
41 创建幻灯片

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: var imageList = new Array;
3: imageList[0] = new Image;
4: imageList[0].src = “image1.jpg”;
5: imageList[1] = new Image;
6: imageList[1].src = “image2.jpg”;
7: imageList[2] = new Image;
8: imageList[2].src = “image3.jpg”;
9: imageList[3] = new Image;
10: imageList[3].src = “image4.jpg”;
11: function slideShow(imageNumber) {
12: document.slideShow.src = imageList[imageNumber].src;
13: imageNumber += 1;
14: if (imageNumber < imageList.length) {
15: window.setTimeout(“slideShow(“ + imageNumber + “)”,3000);
16: }
17: }
18: </s cript>
19: </head>
20: <body onLoad=”slideShow(0)”>
21: <img src="/”image1.jpg"” width=100 name=”slideShow”>

42 随机广告图片

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: var imageList = new Array;
3: imageList[0] = “image1.jpg”;
4: imageList[1] = “image2.jpg”;
5: imageList[2] = “image3.jpg”;
6: imageList[3] = “image4.jpg”;
7: var urlList = new Array;
8: urlList[0] =”;
9: urlList[1] =”;
10: urlList[2] = http://somewhere.else/”;
11: urlList[3] =”;
12: var imageChoice = Math.floor(Math.random() * imageList.length);
13: document.write(‘<a href=”’ + urlList[imageChoice] + ‘“><img src=”’ + imageList[imageChoice] + ‘“></a>’);
14: </s cript>

Javas cript就这么回事4:表单

43 表单构成

1: <form method=”post” action=”target.html” name=”thisForm”>
2: <input type=”text” name=”myText”>
3: <select name=”mySelect”>
4: <option value=”1”>First Choice</option>
5: <option value=”2”>Second Choice</option>
6: </select>
7: <br/>
8: <input type=”submit” value=”Submit Me”>
9: </form>

44 访问表单中的文本框内容

1: <form name=”myForm”>
2: <input type=”text” name=”myText”>
3: </form>
4: <a href='#' onClick='window.alert(document.myForm.myText.value);'>Check Text Field</a>

45 动态复制文本框内容

1: <form name=”myForm”>
2: Enter some Text: <input type=”text” name=”myText”><br/>
3: Copy Text: <input type=”text” name=”copyText”>
4: </form>
5: <a href=”#” onClick=”document.myForm.copyText.value =
6: document.myForm.myText.value;”>Copy Text Field</a>

46 侦测文本框的变化

1: <form name=”myForm”>
2: Enter some Text: <input type=”text” name=”myText” onChange=”alert(this.value);”>
3: </form>

47 访问选中的Select

1: <form name=”myForm”>
2: <select name=”mySelect”>
3: <option value=”First Choice”>1</option>
4: <option value=”Second Choice”>2</option>
5: <option value=”Third Choice”>3</option>
6: </select>
7: </form>
8: <a href='#' onClick='alert(document.myForm.mySelect.value);'>Check Selection List</a>

48 动态增加Select项

1: <form name=”myForm”>
2: <select name=”mySelect”>
3: <option value=”First Choice”>1</option>
4: <option value=”Second Choice”>2</option>
5: </select>
6: </form>
7: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
8: document.myForm.mySelect.length++;
9: document.myForm.mySelect.options[document.myForm.mySelect.length - 1].text = “3”;
10: document.myForm.mySelect.options[document.myForm.mySelect.length - 1].value = “Third Choice”;
11: </s cript>

49 验证表单字段

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: function checkField(field) {
3: if (field.value == “”) {
4: window.alert(“You must enter a value in the field”);
5: field.focus();
6: }
7: }
8: </s cript>
9: <form name=”myForm” action=”target.html”>
10: Text Field: <input type=”text” name=”myField”onBlur=”checkField(this)”>
11: <br/><input type=”submit”>
12: </form>

50 验证Select项

1: function checkList(selection) {
2: if (selection.length == 0) {
3: window.alert(“You must make a selection from the list.”);
4: return false;
5: }
6: return true;
7: }

51 动态改变表单的action

1: <form name=”myForm” action=”login.html”>
2: Username: <input type=”text” name=”username”><br/>
3: Password: <input type=”password” name=”password”><br/>
4: <input type=”button” value=”Login” onClick=”this.form.submit();”>
5: <input type=”button” value=”Register” onClick=”this.form.action = ‘register.html’; this.form.submit();”>
6: <input type=”button” value=”Retrieve Password” onClick=”this.form.action = ‘password.html’; this.form.submit();”>
7: </form>

52 使用图像按钮

1: <form name=”myForm” action=”login.html”>
2: Username: <input type=”text” name=”username”><br/>
3: Password: <input type=”password”name=”password”><br/>
4: <input type=”image” src="/”login.gif"” value=”Login”>
5: </form>

53 表单数据的加密

1: <s cript LANGUAGE='Javas cript'>
2: <!--
3: function encrypt(item) {
4: var newItem = '';
5: for (i=0; i < item.length; i++) {
6: newItem += item.charCodeAt(i) + '.';
7: }
8: return newItem;
9: }
10: function encryptForm(myForm) {
11: for (i=0; i < myForm.elements.length; i++) {
12: myForm.elements[i].value = encrypt(myForm.elements[i].value);
13: }
14: }
16: //-->
17: </s cript>
18: <form name='myForm' onSubmit='encryptForm(this); window.alert(this.myField.value);'>
19: Enter Some Text: <input type=text name=myField><input type=submit>
20: </form>


Javas cript就这么回事5:窗口和框架

54 改变浏览器状态栏文字提示

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: window.status = “A new status message”;
3: </s cript>

55 弹出确认提示框

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: var userChoice = window.confirm(“Click OK or Cancel”);
3: if (userChoice) {
4: document.write(“You chose OK”);
5: } else {
6: document.write(“You chose Cancel”);
7: }
8: </s cript>

56 提示输入

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: var userName = window.prompt(“Please Enter Your Name”,”Enter Your Name Here”);
3: document.write(“Your Name is “ + userName);
4: </s cript>

57 打开一个新窗口

1: //打开一个名称为myNewWindow的浏览器新窗口
2: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
4: </s cript>

58 设置新窗口的大小

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
3: </s cript>

59 设置新窗口的位置

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
3: </s cript>

60 是否显示工具栏和滚动栏

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>

61 是否可以缩放新窗口的大小

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2:' , 'myNewWindow', 'resizable=yes' );</s cript>

62 加载一个新的文档到当前窗口

1: <a href='#' onClick='document.location = '125a.html';' >Open New Document</a>

63 设置页面的滚动位置

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: if (document.all) { //如果是IE浏览器则使用scrollTop属性
3: document.body.scrollTop = 200;
4: } else { //如果是NetScape浏览器则使用pageYOffset属性
5: window.pageYOffset = 200;
6: }</s cript>

64 在IE中打开全屏窗口

1: <a href='#' onClick="','newWindow','fullScreen=yes');">Open a full-screen window</a>

65 新窗口和父窗口的操作

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: //定义新窗口
3: var newWindow =“128a.html”,”newWindow”);
4: newWindow.close(); //在父窗口中关闭打开的新窗口
5: </s cript>
6: 在新窗口中关闭父窗口
7: window.opener.close()

66 往新窗口中写内容

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: var newWindow =“”,”newWindow”);
4: newWindow.document.write(“This is a new window”);
5: newWIndow.document.close();
6: </s cript>

67 加载页面到框架页面

1: <frameset cols=”50%,*”>
2: <frame name=”frame1” src="/”135a.html"”>
3: <frame name=”frame2” src="/”about:blank"”>
4: </frameset>
5: 在frame1中加载frame2中的页面
6: parent.frame2.document.location = “135b.html”;

68 在框架页面之间共享脚本

1: function doAlert() {
2: window.alert(“Frame 1 is loaded”);
3: }


1: <body onLoad=”parent.frame1.doAlert();”>
2: This is frame 2.
3: </body>

69 数据公用

1: <s cript language=”Javas cript”>
2: var persistentVariable = “This is a persistent value”;
3: </s cript>
4: <frameset cols=”50%,*”>
5: <frame name=”frame1” src="/”138a.html"”>
6: <frame name=”frame2” src="/”138b.html"”>
7: </frameset>

70 框架代码库

1: <frameset cols=”0,50%,*”>
2: <frame name=”codeFrame” src="/”140code.html"”>
3: <frame name=”frame1” src="/”140a.html"”>
4: <frame name=”frame2” src="/”140b.html"”>
5: </frameset>
