache.dart';

/// 网络请求的工具类,通过这个方法可以获取到请求成功与请求失败的回调(Respose类)。
class HttpUtils {
  /// get 请求的方式
  static const String _getRequestMethod = 'get';

  /// post 请求的方式
  static const String _postRequestMethod = 'post';

  /// 创建dio这个网络框架
  Dio _dio = Dio();

  /// 私有化的HttpUtils 的实例
  static HttpUtils _instace;
  bool _showDebug;
  bool _showCache;

  /// httpUtils 的的单例方法
  /// 参数:
  /// Map headers : 请求头,此请求头可以不传递。
  /// String baseUrl : baseUrl ,这个baseurl 方法可以替换。当然如果是在真实项目中baseUrl 一般都是一致的。所以此参数可以不传递
  /// int connectTimeouts :请求的超时时间,此参数默认是5000,大家可以对于访问数据多的设置此参数,参数可以不传递。
  /// int receiveTimeouts : 响应的超时时间,此参数默认为3000,参数可以不传递。
  static HttpUtils getInstace(
      [Map headers,
      String baseUrl = APIURL.BASE_URL,
      int connectTimeouts = 5000,
      int receiveTimeouts = 3000,
      bool showDebug = Config.isShowDebug,
      bool showCooker = Config.showCooker,
      bool showCache = Config.showCache]) {
    if (_instace == null) {
      _instace = HttpUtils._(headers, baseUrl, connectTimeouts, receiveTimeouts,
          showDebug, showCooker, showCache);
    return _instace;

  /// 私有化构造方法,只可以通过 getInstace 的空参构造获取到HttpUtils 的实例。
  HttpUtils._(Map headers, String baseUrl, int connectTimeouts,
      int receiveTimeouts, bool showDebug, bool showCooker, bool showCache) {
    ///1. 如果有header 头,那么就设置,如果没有的话,就不设置
    if (headers != null && headers.isNotEmpty) {
      _dio.options.headers = headers;

    /// 2. 设置超时时间
    _dio.options.baseUrl = baseUrl;

    /// 3. 设置请求的超时时间
    _dio.options.connectTimeout = connectTimeouts;

    _dio.options.receiveTimeout = receiveTimeouts;

    /// 5.设置是否显示Log日志,默认为false
    _dio.interceptors.add(LogInterceptor(responseBody: showDebug));
    _showDebug = showDebug;

    if (showCooker) {
      /// 6. 设置缓存
    _showCache = showCache;
    if (_showCache) {
          .add(DioCacheManager(CacheConfig(baseUrl: baseUrl)).interceptor);

  /// get 请求的方法
  /// String path : 此参数是baseUrl 之后的内容。必须要传递
  ///  Function successCallBack: 此参数是成功的回调
  ///   Function errCallBack: 此参数是失败的回调
  ///  Map params : 请求的参数,此参数不是必须要传的参数,因为某些请求中没有需要传递的参数。
  get(String path, Function successCallBack, Function errCallBack,
      [Map params, int days = 7]) {
        path, _getRequestMethod, successCallBack, errCallBack, params, days);

  /// post 请求的方法 , 此方法和上面的get 方法类似 。
  post(String path, Map params, Function successCallBack,
      Function errCallBack,
      [int days = 7]) {
        path, _postRequestMethod, successCallBack, errCallBack, params, days);

  /// http 请求的实现方法
    String path,
    String method,
    Function successCallBack,
    Function errCallBack,
    Map params,
    int days,
  ) async {
    Response _response;
    Map headers = _dio.options.headers;
    try {
      /// get 请求方式
      if (_getRequestMethod == method) {
        if (_showCache) {
          if (params != null && params.isNotEmpty) {
            /// get 请求有参数
            _response = await _dio.get(path,
                queryParameters: params,
                options: buildCacheOptions(Duration(days: days)));
          } else {
            /// get 请求无参数
            _response = await _dio.get(path,
                options: buildCacheOptions(Duration(days: days)));
        } else {
          if (params != null && params.isNotEmpty) {
            /// get 请求有参数
            _response = await _dio.get(path, queryParameters: params);
          } else {
            /// get 请求无参数
            _response = await _dio.get(path);
      } else

      /// post 请求方式
      if (_postRequestMethod == method) {
        if (_showCache) {
          if (params != null && params.isNotEmpty) {
            _response = await _dio.post(path,
                queryParameters: params,
                options: buildCacheOptions(Duration(days: days)));
          } else {
            _response = await _dio.post(path,
                options: buildCacheOptions(Duration(days: days)));
        } else {
          if (params != null && params.isNotEmpty) {
            _response = await _dio.post(path, queryParameters: params);
          } else {
            _response = await _dio.post(path);
    } on DioError catch (error) {
      // 请求错误处理
      Response errorResponse;
      if (error.response != null) {
        errorResponse = error.response;
      } else {
        /// 555 : 代表的是自己的错误
        errorResponse = new Response(statusCode: 555);
      // 请求超时
      if (error.type == DioErrorType.CONNECT_TIMEOUT) {
        errorResponse.statusCode = ResultCode.CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
      // 一般服务器错误
      else if (error.type == DioErrorType.RECEIVE_TIMEOUT) {
        errorResponse.statusCode = ResultCode.RECEIVE_TIMEOUT;
      // debug模式才打印
      if (_showDebug) {
        print('请求异常: ' + error.toString());
        print('请求异常url: ' + path);

        if (headers != null && headers.isNotEmpty) {
          print('请求头: ' + headers.toString());
        print('method: ' + _dio.options.method);
      _error(errCallBack, error.message);
      return '';
    // debug模式打印相关数据
    if (_showDebug) {
      print('请求url: ' + path);
      if (headers != null && headers.isNotEmpty) {
        print('请求头: ' + headers.toString());
      if (params != null && params.isNotEmpty) {
        print('请求参数: ' + params.toString());
      if (_response != null) {
        print('返回参数: ' + _response.toString());
    Map dataMap = json.decode(_response.data);
    if (dataMap == null || dataMap['state'] == 0) {
          '错误码:' +
              dataMap['errorCode'].toString() +
              ',' +
    } else if (successCallBack != null) {

  /// 异常的类
  _error(Function errorCallBack, String error) {
    if (errorCallBack != null) {

class ResultCode {
  static const SUCCESS = 1;

  static const ERROR = 1;

  /// When opening  url timeout, it occurs.
  static const CONNECT_TIMEOUT = -1;

  ///It occurs when receiving timeout.
  static const RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = -2;

  /// When the server response, but with a incorrect status, such as 404, 503...
  static const RESPONSE = -3;

  /// When the request is cancelled, dio will throw a error with this type.
  static const CANCEL = -4;

  /// read the DioError.error if it is not null.
  static const DEFAULT = -5;

class Config {
  /// 是否显示Debug 日志
  static const bool isShowDebug = false;

  /// 是否保存Cooker
  static const bool showCooker = false;

  /// 是否使用缓存
  static const bool showCache = true;


    Map map = Map();
    map['device'] = 'android';
      (data) {
      (error) {



在这里感谢 浩仔-Boy写的文章。
