ECS7012 分析

ECS7012 Music and Audio Programming • Spring 2021
Assignment 2: Drum Machine
Handed out: Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Report and Code Due: 10:00, Friday, 26 March 2021
Your task is to create a digital audio system which plays sequenced drum loops with various
tempos and styles, depending on input from several sensors.
Your drum machine will play drum samples which will be given to you in preloaded buffers.
Each buffer contains a single drum sound. You will also be given a collection of patterns
describing how the drum samples should be ordered into loops. Your task will be to create the
audio code that plays the samples in the specified loop.
The speed of the loops and which loop to play at any given time will be selectable by sensors
attached to the Bela board, including an accelerometer which measures the tilt of the board, a
potentiometer and two buttons. Your code will handle reading the sensor data and using it to
control the parameters of the audio sequencer.
Required Materials:
• Lab Kit (Bela Starter Kit and cables)
• 1 x 3-axis accelerometer board
• 1 x potentiometer
• 2 x buttons
• 1 x LED
• Resistors (10k for buttons, 470Ω for LED)
• Code template from QMplus
System Description:
You need to build a system with the following requirements. You can choose to follow the
steps in the next section or build using your own design. In either case you must document
your design decisions.
• Play multiple drum samples simultaneously, up to 4 drum samples
• Play samples back according to a defined looping pattern of 16 events (beats)
• Store and recall 5 different drum patterns
• Start and stop playback with button press
• LED that flashes on each beat, like a metronome
• Change playback tempo with potentiometer
• Select drum pattern with orientation of accelerometer
• Turning the accelerometer upside down plays the drum samples of the current drum pattern
• BONUS: detect when accelerometer tapped and play drum fill pattern once
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  1. Overview of the task
    Your task in this assignment is to create an audio sequencer system which is capable of
    playing sampled drum sounds at precise times. The sounds themselves are held in buffers
    (each buffer containing one single drum sound), and the patterns are specified in arrays. A
    simple example pattern is shown below, which would play in a loop of 16 events:
    Your job will be to play the sounds at the right time, to manage the overall timing of the
    sequence (keeping track of where you are in the sequence and when the next event should
    arrive), and to select between different patterns depending on sensor input data.
  2. Playing a drum from a sample buffer
    In this step, you should write code so that pressing a button plays a drum sound.
    See the appendix for how to wire the button to the Bela. Your button-reading and audio code
    should go in render.cpp. The drum sample buffers are stored in the array
    gDrumSampleBuffers (where each element of the array is a buffer holding a different
    drum sound). The lengths of each sample are stored in the array
    gDrumSampleBufferLengths. For example, gDrumSampleBufferLengths[0] holds
    the length of the drum sample stored in gDrumSampleBuffers[0].
    To work with the button:
    • Initialise the GPIO input on the correct pin (in setup())
    • Read the button value and check if it has changed from unpressed to pressed (in
    render()). You will need to save the last value in a global variable. Hint: see the Week 4a
    example where we looked at how to tell if the button was just now pressed.
    To trigger the sound, check if the button was just now pressed, using the code you just wrote.
    When this happens, you should start playing sound from the buffer (and reset the variable). A
    variable gReadPointer has been declared for you, which you can use to play sound from
    the drum buffer. You need to do three things:
    • Start the read pointer at 0 when the button is pressed
    • Copy samples from the drum buffer to the output audio buffer in render() (remember
    both channels!), incrementing the read pointer after each sample.
    • Stop when the read pointer reaches the end of the drum buffer.
    Hint: think about what the default value of gReadPointer should be before you press the
    button. Implement this in the top of the file.
  3. Multiple drums at once
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    Playing real drum patterns will often require multiple sounds to be active at once. Here, we
    will create a scheme for playing up to 16 sounds at once; these could be different drums or
    even multiple copies of the same drum (e.g. if playing the same sound again before the first
    one has finished).
    In this step, rather than having one read pointer, we will have an array of them. First replace
    gReadPointer with an array called gReadPointers, which contains 16 elements. Then
    create a second array of 16 elements, type int, which will hold which buffer is associated
    with each read pointer. You might call this gDrumBufferForReadPointer or similar.
    3a. Starting a drum sound
    Fill in the function called startPlayingDrum(). This function should be called whenever
    you want to play a new drum sound. It takes as an argument the index of the drum to play
    (i.e. which buffer within gDrumSampleBuffers). Your code should do the following:
    • Find the first read pointer that is not already being used to play a drum (Hint: use a for()
    loop to go through and check each element of the array. The break; statement lets you
    stop the loop once you find a read pointer that isn’t being used.)
    • Use gDrumBufferForReadPointer to indicate which buffer should be played, and reset
    the read pointer to 0 to make it start playing.
    • If there are no read pointers free (all 16 in use; unlikely), you can return without playing the
    sound. (There are other options, such as voice stealing, but we don’t need to do that here.)
    3b. Playing the drum sounds
    Once you have created these two arrays, your code in render() should go through each
    read pointer in the array (Hint: for() loop). Check whether the read pointer is actually
    associated with a drum sound (Hint: use gDrumBufferForReadPointer; what kind of
    value might you assign to indicate that the particular read pointer isn’t used right now?).
    Also check whether the read pointer has reached the end of the buffer, and if so, change
    gDrumBufferForReadPointer to indicate that the pointer is no longer active.
    For every active read pointer, mix the drum sound from the buffer into your audio output.
    Hint: You may need to reduce the overall level of the output to avoid clipping with multiple
    3c. Testing multiple drums
    Attach two buttons to your BBB. Extend your code from Step 2 to play two different drum
    sounds. When one of the triggers is set, call startPlayingDrum() to initiate the sound.
    You should be able to play both at the same time without glitches or distortion. You should
    also be able to press the button quickly to re-trigger a drum without cutting off the previous
  5. Playing drums in a loop
    In this step, you will play looping sequences of drum sounds based on pre-stored patterns.
    The patterns are stored in arrays; which pattern to play and how fast to play it will ultimately
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    be selectable by sensors. Note: you no longer need the buttons to trigger drum sounds as they
    did in step 3; that was only for testing.
    4a. Create a simple metronome
    You have been given a function named startNextEvent(). You will use this function to
    trigger the next event in the pattern. For this step, add code to startNextEvent() so that it
    always plays the same drum sound every time it is called (Hint: startPlayingDrum()).
    Next, add code to render() which counts the number of audio samples that have gone by
    (Hint: you will need a global variable to save the number of samples; refer to the Week 7a
    exercises). When it reaches the length of time specified in the global variable
    gEventIntervalMilliseconds (already given to you), call startNextEvent() and
    reset the counter. (Hint: how do you convert from the interval in milliseconds to the number
    of samples needed?)
    When you have finished this step, you should hear a drum sound playing at a regular interval,
    like a metronome.
    4b. Start and stop
    Make one of the buttons start and stop the metronome. Read the button inside render() as
    before, and add code to set the global variable gIsPlaying to 1 or 0. Then, within your
    render() function, check the value of gIsPlaying to decide whether to trigger new
    events. Note: when you stop the loop, the currently playing samples should finish playing, so
    don’t use gIsPlaying to cut off all the audio! Just check it to decide whether or not to start
    further drum sounds.
    At the end of this step, you should be able to start and stop your metronome by pressing the
    4c. Change tempo with the potentiometer
    Wire up the potentiometer to one of the analog inputs on the cape (see appendix for circuit
    diagram). Inside render(), you should also add code to read the potentiometer value
    (analogRead()). Remember that there are two audio samples for every analog input sample
    (i.e. the sample rate is 22.05kHz compared to 44.1kHz for audio).
    When you get the analog input, you need to map it to the tempo of the loop by changing the
    value of gEventIntervalMilliseconds. (Remember, smaller interval = faster tempo.)
    Make it so the full range of potentiometer values maps to an interval range of 50-1000ms.
    (Hint: use the map() function.)
    When you finish this step, you should have a metronome whose tempo you can change by
    turning the potentiometer.
    4d. Make the LED blink on each beat
    In this step, you should make the LED blink at each beat. See the appendix for how to wire
    the LED. You will also need to add code to setup() to initialise the GPIO pin to be an
    output. In render() you will need the LED to stay lit for more than 1 sample so you can
    see it (Hint: see Week 7a slides.)
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    When you finish this step, the LED should blink with each successive beat.
    4e. Play a drum pattern
    You are given a two-dimensional array gPatterns which holds the sequence of drums to
    play. The first dimension of the array is which pattern to use; the second dimension is the
    index of the events within a pattern. For example, gPatterns[0] will hold the first drum
    pattern; gPatterns0 would be the first event within the pattern, followed by
    gPatterns0, etc. The length of each pattern is stored in the array
    In this step, you should change the code inside startNextEvent(). Instead of always
    playing the same drum sound, read the next event in the pattern to decide which drum(s) to
    play. You should do the following:
    • You have been given two global variables: gCurrentPattern and
    gCurrentIndexInPattern. These hold which pattern to play and where within the
    pattern is currently being played. Each time startNextEvent() is called, look up the
    current event in gPatterns using these two indices. Figure out which drums this event
    contains and play them. You have been given a function int eventContainsDrum(int
    event, int drum). This function returns 1 if the given event contains the given drum
    index (since an event may contain more than 1 drum). Hint: use a for() loop to check for
    each drum; if eventContainsDrum() returns 1, then play that sound.
    • Increment the index within the current pattern. If you get to the end of the pattern (Hint:
    check gPatternLengths), reset the index to 0. Notice that your index within the pattern
    works very much like a circular buffer for audio samples.
    At the end of this step, you should hear a complete drum pattern with multiple drum sounds,
    playing in a loop. The tempo of the loop will be controllable with the potentiometer. You’re
    nearly there!
  8. Select patterns with the accelerometer
    You have been given a 3-axis accelerometer. This device creates 3 analog signals whose
    values are proportional to the acceleration in that axis. The X and Y axes are parallel to the
    breadboard. The Z axis is up/down assuming the breadboard is lying flat on a desk.
    See the appendix for how to wire up the accelerometer. You will use analogRead() inside
    render() to read the values from each axis.
    Important Note 1: the accelerometer is designed to measure acceleration in either direction,
    but the voltage it produces is always positive. Therefore, zero acceleration (i.e. sitting still or
    moving at constant velocity) will be somewhere roughly halfway between 0V and 3.3V. But
    the exact value will depend on the particular device and the resistors used, so you can’t
    assume it is always 1.65V. Therefore, you may have to measure it experimentally and include
    these values in your code (or read values at startup, during the first few samples of
    render(), and use these as a reference).
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    Important Note 2: gravity is an acceleration! When the accelerometer is plugged into the
    breadboard and resting on the desk, you should measure 0g (no acceleration) in the X and Y
    axes, and 1g in the Z axis. Turn the board on its side (90°), and now you will measure +/-1g
    in either the X or Y axis, depending on which way you have turned it (and 0g in the Z axis).
    Turn the board upside-down, and you will measure -1g in the Z axis. Hint: the full range of
    output voltage on the accelerometer corresponds to -1.5g to 1.5g in each axis.
    5a. Detect board orientation
    Based on the acceleration in each axis, you should be able to determine which way the board
    is facing. By default you will read around 1g in the Z axis and 0g in the others (again,
    remember, 0g does not mean 0V!). You need to design a system that recognises any of 5
    orientations (note: depending on how your accelerometer is plugged into the board, the signs
    and axes may be different, but you will always have these 5 orientations):
    • Resting flat (X = 0, Y = 0, Z = positive)
    • Turned vertically on left side (X = negative, Y = 0, Z = 0)
    • Turned vertically on right side (X = positive, Y = 0, Z = 0)
    • Turned vertically on front side (X = 0, Y = negative, Z = 0)
    • Turned vertically on back side (X = 0, Y = positive, Z = 0)
    Write code within render() to read each axis and make a decision about what orientation
    the board is in. You don't necessarily need to check the accelerometer every single sample:
    reading it 100 times per second or so would be sufficient. Better yet would be to put a
    lowpass filter on each of the accelerometer signals to reduce noise. (Hint: use a block of if() /
    else if() statements, but remember that the values in each axis may vary by a bit. You’ll need
    some degree of tolerance so if, for example, X and Y are not exactly 0g, you still detect the
    right orientation. Hysteresis will also help make the changes cleaner.)
    Initially, use rt_printf() statements so you can tell if your detection is working correctly.
    (rt_printf() is like regular printf() but performs better in this real-time context. But if you
    print every single sample it will surely overload the system, so use sparingly!)
    5b. Change pattern depending on orientation
    Based on the orientation information in the previous step, change the value of
    gCurrentPattern so that a different pattern plays in each orientation of the board.
    Remember that the patterns may be of different lengths! Each time you change
    gCurrentPattern, use modulo arithmetic to make sure gCurrentPatternIndex stays
    within the length of the new pattern (Hint: check gPatternLengths).
    At the end of this step, your drum machine should play 5 different patterns depending on
    which way the board is turned.
    5c. Play samples backwards when the board is upside down
    There is one further orientation we have not explored: the board upside down will produce
    negative Z-axis acceleration and 0 in the X and Y axes. Add code to render() to detect this
    orientation. Don’t change the current pattern in this case. Instead, set the global variable
    gPlaysBackwards (already defined for you). Then in your audio code, when this variable is
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    set, you should make every drum sample play backwards instead of forwards. Hint: make the
    read pointers count downward instead of upward. Now how do you check if you’ve reached
    the end of a drum sample?
    Now you should have a complete working drum machine! Tempo is adjustable by
    potentiometer, start/stop by the button, and selecting patterns by the orientation of the board.
    See below for some more features you can add if you’re interested.
    Bonus Step (up to 5% extra marks). Tap to add a fill
    In the final step, we will temporarily play a different drum pattern (a fill) whenever we firmly
    tap the board. Drum fills are often used at the end of a section of several bars; they are
    usually played once rather than as a repeating pattern.
    You have been given a variable gShouldPlayFill. You should set this in render()
    whenever you recognise a tap on the accelerometer. In the audio code (in render()), you
    should check the value of this variable. If it is set, you should start playing a new pattern.
    When you get to the end of this new pattern, you’ll go back to what you were playing before,
    so you should save the value of gCurrentPattern inside the global variable
    gPreviousPattern. Then, set the value of gCurrentPattern to the special value
    FILL_PATTERN and reset gCurrentPatternIndex to 0. This will cause the fill to play
    next. Hint: don’t forget to reset gShouldPlayFill inside render().
    In startNextEvent(), when you get to the end of the current pattern, check whether the
    pattern was a fill (Hint: if(gCurrentPattern == FILL_PATTERN)). If so, set
    gCurrentPattern back to the value you stored in gPreviousPattern, which will cause
    the drum machine to go back to the pattern it was playing before.
    Tapping the accelerometer will produce a temporary spike in acceleration. If you’re tapping
    the surface of the breadboard, the spike should be primarily in the Z axis, but tapping in other
    directions is possible. For this step, you will need to design code to check for a spike in
    acceleration, and set gShouldPlayFill to 1 whenever you detect one. Hint: try
    implementing a high-pass filter on the accelerometer data. This will pass the spikes while
    blocking the constant acceleration due to gravity. You can implement a filter on the
    accelerometer data exactly as you did on the audio data in Assignment 1: save the previous
    inputs and outputs and multiply by the correct filter coefficients. Remember that the sampling
    rate of the accelerometer, like all analog inputs on Bela, is half the audio rate (22.05kHz).
    Your submission should consist of the following:
  11. Your source code. All .cpp and h files that you edit or create for the project including
    main.cpp and render.cpp.
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    • Don’t forget to comment your code! Uncommented or illegible code will receive a
    reduced mark.
    • Please submit a zip file containing your source code and your report via QMPlus.
  13. A 3 to 4-page report (PDF format). Include the following information (though your
    report does not have to be structured in this way):
    • Describing your design process.
    • Details of your implementation.
    • State diagram explaining how your implementation works.
    • Cite your sources! Any code or designs found to come from another source without
    attribution will be treated as a case of plagiarism, and may be referred to the university
    for further action. Use the Harvard Style for citations.
  14. Quick (2-3 min.) video demo of your drum machine in action. This can be recorded with
    a phone or laptop camera; production value is not important. It should show you starting
    and stopping the drum machine, changing the tempo with the potentiometer, and tilting
    the board in different directions to get different patterns (including upside down to play
    the samples backwards). If you have implemented the bonus step then please show that as
    well. If you have an external speaker that you can use with Bela, then use that to record
    the sound. If you don't have a speaker, you could try a large pair of headphones or
    holding the headphone directly up to the microphone. Sound quality is not especially
    important, but it should be possible to tell what the drum machine is playing.

Marking Criteria:
Theory Demonstrates an understanding of the theory being implemented. 30%
Implementation Code functions correctly, is well-commented, and design
decisions are explained/justified in the report.
Evaluation Evidence demonstrating the implementation’s success and
discussion of any weaknesses.
Report Professional presentation of a technical report; sources are cited;
figures are properly referenced and of sufficient resolution to be
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Appendix: Circuits
Note: pin numbers in the schematics may be different in your implementation
Attaching an LED requires a resistor (range between
220Ω and 470Ω, depending on the brightness you
want). Put the LED and resistor in series, making sure
the short lead of the LED goes to ground. 2 wires to
Bela required: one to the GPIO output pin, one to
ground. Note: your GPIO pin numbers could be
different than the ones listed here; remember to refer
to the pin diagram to tell you which pin corresponds
to which GPIO number.
The button requires a pull-up resistor (10kΩ suggested; brown-blackorange).
The resistor goes between +3.3V and one terminal of the
button. The other terminal of the button attaches to ground. Never
use 5V on Bela! 3 wires to Bela required: one to +3.3V, one to the
GPIO input pin, one to ground.
The potentiometer is attached with 3 wires. One end of the
potentiometer goes to +3.3V (which can be found on pin 3
of P9), the other end goes to ground. The middle terminal
of the potentiometer goes to the analog input on the Bela
The accelerometer is powered by +3.3V and connects
to three analog inputs on the cape. Five wires are
required: 3 analog inputs, +3.3V and ground. In
addition, you will need a wire between the +V input
and the SLP pin to enable the accelerometer.
