32-3 Congratulating an Employee for an Outstanding Report


The executive vice president of Engineering Resources, Inc, receives a very impressive report from a fairly new employee(an engineer) in which she proposes a new potential market for the company. He writes to offer congratulations for the excellent report and emphasizes its importance to the company.


The Letter:

Dear Clarissa:

Congratulations on the report, "Energy Management--A New Market for Engineering Resources, Inc."

Although I have been seeing a good deal in the trade press recently about the growth of building energy consulting, I was not really aware that the demand was so explosive. Yet your report makes perfectly clear that this is a logical development in a period of economic slowdown and escalting fuel costs. I especially enjoyed the reprints you supplied of aritcles from leading business papers and professional journals.

The conclusions and recommendations in your report deserve very careful study, and I am sending copies to all the members of the development and planning group for their reactions. Later this month, I will schedule an all-day meeting with these people at the Olympic Club. I want you to be there, and I will let you know the date and time. For the moment, I suggest that you jot down October 26 on your calendar as a tentative date.

