马里奥 实现_让我们给马里奥他应得的周年纪念日

马里奥 实现

Like any other Nintendo fanatic, I felt morally obligated to gaming’s most lovable mustache to purchase the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection on the Switch this past week. The game is supposed to celebrate Mario’s 35th anniversary, and it certainly does capture some of the best platforming that gaming’s mascot has put forth in the past 25 years or so.

任天堂的其他狂热者一样,我在道义上不得不承担游戏最可爱的胡子,这就是上周在Switch上购买Super Mario 3D All-Stars系列的原因。 该游戏本来应该庆祝Mario成立35周年,它的确捕捉到了游戏吉祥物在过去25年左右的时间里推出的一些最佳平台。

But I haven’t actually played any of the classics yet, and I don’t have the urgency to before I finish other games that I am currently playing. I only bought it right away because of Nintendo’s sly release date window that has a dead end, something which has already been talked about to death, and with good reason. I don’t need to add on anymore to that topic.

但是我实际上还没有玩过任何经典游戏,在完成当前正在玩的其他游戏之前,我没有紧迫感。 由于任天堂狡猾的发布日期窗口已经死胡同了,所以我才马上买了它,这已经被谈论到死了,并且有充分的理由。 我不需要在该主题上添加任何内容。

I do want to start a conversation though about how underwhelming this “celebration” is to the ultimate titan of the gaming industry. Though Mario is just a character, a friend that is not so much physically tangible, but quite powerful all the same, he deserved better from his creators. Being the king of the characters in this universe for 35 years should earn you so much more than a half-assed effort of regurgitation. Better yet, the people who have played as Mario for so long have earned a lot more than this, too.

我确实想就这个“庆祝活动”对游戏行业的最终巨头有多么深刻的影响开始对话。 尽管马里奥(Mario)只是一个角色,但他的朋友身体上并不那么有形,但力量却相当强大,但他应该得到创作者的青睐。 作为这个宇宙中角色的国王,已经35年了,这不仅仅会让您半途而废。 更好的是,长期担任Mario的人们的收入也远不止于此。

It’s been a trend for Nintendo to not give the die-hards something of actual substance to work with for a couple of years now. That’s not the topic at hand though. Here, I wanted to throw some ideas up on the page to decide what would’ve been a much more prestigious honoring of the character Nintendo owes all of their success to. Here-a we go!

对于任天堂来说,几年来一直不给顽固分子以某种实际的东西来使用是一种趋势。 但是,这不是手头的话题。 在这里,我想在页面上提出一些想法,以决定对任天堂因其所有成功而倍受赞誉的角色。 我们来了!

更多游戏! (More games!)

It has already been said by virtually every gamer that this collection is, unfortunately, lacking in content with the omission of Super Mario Galaxy 2. While I agree with this sentiment, I believe that this isn’t the only game that should have been added to the cartridge. The port of Super Mario 3D World should have also been added, but this will be a stand-alone release next year to capitalize on, well, the money that has to be made.

几乎每个游戏玩家都已经说过,这个收藏缺乏对Super Mario Galaxy 2的遗漏。 尽管我同意这种观点,但我相信这并不是应该添加到卡带中的唯一游戏。 超级马里奥3D世界( Super Mario 3D World)的港口也应该被添加,但这将是明年的独立发行版,以利用必须赚到的钱。

Now THAT’S a collection that you would possibly pay 60 bucks for and not complain that you just got ripped off by your favorite gaming company. The math evens out to 12 dollars per game, pretty fair when one of the games is from the last generation of console gaming, and two of them are from two generations ago.

现在这是一个收藏,您可能要支付60美元,而不必抱怨您只是被自己最喜欢的游戏公司骗走了。 数学平均每场比赛达到12美元,当其中一个游戏来自上一代的主机游戏,而其中两个来自两代之前时,这是相当公平的。

Any number of other older Mario games could have also been added for good measure, just to have them all in one nice package. Older classics from the NES and SNES have been re-released so many times it’s hard to keep track of it all, but having those original Mario games on hand these newer games adds a nice well-rounded touch and completion to the anniversary package.

也可以添加许多其他较旧的Mario游戏,以使它们全部包装在一个不错的包装中。 来自NES和SNES的较旧的经典游戏已经被重新发行了很多次,很难一一追踪,但是拥有这些原始的Mario游戏之后,这些较新的游戏就为周年纪念包增加了很好的全面感和完整性。

新的Mario游戏 (A new Mario game)

This is definitely asking for too much, although it shouldn’t be if Nintendo started prioritizing making new games instead of rehashing older material. It’s been nearly three years since Super Mario Odyssey was released for the Switch, and this 35th year of Mario would have been an excellent time to unveil the sequel to arguably the greatest Mario adventure of them all!

这绝对是要求太多,尽管任天堂是否应该开始优先考虑制作新游戏而不是重新散布旧的材料,这肯定不是太多。 自《超级马里奥奥德赛》为Switch发行以来已经过去了将近三年,而《马里奥》问世35周年将是一个极好的时机,揭开这部马里奥最大冒险的续集!

Obviously, Nintendo takes a little while to put out new 3D Mario games, as there is usually a gap of five or six years between games. That doesn’t mean there can’t be a shorter time span between releases, as evidenced with the three-year pause between the Galaxy games.

显然,任天堂花一些时间发布新的3D Mario游戏,因为游戏之间通常间隔五到六年。 这并不意味着两次发布之间的时间间隔就不会更短,正如Galaxy游戏之间的三年停顿所证明的那样。

The problem with this is that I don’t think there’s been any tangible traction on a new Mario game, just rumors and speculation from people like me. Maybe even an announcement that something is in the works would have been a nice sentiment for Nintendo to express during the anniversary proceedings. It would symbolize that they are finally going to put new games at the forefront of their business operations instead of remakes. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that we will get another masterpiece whenever the time finally comes for a new classic.

问题是我认为新的《马里奥》游戏没有任何明显的吸引力,只是像我这样的人的谣言和猜测。 也许甚至宣布某事正在酝酿中,对于任天堂在周年纪念活动中表达自己的看法还是很不错的。 这象征着他们最终将把新游戏放在其业务运营的最前沿,而不是翻拍。 我会给他们怀疑的好处,并说,每当终于有了新的经典时,我们将再获得另一本杰作。

纪念品和礼物 (Memorabilia and goodies)

This could have been any number of things, from a full orchestrated soundtrack (like in Galaxy) to posters and art. I’ve seen many people discuss how nice it would have been to show off some of the artwork Nintendo was working with for the games in the developmental stage of the design process. Learning how Mario comes to life is incredibly fascinating to so many gamers and they shouldn’t have to go scour YouTube to find those types of behind-the-scenes materials.

从完整的配乐(例如在Galaxy中)到海报和艺术品,这可能是很多事情。 我见过很多人在讨论在设计过程的发展阶段展示任天堂为游戏制作的一些艺术品会有多好。 了解马里奥如何生活变得如此吸引众多游戏玩家,他们不必去YouTube上寻找那些类型的幕后资料。

I think creating a bundle where there are action figures, stuffed animals, and other physical tokens commemorating Mario would be really awesome for kids (and maybe even adults) alike. Clothing and maybe even costumes for Halloween is also very kid-friendly.

我认为创建一个捆绑有可动人偶,毛绒动物以及其他纪念马里奥的物理标记的捆绑包对于孩子们(甚至成年人)来说都非常棒。 万圣节的服装甚至服装也非常适合孩子。

The game that was released caters way too much to people who are now adults and grew up with the games in the collection without thinking about trying to grab all the new potential Mario fans to the Nintendo family. This is unusual because Nintendo is constantly catering to younger players, sometimes to the detriment of the veterans of the hobby.

发行的游戏对现在已经成年的人来说非常适合,并且随着游戏中的游戏一起成长,而没有考虑将所有潜在的新马里奥粉丝吸引到任天堂家族。 这是不寻常的,因为任天堂一直在迎合年轻球员,有时甚至损害了业余爱好的老手。

马里奥 实现_让我们给马里奥他应得的周年纪念日_第1张图片
Source: Nintendo. 资料来源:任天堂。

I do not mean for this brainstorming to feel like a hit piece against Nintendo for the games that they did decide to release this month. It’s always a good time to celebrate Mario by playing his back catalog, especially classics like the ones in Super Mario 3D All-Stars. I’m just fed up with Nintendo delving into their past and treating it like a new experience.

我的意思并不是要让这种头脑风暴对他们任天堂决定在本月发布的游戏像是对任天堂的热门游戏。 总是可以通过播放自己的唱片目录来庆祝Mario,尤其是像Super Mario 3D All-Stars这样的经典歌曲来庆祝Mario。 我对任天堂钻研他们的过去并把它当作新的经历感到厌烦。

The Switch has turned into a port machine, a console in which to play older games from past generations with new titles becoming the minority. Mario’s anniversary should be a time to forge forward with the character, while still celebrating the past. Unfortunately, only the second part of that statement was true for this compilation.

Switch已经变成了端口机,一种可以玩上一代游戏的游戏机,而新游戏则成为少数。 马里奥(Mario)的周年纪念日应该是在与角色一起奋斗的同时,仍在庆祝过去的时候。 不幸的是,对于该编译,仅该语句的第二部分是正确的。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/lets-give-mario-the-anniversary-he-deserves-e56470949400

马里奥 实现
