def build_targets(p, targets, model):
# Build targets for compute_loss(), input targets(image,class,x,y,w,h)
det = model.module.model[-1] if is_parallel(model) else model.model[-1] # Detect() module
na, nt = det.na, targets.shape[0] # number of anchors, targets
tcls, tbox, indices, anch = [], [], [], []
gain = torch.ones(7, device=targets.device) # normalized to gridspace gain
ai = torch.arange(na, device=targets.device).float().view(na, 1).repeat(1, nt) # same as .repeat_interleave(nt)
#将targets复制3份,每份分配一个anchor编号,如0,1,2. 也就是每个anchor分配一份targets。
targets = torch.cat((targets.repeat(na, 1, 1), ai[:, :, None]), 2) # append anchor indices
g = 0.5 # bias
# 这里off表示了5个偏移,原点不动,往右、往下、往左、往上。
# 其中坐标原点在图像的左上角,x轴往右(列),y轴往下(行)。
off = torch.tensor([[0, 0],
[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], # j,k,l,m
# [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], # jk,jm,lk,lm
], device=targets.device).float() * g # offsets
for i in range(det.nl):
anchors = det.anchors[i]
gain[2:6] = torch.tensor(p[i].shape)[[3, 2, 3, 2]] # xyxy gain
# Match targets to anchors
t = targets * gain
if nt:
# Matches
#即w_gt/w_anchor h_gt/h_anchor
r = t[:, :, 4:6] / anchors[:, None] # wh ratio
#这里判断了r和1/r与model.hyp['anchor_t']的大小关系,即只有不大于这个数,也就是说gt与anchor的宽高差距不过大的时候,才认为匹配。代码中 model.hyp['anchor_t']=4
j = torch.max(r, 1. / r).max(2)[0] < model.hyp['anchor_t'] # compare
# j = wh_iou(anchors, t[:, 4:6]) > model.hyp['iou_t'] # iou(3,n)=wh_iou(anchors(3,2), gwh(n,2))
t = t[j] # filter
# Offsets
gxy = t[:, 2:4] # grid xy
gxi = gain[[2, 3]] - gxy # inverse
j, k = ((gxy % 1. < g) & (gxy > 1.)).T
l, m = ((gxi % 1. < g) & (gxi > 1.)).T
j = torch.stack((torch.ones_like(j), j, k, l, m))
t = t.repeat((5, 1, 1))[j] #筛选后t的数量是原来t的3倍。
offsets = (torch.zeros_like(gxy)[None] + off[:, None])[j]
t = targets[0]
offsets = 0
# Define
b, c = t[:, :2].long().T # image, class
gxy = t[:, 2:4] # grid xy
gwh = t[:, 4:6] # grid wh
gij = (gxy - offsets) #自己加的代码,方便查看gij的分布。
plot_gxy(gxy=gij, scale_i=i, size=gain, flag='gij') #自己编的代码,用于查看gij的分布。
gij = (gxy - offsets).long() #将所有targets中心点坐标进行偏移。
gi, gj = gij.T # grid xy indices
# Append
a = t[:, 6].long() # anchor indices
indices.append((b, a, gj, gi)) # image, anchor, grid indices
tbox.append(torch.cat((gxy - gij, gwh), 1)) # box
anch.append(anchors[a]) # anchors
tcls.append(c) # class
return tcls, tbox, indices, anch
# Regression
pxy = ps[:, :2].sigmoid() * 2. - 0.5
pwh = (ps[:, 2:4].sigmoid() * 2) ** 2 * anchors[i]
pbox = torch.cat((pxy, pwh), 1).to(device) # predicted box
giou = bbox_iou(pbox.T, tbox[i], x1y1x2y2=False, CIoU=True) # giou(prediction, target)
lbox += (1.0 - giou).mean() # giou loss
代码中的pxy对应bxy,ps[:, :2]对应txy。由此可知bxy的取值范围是[-0.5,1.5]。因此有可能偏移到临近的单元格内,但偏移不多,不知道作者是什么考虑的。
j = torch.max(r, 1. / r).max(2)[0] < model.hyp[‘anchor_t’] # model.hyp[‘anchor_t’]=4 是一致的。
tobj[b, a, gj, gi] = (1.0 - model.gr) + model.gr * giou.detach().clamp(0).type(tobj.dtype) # giou ratio
此处 tobj[b, a, gj, gi]用giou(真实的是ciou)取代1,代表该点对应置信度。为什么要用giou来代替,我也没想明白,有知道的网友欢迎留言。
def plot_gxy(gxy, scale_i, size, flag):
s = int(size[2].cpu().numpy())
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.axis([0, s, 0, s])
lxx = np.arange(0, s + 1, 1)
lxx = np.repeat(lxx, s + 1, axis=0)
lxx = lxx.reshape(s + 1, s + 1)
lyy = np.arange(0, s + 1, 1)
lyy = np.repeat(lyy, s + 1, axis=0)
lyy = lyy.reshape(s + 1, s + 1)
lyy = lyy.T
for i in range(len(lxx)):
plt.plot(lxx[i], lyy[i], color='k', linewidth=0.05, linestyle='-')
plt.plot(lyy[i], lxx[i], color='k', linewidth=0.05, linestyle='-')
for i in range(len(gxy)):
x1, y1 = gxy.cpu().numpy().T
plt.scatter(x1, y1, s=0.02, color='k')
ax = plt.gca() # 获取到当前坐标轴信息
ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') # 将X坐标轴移到上面
plt.savefig("gxy_{}_{}.png".format(scale_i, flag))
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