MIS 111 应用业务

MIS 111 ABP-3 Spring 2021 Rev 1.1 Page 1 of 18
Applied Business Project 3
Eller College of Management
This document contains instructions on completing ABP-3 for MIS 111 class.
Version 1.0 (Initial Release): 15 March 2021
Version 1.1: 17 March 2021
M I S 1 1 1 - C o m p u t e r s a n d t h e I n t e r n e t w o r k e d S o c i e t y
Spring 2021
MIS 111 ABP-3 Spring 2021 Rev 1.1 Page 2 of 18
Applied Business Project 3
Assignment Overview
For Applied Business Project 3, you will create an informational (authority) website
providing investor-related information on the business you were previously researched for
ABP-1 and ABP-2 (refer to your D2L grade book for your “ABP Ticker”). Your website
should include a brief overview of the company and products, and additional information on
the corporation’s management, stock, and financial status that would be of interest to
investors. As discussed in class, your website should consider the principles of good website
design and the effective use of both textual and graphical information. (An example webpage
is included with this document as Appendix A.)
Business Objectives of Website Designs
As described by Thrive, a website design company, every website can be sorted into one of
four types, each with their own defining factors and sales structure. By knowing what kind
you want before making any design or marketing decisions, you can effectively attract the
audience you want and complement a well-defined marketing plan.
Authority Website
The authority website serves as an online presence for your business. This is the place
potential customers can go to get information about your company’s products and services,
as well as learning how to get in contact with someone about your services. People visiting
this type of website will have already have heard about your company and are looking for
more detailed information as part of their decision-making process. Your website serves as
an online placeholder, giving your business more legitimacy in the eyes of your customer.
Lead-generation Website
As its name suggests, this type of website site is focused on generating leads through its
online presence. SEO and targeted marketing strategies play a huge role in bringing in new
customers, although direct sales occur offline. These websites focus on prospective
customers who are ready to spend their money, but the need to be convinced that your
business is the perfect place to invest.
Design Reminder
Examples shown in this document should ONLY be used as a guideline for the graphical
style expected for the task. You should refer to the guidelines for information about the
content required in the figures and tables may differ from prior assignments.
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Sales Website
This type of website is especially popular, as both leads and sales are all done completely
online. These are the sites that sell products or services through e-commerce, even if the
business utilizes online scheduling and payment, but provides the service in-person. In
general, if a site has a cart function, then it falls into the sales website category.
Utility Website
A utility website functions more like a tool than a standard website. These are the companies
whose business and website are one and the same, such as Airbnb and Facebook. They don’t
necessarily generate leads or sales, but are accessible to anyone that chooses to use them.
(Adapted from “There are 4 Types of Websites. Which One Do You Need?“ by Noah Britton,
Getting Background Information on Company
For this project, you MUST use the company listed in your D2L grade
book item “ABP Ticker” or “ABP Company” (your ABP company).
Since you have already worked with this company, you should already be familiar with how
to locate information about your assigned company using Yahoo Finance, your company’s
official website, or other online sources.
Important Note
If you do not use the company listed in your D2L grade book item “ABP Company
Ticker” or “ABP Company” (the company you were assigned to use for Applied
Business Project 1) for your ABP-3 website, a major penalty will be deducted.
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Requirement to Use an Approved Website Development Tool
Important Note: Your website must be developed using an approved web-development
tool, such as Blue Griffon or Adobe Dreamweaver.
Blue Griffon supports both Windows and MacOS operating systems and can be downloaded
at no cost from at http://bluegriffon.org You are NOT required to purchase a software
license for Blue Griffon to access any feature required for ABP-3.
Adobe Dreamweaver is available at no cost to MIS 111 students as part of the Adobe Creative
Cloud license. More information on the Adobe Creative Cloud can be found at:
If you do not wish or are unable to install software on your personal computer, you may also
use the VCAT (Virtual Computing Access Technology) system to access DreamWeaver on the
Adobe Creative Cloud at: http://vcat.arizona.edu/
Website Design Requirements
As shown in template index.html file is provided on D2L, your one-page informational
website mustinclude the following elements and formatting. A correctly formatting sample
webpage is included in this handout as Appendix A.
Website Section 1 – Header (Row 1)
Row 1. Left Column: Company Legal name and Ticker (as shown in your ABP Company
Ticker found in your D2L grade book).
Right Column: Company Logo and Logo Source URL. Be sure to include alt text for the
image used for the company logo.
Important Note
You are NOT allowed to use word processing or graphic design tools such as
Microsoft Word or Publisher, or templates from online services such as GoDaddy,
Wix, or Wordpress. You are not allowed to use any other web authoring, design,
or development tool for this assignment without prior approval of an instructor.
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Website Section 2 - Corporate Overview and Governance (rows 2 - 5)
Row 2. Title: “Corporate Overview and Governance”
Row 3. Left Column: An original writeup in your own words indicating what type of
website (Authority, Lead Generation, Sales, or Utility) your company’s customerfacing
website is, and how the company uses its website to engage with its
customers about its products and services. This section should be a 100 word
discussion (range: 75 – 125 words) written in your own words. Do NOT
directly copy descriptions or other information directly from a prior ABP
report, your company’s website or any other source.
Row 4. Right Column: Your Task 1.1 Corporate Governance Table from ABP-1, saved
as a picture, formatted to be 600 pixels wide. This table may be copied directly
from your ABP-1 report and be sure it is clearly readable.
Make sure you include “alt text” for the corporate governance table image that
also includes the following minimum information (Note: this is the only image
where we are specifically requiring more information than a simple brief
description of the image):
• Company’s legal company name
• Company’s trading exchange and ticker symbol
• Company’s primary website URL
If you were unable to complete ABP-1, you may use the Corporate Governance
Table from the “ABP-1 Alternate Figures” posted on D2L. If you use this figure,
you must also include the citation show below the figure as well.
Row 5. Left Column: The sources used for discussion in the left column of Row 3.
Right Column: The sources you cited in ABP-1 report for your Task 1.1 table.
Important Note: If you were unable to complete ABP-1, you may use the Corporate
Governance Table from “ABP-1 Alternate Figures” posted on D2L. However, if you use this
figure, you must also include the citation show with the figure in the “ABP-1 Alternate
Figures” document.
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Website Section 3 – Corporate Financials (rows 6 – 10)
Row 6. Title: “Corporate Financials”
Row 7. Left Column: A copy of your table on historical stock analysis and fundamentals
from ABP-1 (this table may be copied directly from ABP-1). Be sure the chart is
clearly legible and set to 600 pixels wide.
Right Column: A copy of your chart on the Competitive stock price analysis from your
ABP-1 report. Be sure the chart is clearly legible and set to 600 pixels wide.
Row 8. Left Column: The sources for your table on historical stock analysis and
fundamentals from ABP-1
Right Column: The sources for your chart on the competitive stock price analysis
from ABP-1
Row 9. An original writeup of 100 word discussion (range: 75 – 125 words) in your own
words describing the where you see the corporation’s financials now standing and
where you think the stock price will be in six months. Cite as least two factors from
the historical stock analysis table and the competitive stock price graph that
influenced your opinion, either supporting your estimate of future stock price. This
section should be written in your own words. You are NOT allowed to a
recommendation from your ABP report, directly from your company’s website
or any other source.
Row 10. Include at least one citation for a new data source referenced when preparing your
discussion in Row 9. You are not required to repeat the sources shown in Row 8 for
the table and graph.
Important Note: If you were unable to complete ABP-1, you may use the Competitive Stock
Price Analysis Table and Historical Stock Analysis and Fundamentals Table from the “ABP-1
Alternate Figures” posted on D2L. If you use this figure, you must also include the citations
show with each figure in the “ABP-1 Alternate Figures” document.
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Website Section 4 – Corporate Investment Analysis (rows 11 – 15)
Row 11. Title: “Corporate Investment Analysis”
Row 12. Left Column: Your shares traded graph from ABP-2. Be sure the chart is clearly
legible and set to 600 pixels wide.
Right Column: Your intraday Stock Prices Graph from ABP-2. Be sure the chart is
clearly legible and set to 600 pixels wide.
Row 13. Left Column: The ABP-2 Sources used for your shares traded graph
Right Column: The ABP-2 Sources used for your shares intra-day stock price graph
Important Note: If you were unable to complete ABP-2, you may use the Shares Traded Graph,
Intra-day Stock Prices Graph, or the Warren Buffet chart or graph (visualization) from the “ABP-
2 Alternate Figures” posted on D2L. If you use this figure, you must also include the citations
show with each figure in the “ABP-2 Alternate Figures” document.
Website Section 5 – Copyright Statement (row 14)
Row 14. Copyright statement as follows:
“This website is the original work of and copyright 2021 by website designer. All registered
trademarks are property of their respective owners.”
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Additional Website Design Requirements
• Your images MUST be inserted from your project directory. You will NOT receive
credit for an image that is an html link to an image on another webpage. In other
words, the “src” attribute used with your tag should a relative reference and
only contain a filename, not a directory path or URL to another website (see below).
• Each image on your webpage (i.e., photos, logos, etc.) MUST also include “alt” text
(alternate description) attribute. Note that the Corporate Governance Table has specific
requirements for what must be in it’s alt text.
Your alternative descriptions of will be used by accessibility readers and should be the most
concise description possible of the image’s purpose. For more information on the use of
“alt” tags for accessibility see https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutori...
• Your web page must include a “Title” tag in the section of your webpage in
the form: “Corporate Profile for (ticker symbol>)” that will be displayed by the browser when your website
accessed (e.g.: “Corporate Profile for Walmart (WMT)”).
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Project Report Requirements (Submitted to D2L as a PDF file)
As shown in the reporttemplate available on D2L, yourABP-3 project report mustinclude the
following information about your website:
Report Task 1: Website hosting and Design Methodology
Task 1 Deliverables: For this task, you will document your web development environment:
Task 1.1 The website development tool used to develop your website (e.g., Blue
Griffon, Adobe DreamWeaver, or another approved website development tool).
Task 1.2 What computing platform you used to develop your website, (e.g a windows
laptop, a windows desktop computer, an apple laptop computer, an apple desktop
computer, etc.. If you used multiple platforms, please list the two you used the most.)
Task 1.3 A screenshot image of the ABP3 project folder on your computer showing
your index.html and all image files. The display option for the folder should use the
“details” view that includes the date, type, and size of each file, as shown below:
Report Task 2: Web-based Marketing Strategy
If your business has an online presence, understanding the difference between organic and
paid search, and how it can be applied to your business’ marketing plan, is critical.
Organic search results are the “natural” results found underneath the ads in the SERPs. They
are natural in the sense that the search engine algorithm analyzing all the pages across the
web felt these pages contained the most relevant information for your search.
The algorithm has decided that these websites will have the most useful information
according to what you are trying to discover, which is why they rank highly for the keywords
you typed in your query. The page is scanned for various things (like proper title tags, meta
description, URL, keywords, awesome content, etc) and the more relevant the information,
the higher the ranking.
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Paid search results are basically ads paid for by businesses in order to rise above the organic
results in the fastest way possible. Marketers invest money into SEM (search engine marketing)
in order to boost their website to (ideally) the first page when someone types an inquiry using
specific keywords. For ads showing up on Google, marketers use AdWords to craft ads and bid
on placement opportunities in the auction.
(Adapted from “What’s the Difference Between Organic and Paid Search?” by Estelle Pigot,
https://www.acquisio.com/blog... )
For this section, assume you are a marketing executive for your company, and you have been
asked to select a Google Adwords (words or phrases) to use as part of a marketing campaign
for one of the products or services mentioned on your company’s customer-facing website.
To help you understand Google Adwords, approaches you might use to find effective
adwords for your product, and the difference between organic and paid Google searches,
please refer to the following webpages:
https://adwords.google.com/ho... (requires non-UA Google account)
Task 2 Deliverables: Provide the following information about the Adword you select:
Task 2.1 What are the product and adword (word or phrase) you selected?
Task 2.2 Write a 75 word discussion (range: 50-100 words) in your own words
about the adword selection criteria for your company or its products. In other words,
why do you think your terms will be effective in driving customer to your website
when they are entered?
Task 2.3 As a feasibility analysis, enter your adword (word or phrase) as a search
using Google. Then, write a 75 word (range: 50-100 words) in your own words
assessment of the effectiveness of your proposed adword. In other words, did the
products or services (either from your company or your company’s competitors)
returned by your search relate to your company or its products?
Task 2.4 Based on your proposed, include a screenshot of the top organic (nonsponsored,
non-paid) search result reported by Google, as shown below.
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Report Task 3: Universal Design and Accessibility
As described by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
“Universal design” means the design of products, environments, programmes [sic] and
services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for
adaptation or specialized design. “Universal design” shall not exclude assistive devices
for particular groups of persons with disabilities where this is needed.
For this section, you will perform an accessibility check on your ABP-3 project website using
the AChecker website (https://achecker.ca/checker/i...), which is a commercial
product that checks single HTML pages for conformance with accessibility standards to
ensure the content can be accessed by everyone.
To use the AChecker, you will upload the index.html file you developed for ABP-3 and analyze
your website for any accessibility problems based on the WCAG 2.0 (Level AA) guidelines.
To select this option, expand the “Options” section and select the WCAG 2.0 (Level AA) prior
to running your web accessibility check (Check It). (For additional information on the WCAG
2.0 standard, see: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ )
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When AChecker scans your ABP-3 project website (i.e., index.html file), it will identify the
accessibility problems under the WCAG standard with your website in these categories:
• Known problems: These are problems that have been identified with certainty as
accessibility barriers under the WCAG standard.
• Likely problems: These are problems that have been identified as probable barriers
under the WCAG standard, but require a human to make a decision.
• Potential problems: These are problems that AChecker cannot identify, that require a
human decision to determine whether the issue would present a barrier.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are NOT required modify your website developed for the ABP-3
assignment to correct for the problems reported by AChecker. Your task is only to report
the sections from the WCAG standards that were identified as potential issues.
However, if AChecker reports an error you have made designing your website, such as not
include an “alt” tag on an image, you may, of course, correct your website to eliminate the
design error and then re-run the AChecker scan for this section.
Task 3 Deliverables: Provide the following information about your accessibility check:
Task 3.1: Summary of WCAG accessibility requirements identified for review.
For this task, you will list the sections from WCAG standard reported by AChecker
where there are “Known Problems” and “Likely Problems” reported. For example,
in the figure shown above, you would list “3.1Readable: Make text content readable
and understandable”.
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Task 3.2: Analysis of each major item reported by AChecker
For each WCAG sections listed in Task 3.1 with a “Known Problem” or “Likely
Problem” reported, with a Check code (i.e., “Check xxx”), you will list the following:
• The “check” code and its description,
• A brief description the recommended “repair”, and
• a statement about of how making the change will improve the accessibility of
your website.
For example, in the fragment shown above, “Check” problem report would be described as
shown below. (Note: To learn how correcting the “check” issue will improve your website’s
accessibility, click on the check issue hyperlinked description.)
Issue: Check 301: The contrast between the colour of text and its background is not sufficient
to meet WCAG2.0 Level AA.
Repair: Use a color contrast evaluator to determine if text and background colors provide a
contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for standard text, or 3:1 for larger text.
Improvement: Makes it easier for users to see and hear content including separating
foreground from background.
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Section 4: Insert images of each major section of your Website
For this section, insert an image (screenshots or snips are acceptable) for each of the major
sections of your website from Blue Griffon, Adobe Dreamweaver, or equivalent web
development tool, into your ABP-3 project report, as follows:
Task 4.1: Header (Row 1)
Task 4.2: Corporate Overview and Governance (rows 2 - 5)
Task 4.3: Corporate Financials (rows 6 – 10)
Task 4.4: Corporate Investment Analysis (rows 11 – 15)
Task 4.5: Copyright Statement (row 16)
Section 5: Insert the HTML source code of your “index.html” website
For this section, simply cut-and-paste the entire html source code of your index.html file
into your ABP-3 project report (i.e., the report template). You only need to include the
HTML source code in your report. You do not need to include copies of any other
graphics files, such as your images.
Note that your website source code will be several pages long (5-6 pages or about 250
lines) and may be inconsistently formatted, which is why this item is located at the
end of your assignment report. If your source code is less than a page or thousands
of lines long (15-150 pages), you probably have selected the wrong source code or you
may have a design error in your website, such as pasting text directly from a word
processing software.
Be sure you include the entire HTML source code for your website, including the all of the
HTML code, that is, starting with the directive and including all of the HTML
code shown in both the  head> and  sections.

The recommended approach to obtaining the HTML source code, display your webpage in a
browser, use the “View Source” option, “Select All”, and the cut and paste the HTML source
code into your report. Alternatively, you can copy your source code directly from Blue
Griffon or Dreamweaver directly using the “Code View” screen.
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Using the ABP-3 Assignment Report Template Provided on D2L
It is strongly recommended that you use the provided Word template, as it includes the
required E-tegrity statement, section headers, and other required formatting. Be sure you
update the header with your name and UANetid.
Business Report Deliverable
Your report must include all elements of the report template, including the E-Tegrity
statement (shown below), as well as report header and title block, and the task section
headers shown in the report template file. If you elect not to use the template, you are still
responsible for all of the required elements shown in the template, and will lose credit for
missing items or it if your report is not professionally formatted.
Major Penalties
Not submitting your report as a PDF document. Even if we can open and grade your
assignment, if you submit your report in any other format (e.g., Word or Pages), a 10 point
penalty will be deducted from your score.
Submitting the wrong document, a blank template, or a document that cannot be opened.
You will not receive any credit for the assignment, but you will be allowed to submit a report
for partial credit with a 20 point penalty.
Not including the E-Tegrity statement in your report, as shown the template file. Not
including an E-tegrity statement is a 20 point penalty.
Not using your assigned company, as shown in the “ABP Ticker” item in your MIS 111 grade
book on D2L. With the exception of graphs used from the “Alternate Figures” documents,
using another company for any aspect of this project is a 20 point penalty.
You MUST submit your solution as a formal business report
using the submission links provided on D2L in PDF file format.
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Assignment On-time Submission
Assignment Due Date: Wednesday, March 31st at 6:00PM
If you miss the on-time deadline, please refer to the assignment calendar for additional
opportunities you will have to submit your report using the “Partial Credit” submission link.
As a reminder, the system clock for D2L solely determines the submission time for an
assignment, not your personal device. Moreover, please remember that that Arizona does
NOT observe daylight savings time, and the assignment deadline time is based on local
Arizona time (MST or UTC/GMT-7).
Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to submit your assignments early, preferably
before 5:30pm. Since it is solely your responsibility to ensure that your assignments
are fully uploaded prior to their published deadlines, no extensions will be given due
to slow system performance, network problems, or any other technology issue
affecting your ability to upload your report prior to the deadline.
In order for your report submission to be accepted for grading, the upload
process (i.e., the upload of your report must be complete and a confirmation
message displayed by D2L) must be completed before 6:00pm local Tucson time
(MST or UTC/GMT-7) on the Due Date.
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Subject to Change Statement
The information contained in these guidelines, other than the assignment’s point value for
the course grading rubric, may be subject to change with advance notice, as deemed
appropriate by the instructor, including, but not limited to typographical errors, factual
errors, omissions, or other material included herein as needed to correctly reflect the
requirements of the course.
Any changes made to the assignment’s guidelines will be announced during a LiveOnline
class discussion and updated guidelines posted in the assignment’s folder. You are
responsible for all announced changes to the assignment’s guidelines. If you have any
questions or concerns regarding any changes to the assignment guidelines, please contact
the Instructional Team at [email protected].
Changes and Errata List
Changes made to the schedule are documented below and announced on D2L.
Initial Release: 15 March 2021
Revised: 17 March 2021 – Removed rows 14 and 15 (Buffet Analysis) from
