Spark SQL is a Spark module for structured data processing. It provides a programming abstraction called DataFrames and can also act as distributed SQL query engine.
Spark SQL是Spark的一个模块,用于结构化数据处理。它提供了一个编程的抽象被称为DataFrames,也可以作为分布式SQL查询引擎。
A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. It is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in R/Python, but with richer optimizations under the hood. DataFrames can be constructed from a wide array of sources such as: structured data files, tables in Hive, external databases, or existing RDDs.
The DataFrame API is available in Scala, Java, and Python.
All of the examples on this page use sample data included in the Spark distribution and can be run in the spark-shell or the pyspark shell.
该页上所有的例子使用Spark分布式中的样本数据,可以运行在spark-shell或者pyspark shell中。
入口点: SQLContext
The entry point into all functionality in Spark SQL is the SQLContext class, or one of its descendants. To create a basic SQLContext, all you need is a SparkContext.
Spark SQL中所有功能的入口点是SQLContext类,或者它子类中的一个。为了创建一个基本的SQLContext,你所需要的是一个SparkContext。
val sc: SparkContext // An existing SparkContext.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)// this is used to implicitly convert an RDD to a DataFrame.
import sqlContext.implicits._
In addition to the basic SQLContext, you can also create a HiveContext, which provides a superset of the functionality provided by the basic SQLContext. Additional features include the ability to write queries using the more complete HiveQL parser, access to Hive UDFs, and the ability to read data from Hive tables. To use a HiveContext, you do not need to have an existing Hive setup, and all of the data sources available to a SQLContext are still available. HiveContext is only packaged separately to avoid including all of Hive’s dependencies in the default Spark build. If these dependencies are not a problem for your application then using HiveContext is recommended for the 1.3 release of Spark. Future releases will focus on bringing SQLContext up to feature parity with a HiveContext.
除了基本的SQLContext,你还可以创建一个HiveContext,它提供了基本的SQLContext的所提供的功能的超集。这些功能中包括附加的特性,可以编写查询,使用更完全的HiveQL解析器,访问Hive UDFs,能够从Hive表中读取数据。想要使用HiveContext,你不需要有一个存在的Hive步骤,并且所有SQLContext可用的数据源仍旧可用。HiveContext只是单独打包,以避免包含默认Spark build中的所有Hive依赖。如果这些依赖对于你的应用不是一个问题,那么推荐使用Spark 1.3版本的HiveContext。
The specific variant of SQL that is used to parse queries can also be selected using the spark.sql.dialect option. This parameter can be changed using either the setConf method on a SQLContext or by using a SET key=value command in SQL. For a SQLContext, the only dialect available is “sql” which uses a simple SQL parser provided by Spark SQL. In a HiveContext, the default is “hiveql”, though “sql” is also available. Since the HiveQL parser is much more complete, this is recommended for most use cases.
使用spark.sql.dialect选项,可以选择SQL的具体变种,用它来解析查询。这个参数可以使用SQLContext上的setConf方法或者在SQL中使用一组key=value命令。对于SQLContext,唯一可以的dialect是“sql”,它可以使用SparkSQL提供的一个简单的SQL解析器。在HiveContext中,默认的是“hiveql”,尽管“sql”也是可用的。因为HiveOL解析器更加完整,在大多数情况下, 推荐使用这个。
Creating DataFrames
With a SQLContext, applications can create DataFrames from an existing RDD, from a Hive table, or from data sources.
As an example, the following creates a DataFrame based on the content of a JSON file:
val sc: SparkContext // An existing SparkContext.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)// Create the DataFrame
val df = sqlContext.jsonFile("examples/src/main/resources/people.json")// Show the content of the DataFrame
// age name
// null Michael
// 30 Andy
// 19 Justin
// Print the schema in a tree format
// root// |-- age: long (nullable = true)
// |-- name: string (nullable = true)
// Select only the "name" column
// name
// Michael
// Andy
// Justin
// Select everybody, but increment the age by 1
// df.select("name", df("age") + 1).show() //官方文档这样的,但是测试时发现这样编译不通过。下面的形式可以
// name (age + 1)
// Michael null
// Andy 31
// Justin 20
// Select people older than 21
df.filter(df("age") > 21).show()
// age name
// 30 Andy
// Count people by age
// age count
// null 1
// 19 1
// 30 1
(Running SQL Queries Programmatically)
The sql function on a SQLContext enables applications to run SQL queries programmatically and returns the result as a DataFrame.
val sqlContext = ... // An existing SQLContext
val df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM table")
RRDs之间的互操作(Interoperating with RDDs)
Spark SQL supports two different methods for converting existing RDDs into DataFrames. The first method uses reflection to infer the schema of an RDD that contains specific types of objects. This reflection based approach leads to more concise code and works well when you already know the schema while writing your Spark application.
Spark SQL支持两种不同的方法,用于将存在的RDDs转换成DataFrames。第一种方法使用反射来推断包含特定类型的对象的RDD的模式。在写Spark应用时,当你已知schema的情况下,这种基于反射的方式使得代码更加简介,并且效果更好。
The second method for creating DataFrames is through a programmatic interface that allows you to construct a schema and then apply it to an existing RDD. While this method is more verbose, it allows you to construct DataFrames when the columns and their types are not known until runtime.
Inferring the Schema Using Reflection
The Scala interface for Spark SQL supports automatically converting an RDD containing case classes to a DataFrame. The case class defines the schema of the table. The names of the arguments to the case class are read using reflection and become the names of the columns. Case classes can also be nested or contain complex types such as Sequences or Arrays. This RDD can be implicitly converted to a DataFrame and then be registered as a table. Tables can be used in subsequent SQL statements.
Spark SQL中的Scala接口支持自动地将包含case类的RDD转换成DataFrame。case类定义了表的模式,case类的参数的名称使用反射来读取,然后称为列的名称。case类还可以嵌套或者包含复杂的类型,例如Sequences或者Arrays。这个RDD可以隐式地转换为DataFrame,然后注册成表,表可以在后续SQL语句中使用
// sc is an existing SparkContext.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
// this is used to implicitly convert an RDD to a DataFrame.
import sqlContext.implicits._// Define the schema using a case class.
// Note: Case classes in Scala 2.10 can support only up to 22 fields. To work around this limit,
// you can use custom classes that implement the Product interface.
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)// Create an RDD of Person objects and register it as a table.
val people = sc.textFile("examples/src/main/resources/people.txt").map(_.split(",")).map(p => Person(p(0), p(1).trim.toInt)).toDF()
people.registerTempTable("people")// SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by sqlContext.
val teenagers = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name FROM people WHERE age >= 13 AND age <= 19")// The results of SQL queries are DataFrames and support all the normal RDD operations.
// The columns of a row in the result can be accessed by ordinal.
teenagers.map(t => "Name: " + t(0)).collect().foreach(println)
Programmatically Specifying the Schema
When case classes cannot be defined ahead of time (for example, the structure of records is encoded in a string, or a text dataset will be parsed and fields will be projected differently for different users), a DataFrame can be created programmatically with three steps.
1.Create an RDD of Rows from the original RDD;
2.Create the schema represented by a StructType matching the structure of Rows in the RDD created in Step 1.
3.Apply the schema to the RDD of Rows via createDataFrame method provided by SQLContext.
For example:
// sc is an existing SparkContext.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)// Create an RDD
val people = sc.textFile("examples/src/main/resources/people.txt")// The schema is encoded in a string
val schemaString = "name age"// Import Spark SQL data types and Row.
import org.apache.spark.sql._// Generate the schema based on the string of schema
val schema = StructType( schemaString.split(" ").map(fieldName => StructField(fieldName, StringType, true)))// Convert records of the RDD (people) to Rows.
val rowRDD = people.map(_.split(",")).map(p => Row(p(0), p(1).trim))// Apply the schema to the RDD.
val peopleDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema)// Register the DataFrames as a table.
peopleDataFrame.registerTempTable("people")// SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by sqlContext.
val results = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name FROM people")// The results of SQL queries are DataFrames and support all the normal RDD operations.
// The columns of a row in the result can be accessed by ordinal.
results.map(t => "Name: " + t(0)).collect().foreach(println)
//my code
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, StringType}
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("XX")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val schemaString = "fullName age"
val schema = StructType(schemaString.split(" ").map(fieldName => StructField(fieldName,StringType,true)))
val rowRDD = sc.textFile("data/people.txt").map(_.split(" ")).map(p=> Row(p(0),p(1).trim))
val peopleDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema)
val young = sqlContext.sql("select * from people where age <25")
数据源(Data Sources)
Spark SQL supports operating on a variety of data sources through the DataFrame interface. A DataFrame can be operated on as normal RDDs and can also be registered as a temporary table. Registering a DataFrame as a table allows you to run SQL queries over its data. This section describes the general methods for loading and saving data using the Spark Data Sources and then goes into specific options that are available for the built-in data sources.
Spark SQL支持通过DataFrame接口在多种数据源上进行操作。一个DataFrame可以如同一个标准的RDDs那样进行操作,还可以注册成临时的表。将一个DataFrame注册成临时表允许你在它的数据上运行SQL查询。本节介绍使用Spark数据源装载和保存数据的常用方法,使用Spark数据源保存数据。然后进入可用于内置数据源的特定选项。
(Generic Load/Save Functions)
In the simplest form, the default data source (parquet unless otherwise configured by spark.sql.sources.default) will be used for all operations.
val df = sqlContext.load("people.parquet")
df.select("name", "age").save("namesAndAges.parquet")
(Manually Specifying Options)
You can also manually specify the data source that will be used along with any extra options that you would like to pass to the data source. Data sources are specified by their fully qualified name (i.e., org.apache.spark.sql.parquet), but for built-in sources you can also use the shorted name (json, parquet, jdbc). DataFrames of any type can be converted into other types using this syntax.
你还可以手动指定数据源,这些数据源将与任何额外的选项一同使用,你希望将这些选项传入到数据源中。数据源是通过它们的全名来指定的(如org.apache.spark.sql.parquet),但是对于内置的数据源,你也可以使用简短的名称(json, parquet, jdbc)。任何类型的DataFrames使用这些语法可以转化成其他的数据源:
val df = sqlContext.load("people.json", "json")
df.select("name", "age").save("namesAndAges.parquet", "parquet")
(Save Modes)
Save operations can optionally take a SaveMode, that specifies how to handle existing data if present. It is important to realize that these save modes do not utilize any locking and are not atomic. Thus, it is not safe to have multiple writers attempting to write to the same location. Additionally, when performing a Overwrite, the data will be deleted before writing out the new data.
Scala/Java |
Python |
Meaning |
SaveMode.ErrorIfExists (default) |
"error" (default) |
When saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data already exists, an exception is expected to be thrown. 当往一个数据源中保存一个DataFrame,如果数据已经存在,会抛出一个异常。 |
SaveMode.Append |
"append" |
When saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data/table already exists, contents of the DataFrame are expected to be appended to existing data. 当往一个数据源中保存一个DataFrame,如果data/table已经存在,DataFrame的内容会追加到已经存在的数据后面。 |
SaveMode.Overwrite |
"overwrite" |
Overwrite mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data/table already exists, existing data is expected to be overwritten by the contents of the DataFrame. Overwrite模式意味着当向数据源中保存一个DataFrame时,如果data/table已经存在了,已经存在的数据会被DataFrame中内容覆盖掉。 |
SaveMode.Ignore |
"ignore" |
Ignore mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data already exists, the save operation is expected to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. This is similar to a `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS` in SQL. Ignore模式意味着当向数据源中保存一个DataFrame时,如果数据已经存在,save操作不会将DataFrame的内容进行保存,也不会修改已经存在的数据。这与SQL中的`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`相似。 |
(Saving to Persistent Tables)
When working with a HiveContext, DataFrames can also be saved as persistent tables using the saveAsTable command. Unlike the registerTempTable command, saveAsTable will materialize the contents of the dataframe and create a pointer to the data in the HiveMetastore. Persistent tables will still exist even after your Spark program has restarted, as long as you maintain your connection to the same metastore. A DataFrame for a persistent table can be created by calling the table method on a SQLContext with the name of the table.
当与HiveContext一起工作时,DataFrames也可以使用saveAsTable命令保存为持久化的表。不像registerTempTable命令,saveAsTable会将DataFrame的内容进行物化,并且在HiveMetastore中创建一个指向数据的指针。持久化表会仍旧存在即使你的Spark程序重新启动。只要你保持连接到相同的元存储( metastore)。一个持久化表的DataFrame可以通过调用SQLContext上的带有表的名称的table方法来创建。
By default saveAsTable will create a “managed table”, meaning that the location of the data will be controlled by the metastore. Managed tables will also have their data deleted automatically when a table is dropped.
默认情况下,saveAsTable会创建一个“管理表(managed table)”,意味着元存储控制数据的位置。当一个表被删除后,managed table会自动地删除它们的数据。
Parquet Files
Parquet is a columnar format that is supported by many other data processing systems. Spark SQL provides support for both reading and writing Parquet files that automatically preserves the schema of the original data.
Parquet是一种柱状的格式,被许多其他数据处理系统所支持。Spark SQL支持度对Parquet文件的读和写,自动保存原有数据的模式。
Loading Data Programmatically
Using the data from the above example:
// sqlContext from the previous example is used in this example.
// This is used to implicitly convert an RDD to a DataFrame.
import sqlContext.implicits._val people: RDD[Person] = ...
// An RDD of case class objects, from the previous example.// The RDD is implicitly converted to a DataFrame by implicits, allowing it to be stored using Parquet.
people.saveAsParquetFile("people.parquet")// Read in the parquet file created above. Parquet files are self-describing so the schema is preserved.
// The result of loading a Parquet file is also a DataFrame.
val parquetFile = sqlContext.parquetFile("people.parquet")//Parquet files can also be registered as tables and then used in SQL statements.
val teenagers = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name FROM parquetFile WHERE age >= 13 AND age <= 19")
teenagers.map(t => "Name: " + t(0)).collect().foreach(println)
Partition discovery
Table partitioning is a common optimization approach used in systems like Hive. In a partitioned table, data are usually stored in different directories, with partitioning column values encoded in the path of each partition directory. The Parquet data source is now able to discover and infer partitioning information automatically. For exmaple, we can store all our previously used population data into a partitioned table using the following directory structure, with two extra columns, gender and country as partitioning columns:
path└── to └── table ├── gender=male │ ├── ... │ │ │ ├── country=US │ │ └── data.parquet │ ├── country=CN │ │ └── data.parquet │ └── ... └── gender=female ├── ... │ ├── country=US │ └── data.parquet ├── country=CN │ └── data.parquet └── ...
By passing path/to/table to either SQLContext.parquetFile or SQLContext.load, Spark SQL will automatically extract the partitioning information from the paths. Now the schema of the returned DataFrame becomes:
通过向SQLContext.parquetFile或者 SQLContext.load中传入path/to/table,Spark SQL会自动地从路径中提取分区信息。现在返回的DataFrame模式变成:
root|-- name: string (nullable = true)|-- age: long (nullable = true)|-- gender: string (nullable = true)|-- country: string (nullable = true)
Notice that the data types of the partitioning columns are automatically inferred. Currently, numeric data types and string type are supported.
(Schema merging)
Like ProtocolBuffer, Avro, and Thrift, Parquet also supports schema evolution. Users can start with a simple schema, and gradually add more columns to the schema as needed. In this way, users may end up with multiple Parquet files with different but mutually compatible schemas. The Parquet data source is now able to automatically detect this case and merge schemas of all these files.
像ProtocolBuffer, Avro和Thrift那样,Parquet还支持模式演化。用户可以从一个简单的模式开始,并且根据需要逐渐地向模式中添加更多的列。这样,用户最终可能会有多个不同但是具有相互兼容的模式的Parquet文件。Parquet数据源现在可以自动地发现这种情况,并且将所有这些文件的模式进行合并。
// sqlContext from the previous example is used in this example
.// This is used to implicitly convert an RDD to a DataFrame.
import sqlContext.implicits._// Create a simple DataFrame, stored into a partition directory
val df1 = sparkContext.makeRDD(1 to 5).map(i => (i, i * 2)).toDF("single", "double")
df1.saveAsParquetFile("data/test_table/key=1")// Create another DataFrame in a new partition directory,
// adding a new column and dropping an existing column
val df2 = sparkContext.makeRDD(6 to 10).map(i => (i, i * 3)).toDF("single", "triple")
df2.saveAsParquetFile("data/test_table/key=2")// Read the partitioned table
val df3 = sqlContext.parquetFile("data/test_table")
df3.printSchema()// The final schema consists of all 3 columns in the Parquet files together
// with the partiioning column appeared in the partition directory paths.
// root
// |-- single: int (nullable = true)
// |-- double: int (nullable = true)
// |-- triple: int (nullable = true)
// |-- key : int (nullable = true)
Configuration of Parquet can be done using the setConf method on SQLContext or by running SET key=value commands using SQL.
Parquet的配置可以使用SQLContext的setConf来设置或者通过使用SQL运行SET key=value命令
Property Name |
Default |
Meaning |
spark.sql.parquet.binaryAsString |
false |
Some other Parquet-producing systems, in particular Impala and older versions of Spark SQL, do not differentiate between binary data and strings when writing out the Parquet schema. This flag tells Spark SQL to interpret binary data as a string to provide compatibility with these systems. 其他的一些产生Parquet的系统,特别是Impala和SparkSQL的老版本,当将Parquet模式写出时不会区分二进制数据和字符串。这个标志告诉Spark SQL将二进制数据解析成字符串,以提供对这些系统的兼容。 |
spark.sql.parquet.int96AsTimestamp |
true |
Some Parquet-producing systems, in particular Impala, store Timestamp into INT96. Spark would also store Timestamp as INT96 because we need to avoid precision lost of the nanoseconds field. This flag tells Spark SQL to interpret INT96 data as a timestamp to provide compatibility with these systems. 其他的一些产生Parquet的系统,特别是Impala,将时间戳存储为INT96的形式。Spark也将时间戳存储为INT96,因为我们要避免纳秒级字段的精度的损失。这个标志告诉Spark SQL将INT96数据解析为一个时间戳,以提供对这些系统的兼容。 |
spark.sql.parquet.cacheMetadata |
true |
Turns on caching of Parquet schema metadata. Can speed up querying of static data. 打开Parquet模式的元数据的缓存。能够加快对静态数据的查询。 |
spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec |
gzip |
Sets the compression codec use when writing Parquet files. Acceptable values include: uncompressed, snappy, gzip, lzo. 设置压缩编码解码器,当写入一个Parquet文件时。可接收的值包括:uncompressed, snappy, gzip, lzo |
spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown |
false |
Turn on Parquet filter pushdown optimization. This feature is turned off by default because of a known bug in Paruet 1.6.0rc3 (PARQUET-136). However, if your table doesn't contain any nullable string or binary columns, it's still safe to turn this feature on. 打开Parquet过滤器的后进先出存储的优化。这个功能默认是被关闭的,因为一个Parquet中的一个已知的bug 1.6.0rc3 (PARQUET-136)。然而,如果你的表中不包含任何的可为空的(nullable)字符串或者二进制列,那么打开这个功能是安全的。 |
spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet |
true |
When set to false, Spark SQL will use the Hive SerDe for parquet tables instead of the built in support. 当设置成false,Spark SQL会为parquet表使用Hive SerDe(Serialize/Deserilize)而不是内置的支持。 |
(JSON Datasets)
Spark SQL can automatically infer the schema of a JSON dataset and load it as a DataFrame. This conversion can be done using one of two methods in a SQLContext:
• jsonFile - loads data from a directory of JSON files where each line of the files is a JSON object.
• jsonRDD - loads data from an existing RDD where each element of the RDD is a string containing a JSON object.
Spark SQL可以自动推断出JSON数据集的模式,将它作为DataFrame进行加载。这个转换可以通过使用SQLContext中的下面两个方法中的任意一个来完成。
• jsonFile - 从一个JSON文件的目录中加载数据,文件中的每一个行都是一个JSON对象。
• jsonRDD - 从一个已经存在的RDD中加载数据,每一个RDD的元素是一个包含一个JSON对象的字符串。
Note that the file that is offered as jsonFile is not a typical JSON file. Each line must contain a separate, self-contained valid JSON object. As a consequence, a regular multi-line JSON file will most often fail.
// sc is an existing SparkContext.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)// A JSON dataset is pointed to by path.
// The path can be either a single text file or a directory storing text files.
val path = "examples/src/main/resources/people.json"
// Create a DataFrame from the file(s) pointed to by path
val people = sqlContext.jsonFile(path)// The inferred schema can be visualized using the printSchema() method.
// root
// |-- age: integer (nullable = true)
// |-- name: string (nullable = true)// Register this DataFrame as a table.
people.registerTempTable("people")// SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by sqlContext.
val teenagers = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name FROM people WHERE age >= 13 AND age <= 19")// Alternatively, a DataFrame can be created for a JSON dataset represented by
// an RDD[String] storing one JSON object per string.
val anotherPeopleRDD = sc.parallelize( """{"name":"Yin","address":{"city":"Columbus","state":"Ohio"}}""" :: Nil)
val anotherPeople = sqlContext.jsonRDD(anotherPeopleRDD)
(Hive Tables)
Spark SQL also supports reading and writing data stored in Apache Hive. However, since Hive has a large number of dependencies, it is not included in the default Spark assembly. Hive support is enabled by adding the -Phive and -Phive-thriftserver flags to Spark’s build. This command builds a new assembly jar that includes Hive. Note that this Hive assembly jar must also be present on all of the worker nodes, as they will need access to the Hive serialization and deserialization libraries (SerDes) in order to access data stored in Hive.
Spark SQL还支持对存储在Apache Hive中的数据的读和写。但是,因为Hive有大量的依赖,它不包含在默认的Spark assembly中。对Hive的支持是通过在Spark的build中添加 -Phive 和 -Phive-thriftserver 标志来完成。这个命令构建了一个新的assembly jar ,它包含Hive。注意,这个HIve assembly jar还必须出现在所有的worker节点,因为为了访问存储在Hive中的数据,它们会访问Hive的序列化和反序列化库(SerDes) 。
Configuration of Hive is done by placing your hive-site.xml file in conf/.
When working with Hive one must construct a HiveContext, which inherits from SQLContext, and adds support for finding tables in the MetaStore and writing queries using HiveQL. Users who do not have an existing Hive deployment can still create a HiveContext. When not configured by the hive-site.xml, the context automatically creates metastore_db and warehouse in the current directory.
// sc is an existing SparkContext.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)sqlContext.sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS src (key INT, value STRING)")
sqlContext.sql("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'examples/src/main/resources/kv1.txt' INTO TABLE src")// Queries are expressed in HiveQL
sqlContext.sql("FROM src SELECT key, value").collect().foreach(println)
JDBC To Other Databases
Spark SQL also includes a data source that can read data from other databases using JDBC. This functionality should be preferred over using JdbcRDD. This is because the results are returned as a DataFrame and they can easily be processed in Spark SQL or joined with other data sources. The JDBC data source is also easier to use from Java or Python as it does not require the user to provide a ClassTag. (Note that this is different than the Spark SQL JDBC server, which allows other applications to run queries using Spark SQL).
Spark SQL还包含了一个数据源,它可以使用JDBC从其他数据库中读取数据。这个功能应该优先使用JdbcRDD。这是因为结果是作为DataFrame返回的,并且在Spark SQL中可以简单的被使用或加入其他数据源。JDBC数据源也能够轻松地被Java或者Python来使用,因为它不需要用户提供一个ClassTag(注意,这不同于Spark SQL JDBC服务,它允许其他应用使用Spark SQL运行查询)。
To get started you will need to include the JDBC driver for you particular database on the spark classpath. For example, to connect to postgres from the Spark Shell you would run the following command:
要开始使用时,你需要为你的特定数据块在Spark的类路径中添加JDBC驱动。例如,从Spark Shell中连接到postgres,你需要运行以下的命令:
SPARK_CLASSPATH=postgresql-9.3-1102-jdbc41.jar bin/spark-shell
Tables from the remote database can be loaded as a DataFrame or Spark SQL Temporary table using the Data Sources API. The following options are supported:
通过使用数据源的API,可以将远程数据库中的表加载为DataFrame或者Spark SQL 临时表。以下的选项是被支持的:
Property Name |
Meaning |
url |
The JDBC URL to connect to. 要连接到的JDBC URL |
dbtable |
The JDBC table that should be read. Note that anything that is valid in a `FROM` clause of a SQL query can be used. For example, instead of a full table you could also use a subquery in parentheses. 需要读取的JDBC表。注意,SQL查询中的“From”子句中的任何部分都是可以使用的。例如,你可以在括号中使用子查询,而不是一个完整的表。 |
driver |
The class name of the JDBC driver needed to connect to this URL. This class with be loaded on the master and workers before running an JDBC commands to allow the driver to register itself with the JDBC subsystem. 需要连接到的URL的JDBC驱动的类名。这个类会在运行一个JDBC命令之前被加载到master和workers上,允许驱动注册自己和JDBC子系统。 |
partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitions |
These options must all be specified if any of them is specified. They describe how to partition the table when reading in parallel from multiple workers. partitionColumn must be a numeric column from the table in question. 如果这些选项中的一个被指定了,那么所有的选项必须被指定。它们描述了当从多个workers上并行读取时如何进行分区。partitionColumn必须是表中的一个数字列。 |
val jdbcDF = sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map( "url" -> "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver", "dbtable" -> "schema.tablename"))
* The JDBC driver class must be visible to the primordial class loader on the client session and on all executors. This is because Java’s DriverManager class does a security check that results in it ignoring all drivers not visible to the primordial class loader when one goes to open a connection. One convenient way to do this is to modify compute_classpath.sh on all worker nodes to include your driver JARs.
* 在客户端session以及所有executors上,JDBC驱动类必须对原来的类加载器是可见的。这是因为Java的DriverManager 类进行安全检查,这导致打开一个连接时,它会忽略所有对于原始来加载器不可见的驱动。一个方便的方法是在所有的worker节点上修改compute_classpath.sh以包含驱动的JARs。
* Some databases, such as H2, convert all names to upper case. You’ll need to use upper case to refer to those names in Spark SQL.
* 一些数据库,例如H2,将所有的名称转化成大写的。在Spark SQL中你需要使用大写来指定那些名称。
性能调节(Performance Tuning)
For some workloads it is possible to improve performance by either caching data in memory, or by turning on some experimental options.
(Caching Data In Memory)
Spark SQL can cache tables using an in-memory columnar format by calling sqlContext.cacheTable("tableName") or dataFrame.cache(). Then Spark SQL will scan only required columns and will automatically tune compression to minimize memory usage and GC pressure. You can call sqlContext.uncacheTable("tableName") to remove the table from memory.
Configuration of in-memory caching can be done using the setConf method on SQLContext or by running SET key=value commands using SQL.
Spark SQL可以使用内存中的柱状格式来对表进行缓存,通过调用sqlContext.cacheTable("tableName") 或者r dataFrame.cache()。然后Spark SQL会扫描仅仅需要的列以及自动地调节压缩,以减少内存使用和GC压力。你可以调用sqlContext.uncacheTable("tableName") 来将表从内存中移除。内存缓存的配置可以使用SQLContext上的setConf或者通过使用SQL执行SET key=value命令的方式来完成。
Property Name |
Default |
Meaning |
spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.compressed |
true |
When set to true Spark SQL will automatically select a compression codec for each column based on statistics of the data. 当设置为true时,SparkSQL会根据统计出的各项数据为每一个列选择一种压缩编解码器。 |
spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.batchSize |
10000 |
Controls the size of batches for columnar caching. Larger batch sizes can improve memory utilization and compression, but risk OOMs when caching data. 为列状缓存控制批处理大小。较大的批大小可以提高内存的利用率和压缩,但是缓存数据时有OOMs的风险。 |
Other Configuration Options
The following options can also be used to tune the performance of query execution. It is possible that these options will be deprecated in future release as more optimizations are performed automatically.
Property Name |
Default |
Meaning |
spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold |
10485760 (10 MB) |
Configures the maximum size in bytes for a table that will be broadcast to all worker nodes when performing a join. By setting this value to -1 broadcasting can be disabled. Note that currently statistics are only supported for Hive Metastore tables where the command `ANALYZE TABLE |
spark.sql.codegen |
false |
When true, code will be dynamically generated at runtime for expression evaluation in a specific query. For some queries with complicated expression this option can lead to significant speed-ups. However, for simple queries this can actually slow down query execution. |
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions |
200 |
Configures the number of partitions to use when shuffling data for joins or aggregations. |
(Distributed SQL Engine)
Spark SQL can also act as a distributed query engine using its JDBC/ODBC or command-line interface. In this mode, end-users or applications can interact with Spark SQL directly to run SQL queries, without the need to write any code.
Spark SQL也可以使用它的JDBC/ODBC或者命令行接口作为分布式查询引擎。以这种模式,终端用户或者应用可以直接与Spark SQL交互来运行SQL查询,而不需要写任何代码。
运行Thrift JDBC/ODBC 服务
(Running the Thrift JDBC/ODBC server)
The Thrift JDBC/ODBC server implemented here corresponds to the HiveServer2 in Hive 0.13. You can test the JDBC server with the beeline script that comes with either Spark or Hive 0.13.
这里实现的Thrift JDBC/ODBC相当于Hive0.13中的HiveServer2.你可以用Spark或者Hive0.13自带的beeline脚本来测试JDBC服务。
To start the JDBC/ODBC server, run the following in the Spark directory:
在Spark目录中运行下面的命令来启动JDBC/ODBC server
This script accepts all bin/spark-submit command line options, plus a --hiveconf option to specify Hive properties. You may run ./sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --help for a complete list of all available options. By default, the server listens on localhost:10000. You may override this bahaviour via either environment variables, i.e.:
该脚本接受所有的bin/spark-submit命令行选项,外加一个--hiveconf选项来指定Hive属性。可能执行./sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --help来查看完整的可用选项列表。默认情况下,该服务会监听localhost:10000。你可以通过任一环境变量覆盖这个bahaviour,也就是:
./sbin/start-thriftserver.sh \ --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port=
Now you can use beeline to test the Thrift JDBC/ODBC server:
现在你可以使用beeline来测试Thrift JDBC/ODBC服务:
Connect to the JDBC/ODBC server in beeline with:
beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
Beeline will ask you for a username and password. In non-secure mode, simply enter the username on your machine and a blank password. For secure mode, please follow the instructions given in the beeline documentation.
Configuration of Hive is done by placing your hive-site.xml file in conf/.
You may also use the beeline script that comes with Hive.
Thrift JDBC server also supports sending thrift RPC messages over HTTP transport. Use the following setting to enable HTTP mode as system property or in hive-site.xml file in conf/:
Thrift JDBC服务还支持通过HTTP传输发送Thrift RPC消息。使用下列设置作为系统属性或者通过conf/中hive-site.xml文件来启用HTTP模式:
hive.server2.transport.mode - Set this to value: httphive.server2.thrift.http.port - HTTP port number fo listen on; default is 10001hive.server2.http.endpoint - HTTP endpoint; default is cliservice
To test, use beeline to connect to the JDBC/ODBC server in http mode with:
beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://
运行Spark SQL CLI
(Running the Spark SQL CLI)
The Spark SQL CLI is a convenient tool to run the Hive metastore service in local mode and execute queries input from the command line. Note that the Spark SQL CLI cannot talk to the Thrift JDBC server.
Spark SQL CLI是一种方便的工具用来以本地模式运行Hive metastore服务,并且从命令行输入执行查询。注意,Spark SQL CLI不能和Thrift JDBC服务进行会话。
To start the Spark SQL CLI, run the following in the Spark directory:
在Spark目录下,执行以下命令来启动Spark SQL CLI:
Configuration of Hive is done by placing your hive-site.xml file in conf/. You may run ./bin/spark-sql --help for a complete list of all available options.
Hive的配置已经完成,通过将 hive-site.xml 文件放入conf/中。你可以运行 ./bin/spark-sql --help来查看完整的可用选项的列表。
(Migration Guide)
从Spark SQL1.0-1.2升级到1.3Upgrading from Spark SQL 1.0-1.2 to 1.3
In Spark 1.3 we removed the “Alpha” label from Spark SQL and as part of this did a cleanup of the available APIs. From Spark 1.3 onwards, Spark SQL will provide binary compatibility with other releases in the 1.X series. This compatibility guarantee excludes APIs that are explicitly marked as unstable (i.e., DeveloperAPI or Experimental).
在Spark 1.3中,我们从Spark SQL中移除了“Alpha”标签,作为其中的一部分,对可用的APIs进行了清理。从Spark 1.3以后,Spark SQL会与1.X系列中的其他版本提供二进制兼容。这种兼容性保证不包括的APIs明确地标记为不稳定。(也就是 DeveloperAPI 或者rExperimental)
(Rename of SchemaRDD to DataFrame)
The largest change that users will notice when upgrading to Spark SQL 1.3 is that SchemaRDD has been renamed to DataFrame. This is primarily because DataFrames no longer inherit from RDD directly, but instead provide most of the functionality that RDDs provide though their own implementation. DataFrames can still be converted to RDDs by calling the .rdd method.
当升级到Spark SQL 1.3后,用户可以发现最大的改变是SchemaRDD重命名为DataFrame。这主要是因为DataFrame不再直接继承自RDD。而是自己实现了RDDs提供的大多数功能。DataFrames仍旧可以通过调用.rdd方法来转化成RDDs。
In Scala there is a type alias from SchemaRDD to DataFrame to provide source compatibility for some use cases. It is still recommended that users update their code to use DataFrame instead. Java and Python users will need to update their code.
Scala中有一种类型别名,从 SchemaRDD到DataFrame为一些用例提供了源的兼容性。但还是建议用户更新它们的代码来使用DataFrame。Java和Python 用户需要更新它们的代码。
Java和Scala APIs的统一
(Unification of the Java and Scala APIs)
Prior to Spark 1.3 there were separate Java compatible classes (JavaSQLContext and JavaSchemaRDD) that mirrored the Scala API. In Spark 1.3 the Java API and Scala API have been unified. Users of either language should use SQLContext and DataFrame. In general theses classes try to use types that are usable from both languages (i.e. Array instead of language specific collections). In some cases where no common type exists (e.g., for passing in closures or Maps) function overloading is used instead.
Spark1.3之前,有单独的Java兼容性类(JavaSQLContext 和 JavaSchemaRDD)映射成Scala API。在Spark1.3中,Java API和Scala API进行了统一。任意语言的用户应该使用SQLContext和DataFrame。通常,这些类会尝试使用两种语言中都可用的类型(即,Array而不是语言特定的集合)。在有些情况下,如果没有相同的类型存在,则会使用函数重载来替代。
Additionally the Java specific types API has been removed. Users of both Scala and Java should use the classes present inorg.apache.spark.sql.types to describe schema programmatically.
(Isolation of Implicit Conversions and Removal of dsl Package (Scala-only))
Many of the code examples prior to Spark 1.3 started with import sqlContext._, which brought all of the functions from sqlContext into scope. In Spark 1.3 we have isolated the implicit conversions for converting RDDs into DataFrames into an object inside of the SQLContext. Users should now write import sqlContext.implicits._.
在Spark 1.3之前许多代码的例子以import sqlContext._开始,它会将sqlContext中所有的函数引入到scope中。在Spark 1.3中,我们将在SQLContext内部的RDDs转换成DataFrames转成成对象进行了隐式转化的隔离。用户现在需要写 import sqlContext.implicits._。
Additionally, the implicit conversions now only augment RDDs that are composed of Products (i.e., case classes or tuples) with a method toDF, instead of applying automatically.
When using function inside of the DSL (now replaced with the DataFrame API) users used to import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl. Instead the public dataframe functions API should be used: import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._.
当使用DSL(现在替代为 DataFrame API)内部的方法时,用户之前会import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl。现在使用公共的dataframe方法API应该用import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._。
为DataType删除在org.apache.spark.sql中的类型别名(只有Scala)(Removal of the type aliases in org.apache.spark.sql for DataType (Scala-only))
Spark 1.3 removes the type aliases that were present in the base sql package for DataType. Users should instead import the classes in org.apache.spark.sql.types
Spark 1.3为DataType删除了出现在根本的sql包中的类型别名。现在,用户应该引入org.apache.spark.sql.types中的类。
UDF注册移到sqlContext.udf 中(Java 和 Scala)
(UDF Registration Moved to sqlContext.udf (Java & Scala))
Functions that are used to register UDFs, either for use in the DataFrame DSL or SQL, have been moved into the udf object in SQLContext.
用于注册UDFs的函数,不是用于DataFrame DSL就是SQL,已经被移动了SQLContext中的udf对象中。
sqlCtx.udf.register("strLen", (s: String) => s.length())
Python UDF registration is unchanged.
Python中的DataTypes不再是单例了(Python DataTypes No Longer Singletons)
When using DataTypes in Python you will need to construct them (i.e. StringType()) instead of referencing a singleton.
与Apache Hive的兼容性
(Compatibility with Apache Hive)
Spark SQL is designed to be compatible with the Hive Metastore, SerDes and UDFs. Currently Spark SQL is based on Hive 0.12.0 and 0.13.1.
Spark SQL被设计出来用于兼容Hive Metastore, SerDes 以及 UDFs。目前的Spark SQL是基于Hive 0.12.0和0.13.1。
部署在现有的Hive仓库中(Deploying in Existing Hive Warehouses)
The Spark SQL Thrift JDBC server is designed to be “out of the box” compatible with existing Hive installations. You do not need to modify your existing Hive Metastore or change the data placement or partitioning of your tables.
The Spark SQL Thrigt JDBC服务被设计出来“立即可用” 的兼容现有的Hive安装。你不需要修改已经存在的Hive Metastore 或者更改数据位置或者表分区。
(Supported Hive Features)
Spark SQL supports the vast majority of Hive features, such as:
Spark SQL 支持大量的Hive特性,例如:
· Hive query statements, including:
· All Hive operators, including:
o Relational operators (=, ⇔, ==, <>, <, >, >=, <=, etc)
o Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %, etc)
o Logical operators (AND, &&, OR, ||, etc)
o Complex type constructors
o Mathematical functions (sign, ln, cos, etc)
o String functions (instr, length, printf, etc)
· User defined functions (UDF)
· User defined aggregation functions (UDAF)
· User defined serialization formats (SerDes)
· Joins
· Unions
· Sub-queries
o SELECT col FROM ( SELECT a + b AS col from t1) t2
· Sampling
· Explain
· Partitioned tables
· View
· All Hive DDL Functions, including:
· Most Hive Data types, including:
o MAP<>
(Unsupported Hive Functionality)
Below is a list of Hive features that we don’t support yet. Most of these features are rarely used in Hive deployments.
Major Hive Features
· Tables with buckets: bucket is the hash partitioning within a Hive table partition. Spark SQL doesn’t support buckets yet.
· 带有buckets的Table:bucket是Hive表分区中的哈希分区。Spark SQL不支持buckets。
Esoteric Hive Features
* UNION type * Unique join * Column statistics collecting: Spark SQL does not piggyback scans to collect column statistics at the moment and only supports populating the sizeInBytes field of the hive metastore.
Hive Input/Output Formats
· File format for CLI: For results showing back to the CLI, Spark SQL only supports TextOutputFormat.
· Hadoop archive
· CLI文件格式:对于结果,显示回CLI,Spark SQL 只支持TextOutputFormat
· Hadoop存档
Hive Optimizations
A handful of Hive optimizations are not yet included in Spark. Some of these (such as indexes) are less important due to Spark SQL’s in-memory computational model. Others are slotted for future releases of Spark SQL.
少量的Hive优化没有包含在Spark中。由于Spark SQL的内存计算模型它们中的有一些(例如索引)是次要的。其他的一些会来的Spark SQL版本中加入。
· Block level bitmap indexes and virtual columns
· Automatically determine the number of reducers for joins and groupbys: Currently in Spark SQL, you need to control the degree of parallelism post-shuffle using “SET spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=[num_tasks];”.
· Meta-data only query: For queries that can be answered by using only meta data, Spark SQL still launches tasks to compute the result.
· Skew data flag: Spark SQL does not follow the skew data flags in Hive.
· STREAMTABLE hint in join: Spark SQL does not follow the STREAMTABLE hint.
· Merge multiple small files for query results: if the result output contains multiple small files, Hive can optionally merge the small files into fewer large files to avoid overflowing the HDFS metadata. Spark SQL does not support that.
· 块级别的位图索引和虚拟列(用来创建索引)
· 自动为joins和groupbys决定reducers的数量:目前在Spark SQL中,你需要使用“SET spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=[num_tasks];”来控制并行的post-shuffle的度。
· 仅元数据查询:对于仅使用元数据来回答的查询,Spark SQL还是启动任务来计算结果。
· 偏斜数据标志:Spark SQL不遵循Hive中的偏斜数据标志。
· join中的STREAMTABLE hint:Spark SQL不遵循STREAMTABLE hint。
· 为查询结果合并多个小文件:如果结果输出中包含多个小文件,Hive可以选择性地将多个小文件合并成更少的更大的文件,避免HDFS元数据的溢出。Spark SQL不支持这些。
(Data Types)
Spark SQL and DataFrames support the following data types:
Spark SQL 和 DataFrames支持以下的数据类型:
· Numeric types
o ByteType: Represents 1-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from -128 to 127.
o ShortType: Represents 2-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from -32768 to 32767.
o IntegerType: Represents 4-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
o LongType: Represents 8-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
o FloatType: Represents 4-byte single-precision floating point numbers.
o DoubleType: Represents 8-byte double-precision floating point numbers.
o DecimalType: Represents arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers. Backed internally by java.math.BigDecimal. A BigDecimal consists of an arbitrary precision integer unscaled value and a 32-bit integer scale.
· String type
o StringType: Represents character string values.
· Binary type
o BinaryType: Represents byte sequence values.
· Boolean type
o BooleanType: Represents boolean values.
· Datetime type
o TimestampType: Represents values comprising values of fields year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
o DateType: Represents values comprising values of fields year, month, day.
· Complex types
o ArrayType(elementType, containsNull): Represents values comprising a sequence of elements with the type of elementType.containsNull is used to indicate if elements in a ArrayType value can have null values.
o MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull): Represents values comprising a set of key-value pairs. The data type of keys are described by keyType and the data type of values are described by valueType. For a MapType value, keys are not allowed to have nullvalues. valueContainsNull is used to indicate if values of a MapType value can have null values.
o StructType(fields): Represents values with the structure described by a sequence of StructFields (fields).
§ StructField(name, dataType, nullable): Represents a field in a StructType. The name of a field is indicated by name. The data type of a field is indicated by dataType. nullable is used to indicate if values of this fields can have null values.
All data types of Spark SQL are located in the package org.apache.spark.sql.types. You can access them by doing
Spark SQL中所有的数据类型的都在包 package org.apache.spark.sql.types中,你可以这样访问它们:
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
Data type |
Value type in Scala |
API to access or create a data type |
ByteType |
Byte |
ByteType |
ShortType |
Short |
ShortType |
IntegerType |
Int |
IntegerType |
LongType |
Long |
LongType |
FloatType |
Float |
FloatType |
DoubleType |
Double |
DoubleType |
DecimalType |
java.math.BigDecimal |
DecimalType |
StringType |
String |
StringType |
BinaryType |
Array[Byte] |
BinaryType |
BooleanType |
Boolean |
BooleanType |
TimestampType |
java.sql.Timestamp |
TimestampType |
DateType |
java.sql.Date |
DateType |
ArrayType |
scala.collection.Seq |
ArrayType(elementType, [containsNull]) |
MapType |
scala.collection.Map |
MapType(keyType, valueType, [valueContainsNull]) |
StructType |
org.apache.spark.sql.Row |
StructType(fields) |
StructField |
The value type in Scala of the data type of this field (For example, Int for a StructField with the data type IntegerType) |
StructField(name, dataType, nullable) |