Mac OS X Refernce Library
iOS Refernce Library
Safari Refernce Library
■ iOS Technology Overview
introduces iOS and its technologies.
■ Your First iOS Application
For a tutorial to get you started creating iOS applications
■ iOS Human Interface Guidelines
For information about user interface design and how to create effective applications using iOS
■ iOS Development Guide
This document describes the iOS application development process. It also provides information about becoming a member of the iOS Developer Program, which is required to run applications on devices for testing.
■ iOS Application Programming Guide
describes the architecture of an iOS application and shows the key customization points in UIKit and other key system frameworks.
■Event Handling Guide for iOS
For information about handling touch and motion-related events
■Objective-C Release Notes
describes some of the changes in the Objective-C runtime in the latest release of Mac OS X.
■ Learning Objective-C: A Prime
■ The Objective-C Programming Language
introduces object-oriented programming and describes the main programming language used for iOS development.
■Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide
describes aspects of the Objective-C runtime and how you can use it.
■Objective-C Runtime Reference
describes the data structures and functions of the Objective-C runtime support library. Your programs can use these interfaces to interact with the Objective-C runtime system. For example, you can add classes or methods, or obtain a list of all class definitions for loaded classes.
■Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C
Every object-oriented programming language and environment has a different perspective on what object-oriented means, how objects behave, and how programs might be structured. This document offers the Objective-C perspective.
■ Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
introduces the basic concepts, terminology, architectures, and design patterns of the Cocoa frameworks and development environment.
■ Cocoa Application Tutorial
shows you how to build a simple Cocoa application for Mac OS X using the Xcode development environment, the Cocoa frameworks, and Objective-C. Your First iOS Application is a tutorial that guides you through the creation of a simple iPhone application, showing you along the way the basics of the Xcode development environment, Objective-C, and the Cocoa frameworks.
■ Garbage Collection Programming Guide
describes the garbage collection system used by Cocoa.
■ Memory Management Programming Guide
describes the reference counting system used by Cocoa.
■ View Controller Programming Guide for iOS
For information about structuring and managing your application’s user interface
■ View Programming Guide for iOS.
For information about presenting and animating your user interface
■ Model Object Implementation Guide
discusses basic issues of subclass design and implementation,
■Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS
For information about drawing custom content
■Text, Web, and Editing Programming Guide for iOS.
For information about handling text and web content and about managing the keyboard
■Multimedia Programming Guide
For information about incorporating audio and video into your application
Coding Guidelines for Cocoa
■ Dashcode User Guide
which describes how to create webpages optimized for Safari on iOS. These web applications make use of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
■Safari Web Content Guide
in-depth information on how to create web applications that work well on iPhone and iPod touch
If you’re interested in developing iOS web applications, visit