A year ago I started learning to code, focusing on front-end development. This was not completely new to me, as I’ve been doing this learning to code thing for a few years now. Most of the time it was something that I did for fun.
一年前,我开始学习编码,专注于前端开发。 这对我来说并不完全陌生,因为几年来我一直在学习这种东西来编写代码。 大多数时候,这是我做的有趣的事情。
Looking back over the years, and especially over 2015 when I decided to focus on front-end development, I’ve noticed some patterns in the way I was learning and doing things. These patterns lead to a series of mistakes that I am now fixing or got fixed in the past.
回顾过去的几年,尤其是在2015年,当我决定专注于前端开发时,我注意到了我学习和做事的方式。 这些模式导致了一系列错误,这些错误我现在已经解决或过去已解决。
Please note that although I am using “you” across this article, I’m referring to my own errors. I am not offering advice to anyone, I don’t think I’m in the position to do so. This is a way for me to make a conscious note of the mistakes I made. I also hope that whoever reads this thing will find it useful and avoid these mistakes.
请注意,尽管我在本文中使用“您”,但我指的是我自己的错误。 我不向任何人提供建议,我不认为我可以这样做。 这是我有意识地记下自己犯过的错误的一种方法。 我也希望读过此书的人会发现它有用并避免这些错误。
So, without further ado, here are some of the numerous errors I made.
This is probably one of the biggest mistakes one can do when learning to code. This works for a while, when you’re learning the most basic things, like loops and conditionals, but afterwards you’ll need a plan. And this is when you realize that you need to think the problem through and break it down into the most simple steps.
这可能是学习编码时可能犯的最大错误之一。 当您学习最基本的知识(例如循环和条件)时,这会工作一段时间,但是之后您需要一个计划。 这就是当您意识到需要仔细思考问题并将其分解为最简单的步骤时。
This is how I plan a project now. This approach seems to be working for the moment and it offers a more structured approach to coding.
这就是我现在计划项目的方式。 这种方法目前似乎行之有效,它提供了一种更加结构化的编码方法。
First, on paper:
Then in the editor:
I joined a lot of MOOCs, started reading a few books at the same time, wrote code based on disparate tutorials I found online. I got distracted easily and I started way too many projects that got nowhere.
我加入了很多MOOC,同时开始阅读几本书,并根据我在网上找到的各种教程编写了代码。 我很容易分心,开始了太多的项目,无所作为。
The structure I needed was provided by three main things: Free Code Camp, the Javascript is Sexy “How to Learn Javascript Properly” guide, and Kyle Simpson’s “You Don’t Know JS” series. The first two gave me the structure I needed, while YDKJS helped me understand the whys of Javascript programming. (I am still reading the series. I just finished the second book, “Scope and Closure”).
我需要的结构由三大部分提供: Free Code Camp ,Javascript是Sexy“ 如何正确学习Javascript ”指南和Kyle Simpson的“ You Do n't Know JS ”系列。 前两个给了我所需的结构,而YDKJS帮助我理解了Java编程的原因。 (我仍在阅读该系列。我刚读完第二本书“范围和闭包”)。
After two years of randomly switching languages, I now know that there is no perfect programming language.
Over the years I’ve tried — not in this exact order — the following programming languages: C++, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Processing, and probably a few other languages that I don’t remember now. I switched and I switched and I switched, until I found Processing.
多年以来,我尝试了以下编程语言(并非按确切顺序):C ++,Python,Ruby on Rails,Java,Processing,以及可能还有一些我现在不记得的其他语言。 我切换了,切换了,切换了,直到找到正在处理。
Processing is amazing as a first language, but if you want to create some interesting things with it, you’ll need to learn more on the algorithmic side of things. It’s also great for you if want to create something in the fields of generative art, data vizualisation or graphic design.
作为第一种语言,处理是令人惊叹的,但是如果您想用它来创建一些有趣的东西,则需要在东西的算法方面学习更多。 如果您想在生成艺术,数据可视化或图形设计等领域中创建作品,这对您也非常有用。
I studied Processing for a year, I think, but then p5.js appeared and it felt that I should focus more on the web. After playing a bit with p5.js, I realized that to better understand this library, I need to understand Javascript first. And Javascript still is my language of choice right now.
我认为我学习了一年的Processing,但是随后出现了p5.js,觉得我应该更加专注于Web。 在玩了p5.js之后,我意识到要更好地理解该库,我需要首先了解Javascript。 Javascript现在仍然是我的首选语言。
I caught myself doing this recently while looking over Rust. I read for a few hours about it then I realized that I should get back to Javascript and focus on that.
我最近在寻找Rust时发现自己正在这样做。 我读了几个小时,然后才意识到我应该回到Javascript并专注于此。
Now, if I think it through, I think I am prone to making this mistake when I hit a bump. I remember I wanted to switch to something else when I was trying to understand event listeners in Javascript.
现在,如果我认真考虑一下,我想当我碰到颠簸时很容易犯这个错误。 我记得当我尝试了解Javascript中的事件侦听器时想切换到其他内容。
This gives you a false sense of progress. This is the hand-holding phase when you’re typing in stuff from tutorials and books, things created by others. Although you get satisfying results, you’re just following a set of instructions.
这给您一种错误的进步感。 当您输入教程和书籍中的内容以及其他人创建的内容时,这是手工操作的阶段。 尽管您获得满意的结果,但是您只是遵循一组说明。
Because I wanted immediate results and I wanted to prove to myself that I can build something interesting fast, I started learning things like d3.js, Three.js, Babylon.js, Phaser. Basically I wanted to skip some steps.
因为我想要即时的结果,并且想向自己证明自己可以快速构建出一些有趣的东西,所以我开始学习诸如d3.js,Three.js,Babylon.js和Phaser之类的东西。 基本上我想跳过一些步骤。
The results were interesting, but they were made with tutorials and copy pasting code from one place to another. I was doing things without understanding exactly what I was doing.
结果很有趣,但是它们是通过教程制作的,并将粘贴代码从一个地方复制到另一个地方。 我在做事情时并不完全了解自己在做什么。
And this leads me to the next mistake.
I still make this error. I checked out Angular and React, and played with Meteor — which is amazing, by the way, and I hope to use it someday — because I thought that I need to know them if I want to find a job.
我仍然会犯此错误。 我签出了Angular和React,并与Meteor一起玩-顺便说一句,这很了不起,我希望有一天能使用它-因为我认为如果我想找工作,我需要认识他们。
This is probably true for more experienced developers, but I feel that I need to understand vanilla Javascript before jumping into more complex things. There’s more than enough to learn about pure Javascript before moving on to other things.
对于更有经验的开发人员来说,这可能是正确的,但我觉得在跳入更复杂的内容之前,我需要了解香草Javascript。 在进行其他事情之前,有足够的知识来了解纯Javascript。
On a similar note, I always wondered why there are so many tutorials and books recommending beginners to learn jQuery first. I tried this method and it didn’t make any sense, I remember having issues with the syntax. It became clearer only after I had the Javascript basics in place.
同样,我一直想知道为什么会有如此多的教程和书籍推荐初学者首先学习jQuery。 我尝试了这种方法,但没有任何意义,我记得语法有问题。 只有在我具备Javascript基础之后,情况才变得更加清晰。
Bootstrap is great. I managed to adapt a few themes in a very short time and wow it felt great to build a portfolio site so fast.
引导程序很棒。 我在很短的时间内就适应了几个主题,而且哇,这么快就建立一个投资组合网站真是太好了。
I first used Bootstrap for my copywriting portfolio, then for two simple presentation websites. Because Bootstrap is so easy to pick up and use, I considered myself more skilled than I really was.
首先,我将Bootstrap用于我的文案组合,然后用于两个简单的演示文稿网站。 因为Bootstrap非常容易拿起和使用,所以我认为自己比以前更加熟练。
As much as I would like to do both graphic design and front-end development, I realize that I need to focus on only one of them if I want to learn it properly.
I felt I was diluting my efforts by trying to do so many things at the same time. So front-end it was, and hopefully it will still be in the years to come.
我觉得自己在努力通过同时做很多事情来削弱自己的努力。 前端是如此,希望在未来的几年中仍然如此。
And this concludes my list of errors in learning to code. If you have some of your own, please share!
到此,我总结了学习编码的错误清单。 如果您有自己的一些,请分享!
If you’re willing to take in a newbie and you think I could be part of your team, please send me an email here: danielvoicu87@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
如果您愿意接受新手,并且您认为我可以加入您的团队,请在此处给我发送电子邮件: danielvoicu87@gmail.com 。 感谢您的光临!
翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/mistakes-i-made-while-learning-to-code/