python中pixels函数_python - 如何在Python中制作像Edge()Matlab函数一样的Canny边缘检测器 - 堆栈内存溢出...

我想在Python中使用edge() Matlab函数:

mask = double(edge(mask,'canny',threshold));

我试图找到一个等效于Python中edge() Matlab函数的函数。 我曾在那个论坛上尝试过建议先用高斯模糊对图像进行模糊处理,但结果仍然与Matlab有所不同。

因此,我找到了一些Matlab Canny边缘检测器代码,并试图将此代码转换为类似于Matlab的内置edge()函数。 我找到的代码是:


clear all;


%Input image

img = imread ('gambar.jpg');

%Show input image

figure, imshow(img);

img = rgb2gray(img);

img = double (img);

%Value for Thresholding

T_Low = 0.2;

T_High = 0.5;

%Gaussian Filter Coefficient

B = [2, 4, 5, 4, 2; 4, 9, 12, 9, 4;5, 12, 15, 12, 5;4, 9, 12, 9, 4;2, 4, 5, 4, 2 ];

B = 1/159.* B;

%Convolution of image by Gaussian Coefficient

A=conv2(img, B, 'same');

%Filter for horizontal and vertical direction

KGx = [-1, 0, 1; -2, 0, 2; -1, 0, 1];

KGy = [1, 2, 1; 0, 0, 0; -1, -2, -1];

%Convolution by image by horizontal and vertical filter

Filtered_X = conv2(A, KGx, 'same');

Filtered_Y = conv2(A, KGy, 'same');

%Calculate directions/orientations

arah = atan2 (Filtered_Y, Filtered_X);

arah = arah*180/pi;



%Adjustment for negative directions, making all directions positive

for i=1:pan

for j=1:leb

if (arah(i,j)<0)





arah2=zeros(pan, leb);

%Adjusting directions to nearest 0, 45, 90, or 135 degree

for i = 1 : pan

for j = 1 : leb

if ((arah(i, j) >= 0 ) && (arah(i, j) < 22.5) || (arah(i, j) >= 157.5) && (arah(i, j) < 202.5) || (arah(i, j) >= 337.5) && (arah(i, j) <= 360))

arah2(i, j) = 0;

elseif ((arah(i, j) >= 22.5) && (arah(i, j) < 67.5) || (arah(i, j) >= 202.5) && (arah(i, j) < 247.5))

arah2(i, j) = 45;

elseif ((arah(i, j) >= 67.5 && arah(i, j) < 112.5) || (arah(i, j) >= 247.5 && arah(i, j) < 292.5))

arah2(i, j) = 90;

elseif ((arah(i, j) >= 112.5 && arah(i, j) < 157.5) || (arah(i, j) >= 292.5 && arah(i, j) < 337.5))

arah2(i, j) = 135;




figure, imagesc(arah2); colorbar;

%Calculate magnitude

magnitude = (Filtered_X.^2) + (Filtered_Y.^2);

magnitude2 = sqrt(magnitude);

BW = zeros (pan, leb);

%Non-Maximum Supression

for i=2:pan-1

for j=2:leb-1

if (arah2(i,j)==0)

BW(i,j) = (magnitude2(i,j) == max([magnitude2(i,j), magnitude2(i,j+1), magnitude2(i,j-1)]));

elseif (arah2(i,j)==45)

BW(i,j) = (magnitude2(i,j) == max([magnitude2(i,j), magnitude2(i+1,j-1), magnitude2(i-1,j+1)]));

elseif (arah2(i,j)==90)

BW(i,j) = (magnitude2(i,j) == max([magnitude2(i,j), magnitude2(i+1,j), magnitude2(i-1,j)]));

elseif (arah2(i,j)==135)

BW(i,j) = (magnitude2(i,j) == max([magnitude2(i,j), magnitude2(i+1,j+1), magnitude2(i-1,j-1)]));




BW = BW.*magnitude2;

figure, imshow(BW);

%Hysteresis Thresholding

T_Low = T_Low * max(max(BW));

T_High = T_High * max(max(BW));

T_res = zeros (pan, leb);

for i = 1 : pan

for j = 1 : leb

if (BW(i, j) < T_Low)

T_res(i, j) = 0;

elseif (BW(i, j) > T_High)

T_res(i, j) = 1;

%Using 8-connected components

elseif ( BW(i+1,j)>T_High || BW(i-1,j)>T_High || BW(i,j+1)>T_High || BW(i,j-1)>T_High || BW(i-1, j-1)>T_High || BW(i-1, j+1)>T_High || BW(i+1, j+1)>T_High || BW(i+1, j-1)>T_High)

T_res(i,j) = 1;




edge_final = uint8(T_res.*255);

%Show final edge detection result

figure, imshow(edge_final);


function [eout, dx, dy] = canny_edge(image_scan, smoothing_kernel, derivative_kernel)

thresh = [0.2 0.5];

sigma = sqrt(2);

thinning = true;

H = [];

kx = 1;

ky = 1;

[m,n] = size(image_scan);

e = false(m,n);

% Magic numbers

PercentOfPixelsNotEdges = .7; % Used for selecting thresholds

ThresholdRatio = .4; % Low thresh is this fraction of the high.

dx = imfilter(image_scan, smoothing_kernel', 'conv', 'replicate');

dx = imfilter(dx, derivative_kernel, 'conv', 'replicate');

% Compute smoothed numerical gradient of image I along y (vertical)

% direction. GY corresponds to dG/dy, where G is the Gaussian Smoothed

% version of image I.

dy = imfilter(image_scan, smoothing_kernel, 'conv', 'replicate');

dy = imfilter(dy, derivative_kernel', 'conv', 'replicate');

% Calculate Magnitude of Gradient

magGrad = hypot(dx, dy);

% Normalize for threshold selection

magmax = max(magGrad(:));

if magmax > 0

magGrad = magGrad / magmax;


% Determine Hysteresis Thresholds

[lowThresh, highThresh] = selectThresholds(thresh, magGrad, PercentOfPixelsNotEdges, ThresholdRatio, mfilename);

% Perform Non-Maximum Suppression Thining and Hysteresis Thresholding of Edge

% Strength

eout = thinAndThreshold(e, dx, dy, magGrad, lowThresh, highThresh);

thresh = [lowThresh highThresh];



% Local Function : selectThresholds


function [lowThresh, highThresh] = selectThresholds(thresh, magGrad, PercentOfPixelsNotEdges, ThresholdRatio, ~)

[m,n] = size(magGrad);

% Select the thresholds

if isempty(thresh)

counts=imhist(magGrad, 64);

highThresh = find(cumsum(counts) > PercentOfPixelsNotEdges*m*n,...

1,'first') / 64;

lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*highThresh;

elseif length(thresh)==1

highThresh = thresh;

if thresh>=1



lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*thresh;

elseif length(thresh)==2

lowThresh = thresh(1);

highThresh = thresh(2);

if (lowThresh >= highThresh) || (highThresh >= 1)






% Local Function : thinAndThreshold


function H = thinAndThreshold(E, dx, dy, magGrad, lowThresh, highThresh)

% Perform Non-Maximum Suppression Thining and Hysteresis Thresholding of Edge

% Strength

% We will accrue indices which specify ON pixels in strong edgemap

% The array e will become the weak edge map.

idxStrong = [];

for dir = 1:4

idxLocalMax = cannyFindLocalMaxima(dir,dx,dy,magGrad);

idxWeak = idxLocalMax(magGrad(idxLocalMax) > lowThresh);


idxStrong = [idxStrong; idxWeak(magGrad(idxWeak) > highThresh)]; %#ok


[m,n] = size(E);

if ~isempty(idxStrong) % result is all zeros if idxStrong is empty

rstrong = rem(idxStrong-1, m)+1;

cstrong = floor((idxStrong-1)/m)+1;

H = bwselect(E, cstrong, rstrong, 8);


H = zeros(m, n);




% Local Function : cannyFindLocalMaxima


function idxLocalMax = cannyFindLocalMaxima(direction,ix,iy,mag)


% This sub-function helps with the non-maximum suppression in the Canny

% edge detector. The input parameters are:


% direction - the index of which direction the gradient is pointing,

% read from the diagram below. direction is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

% ix - input image filtered by derivative of gaussian along x

% iy - input image filtered by derivative of gaussian along y

% mag - the gradient magnitude image


% there are 4 cases:


% The X marks the pixel in question, and each

% 3 2 of the quadrants for the gradient vector

% O----0----0 fall into two cases, divided by the 45

% 4 | | 1 degree line. In one case the gradient

% | | vector is more horizontal, and in the other

% O X O it is more vertical. There are eight

% | | divisions, but for the non-maximum suppression

% (1)| |(4) we are only worried about 4 of them since we

% O----O----O use symmetric points about the center pixel.

% (2) (3)

[m,n] = size(mag);

% Find the indices of all points whose gradient (specified by the

% vector (ix,iy)) is going in the direction we're looking at.

switch direction

case 1

idx = find((iy<=0 & ix>-iy) | (iy>=0 & ix

case 2

idx = find((ix>0 & -iy>=ix) | (ix<0 & -iy<=ix));

case 3

idx = find((ix<=0 & ix>iy) | (ix>=0 & ix

case 4

idx = find((iy<0 & ix<=iy) | (iy>0 & ix>=iy));


% Exclude the exterior pixels

if ~isempty(idx)

v = mod(idx,m);

extIdx = (v==1 | v==0 | idx<=m | (idx>(n-1)*m));

idx(extIdx) = [];


ixv = ix(idx);

iyv = iy(idx);

gradmag = mag(idx);

% Do the linear interpolations for the interior pixels

switch direction

case 1

d = abs(iyv./ixv);

gradmag1 = mag(idx+m).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m-1).*d;

gradmag2 = mag(idx-m).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m+1).*d;

case 2

d = abs(ixv./iyv);

gradmag1 = mag(idx-1).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m-1).*d;

gradmag2 = mag(idx+1).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m+1).*d;

case 3

d = abs(ixv./iyv);

gradmag1 = mag(idx-1).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m-1).*d;

gradmag2 = mag(idx+1).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m+1).*d;

case 4

d = abs(iyv./ixv);

gradmag1 = mag(idx-m).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m-1).*d;

gradmag2 = mag(idx+m).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m+1).*d;


idxLocalMax = idx(gradmag>=gradmag1 & gradmag>=gradmag2);

我正在尝试将其转换为内置的edge() matlab函数:

function [eout,thresh,gv_45,gh_135] = edge(varargin)

args = matlab.images.internal.stringToChar(varargin);

[a,method,thresh,sigma,thinning,H,kx,ky] = parse_inputs(args{:});

% Check that the user specified a valid number of output arguments

if ~any(strcmp(method,{'sobel','roberts','prewitt'})) && (nargout>2)



% Transform to a double precision intensity image if necessary

isPrewittOrSobel = strcmp(method,'sobel') || strcmp(method,'prewitt');

if ~isPrewittOrSobel && ~isfloat(a) && ~strcmp(method,'approxcanny')

a = im2single(a);


[m,n] = size(a);

if strcmp(method,'canny')

% Magic numbers

PercentOfPixelsNotEdges = .7; % Used for selecting thresholds

ThresholdRatio = .4; % Low thresh is this fraction of the high.

% Calculate gradients using a derivative of Gaussian filter

[dx, dy] = smoothGradient(a, sigma);

% Calculate Magnitude of Gradient

magGrad = hypot(dx, dy);

% Normalize for threshold selection

magmax = max(magGrad(:));

if magmax > 0

magGrad = magGrad / magmax;


% Determine Hysteresis Thresholds

[lowThresh, highThresh] = selectThresholds(thresh, magGrad, PercentOfPixelsNotEdges, ThresholdRatio, mfilename);

% Perform Non-Maximum Suppression Thining and Hysteresis Thresholding of Edge

% Strength

e = thinAndThreshold(dx, dy, magGrad, lowThresh, highThresh);

thresh = [lowThresh highThresh];

elseif strcmp(method,'approxcanny')

e = computeapproxcanny(a, thresh);

elseif strcmp(method,'canny_old')

% Magic numbers

GaussianDieOff = .0001;

PercentOfPixelsNotEdges = .7; % Used for selecting thresholds

ThresholdRatio = .4; % Low thresh is this fraction of the high.

% Design the filters - a gaussian and its derivative

pw = 1:30; % possible widths

ssq = sigma^2;

width = find(exp(-(pw.*pw)/(2*ssq))>GaussianDieOff,1,'last');

if isempty(width)

width = 1; % the user entered a really small sigma


t = (-width:width);

gau = exp(-(t.*t)/(2*ssq))/(2*pi*ssq); % the gaussian 1D filter

% Find the directional derivative of 2D Gaussian (along X-axis)

% Since the result is symmetric along X, we can get the derivative along

% Y-axis simply by transposing the result for X direction.



% Convolve the filters with the image in each direction

% The canny edge detector first requires convolution with

% 2D Gaussian, and then with the derivative of a Gaussian.

% Since Gaussian filter is separable, for smoothing, we can use

% two 1D convolutions in order to achieve the effect of convolving

% with 2D Gaussian. We convolve along rows and then columns.

%smooth the image out

aSmooth=imfilter(a,gau,'conv','replicate'); % run the filter across rows

aSmooth=imfilter(aSmooth,gau','conv','replicate'); % and then across columns

%apply directional derivatives

ax = imfilter(aSmooth, dgau2D, 'conv','replicate');

ay = imfilter(aSmooth, dgau2D', 'conv','replicate');

mag = sqrt((ax.*ax) + (ay.*ay));

magmax = max(mag(:));

if magmax>0

mag = mag / magmax; % normalize


% Select the thresholds

if isempty(thresh)

counts=imhist(mag, 64);

highThresh = find(cumsum(counts) > PercentOfPixelsNotEdges*m*n,...

1,'first') / 64;

lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*highThresh;

thresh = [lowThresh highThresh];

elseif length(thresh)==1

highThresh = thresh;

if thresh>=1



lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*thresh;

thresh = [lowThresh highThresh];

elseif length(thresh)==2

lowThresh = thresh(1);

highThresh = thresh(2);

if (lowThresh >= highThresh) || (highThresh >= 1)




% The next step is to do the non-maximum suppression. We will accrue

% indices which specify ON pixels in strong edgemap The array e will become

% the weak edge map.

e = cannyFindLocalMaxima(ax,ay,mag,lowThresh);

if ~isempty(e)

[rstrong,cstrong] = find(mag>highThresh & e);

if ~isempty(rstrong) % result is all zeros if idxStrong is empty

e = bwselect(e, cstrong, rstrong, 8);

e = bwmorph(e, 'thin', 1); % Thin double (or triple) pixel wide contours



elseif any(strcmp(method, {'log','zerocross'}))

% The output edge map:

e = false(m,n);

rr = 2:m-1; cc=2:n-1;

% We don't use image blocks here

if isempty(H)

fsize = ceil(sigma*3) * 2 + 1; % choose an odd fsize > 6*sigma;

op = fspecial('log',fsize,sigma);


op = H;


op = op - sum(op(:))/numel(op); % make the op to sum to zero

b = imfilter(a,op,'replicate');

if isempty(thresh)

thresh = 0.75 * sum(abs(b(:)),'double') / numel(b);


% Look for the zero crossings: +-, -+ and their transposes

% We arbitrarily choose the edge to be the negative point

[rx,cx] = find( b(rr,cc) < 0 & b(rr,cc+1) > 0 ...

& abs( b(rr,cc)-b(rr,cc+1) ) > thresh ); % [- +]

e((rx+1) + cx*m) = 1;

[rx,cx] = find( b(rr,cc-1) > 0 & b(rr,cc) < 0 ...

& abs( b(rr,cc-1)-b(rr,cc) ) > thresh ); % [+ -]

e((rx+1) + cx*m) = 1;

[rx,cx] = find( b(rr,cc) < 0 & b(rr+1,cc) > 0 ...

& abs( b(rr,cc)-b(rr+1,cc) ) > thresh); % [- +]'

e((rx+1) + cx*m) = 1;

[rx,cx] = find( b(rr-1,cc) > 0 & b(rr,cc) < 0 ...

& abs( b(rr-1,cc)-b(rr,cc) ) > thresh); % [+ -]'

e((rx+1) + cx*m) = 1;

% Most likely this covers all of the cases. Just check to see if there

% are any points where the LoG was precisely zero:

[rz,cz] = find( b(rr,cc)==0 );

if ~isempty(rz)

% Look for the zero crossings: +0-, -0+ and their transposes

% The edge lies on the Zero point

zero = (rz+1) + cz*m; % Linear index for zero points

zz = (b(zero-1) < 0 & b(zero+1) > 0 ...

& abs( b(zero-1)-b(zero+1) ) > 2*thresh); % [- 0 +]'

e(zero(zz)) = 1;

zz = (b(zero-1) > 0 & b(zero+1) < 0 ...

& abs( b(zero-1)-b(zero+1) ) > 2*thresh); % [+ 0 -]'

e(zero(zz)) = 1;

zz = (b(zero-m) < 0 & b(zero+m) > 0 ...

& abs( b(zero-m)-b(zero+m) ) > 2*thresh); % [- 0 +]

e(zero(zz)) = 1;

zz = (b(zero-m) > 0 & b(zero+m) < 0 ...

& abs( b(zero-m)-b(zero+m) ) > 2*thresh); % [+ 0 -]

e(zero(zz)) = 1;


else % one of the easy methods (roberts,sobel,prewitt)

if isPrewittOrSobel

isSobel = strcmp(method, 'sobel');

scale = 4; % for calculating the automatic threshold

offset = [0 0 0 0]; % offsets used in the computation of the threshold

[bx, by, b] = edgesobelprewittmex(a, isSobel, kx, ky);

elseif strcmp(method, 'roberts')

x_mask = [1 0; 0 -1]/2; % Roberts approximation to diagonal derivative

y_mask = [0 1;-1 0]/2;

scale = 6;

offset = [-1 1 1 -1];

% compute the gradient in x and y direction

bx = imfilter(a,x_mask,'replicate');

by = imfilter(a,y_mask,'replicate');

% compute the magnitude

b = kx*bx.*bx + ky*by.*by;


error(message('images:edge:invalidEdgeDetectionMethod', method))


if (nargout > 2) % if gradients are requested

gv_45 = bx;

gh_135 = by;


% Determine the threshold; see page 514 of

% "Digital Imaging Processing" by William K. Pratt

if isempty(thresh) % Determine cutoff based on RMS estimate of noise

% Mean of the magnitude squared image is a

% value that's roughly proportional to SNR

cutoff = scale * sum(b(:),'double') / numel(b);

thresh = sqrt(cutoff);


% Use relative tolerance specified by the user

cutoff = (thresh).^2;


if thinning

e = computeedge(b,bx,by,kx,ky,int8(offset),100*eps,cutoff);


e = b > cutoff;



if nargout==0



eout = e;


if isempty(a)

if nargout==2

if nargin == 2

if strcmp(method,'canny')

thresh = nan(1,2);


thresh = nan(1);







% Local Function : parse_inputs


function [I,Method,Thresh,Sigma,Thinning,H,kx,ky] = parse_inputs(varargin)


% I Image Data

% Method Edge detection method

% Thresh Threshold value

% Sigma standard deviation of Gaussian

% H Filter for Zero-crossing detection

% kx,ky From Directionality vector


I = varargin{1};


% Defaults

Method = 'sobel';

Direction = 'both';

Thinning = true;

methods = {'canny','approxcanny','canny_old','prewitt','sobel','marr-hildreth','log','roberts','zerocross'};

directions = {'both','horizontal','vertical'};

options = {'thinning','nothinning'};

% Now parse the nargin-1 remaining input arguments

% First get the strings - we do this because the interpretation of the

% rest of the arguments will depend on the method.

nonstr = []; % ordered indices of non-string arguments

for i = 2:nargin

if ischar(varargin{i})

str = lower(varargin{i});

j = find(strcmp(str,methods));

k = find(strcmp(str,directions));

l = find(strcmp(str,options));

if ~isempty(j)

Method = methods{j(1)};

if strcmp(Method,'marr-hildreth')



elseif ~isempty(k)

Direction = directions{k(1)};

elseif ~isempty(l)

if strcmp(options{l(1)},'thinning')

Thinning = true;


Thinning = false;



error(message('images:edge:invalidInputString', varargin{ i }))



nonstr = [nonstr i]; %#ok



% Now get the rest of the arguments

[Thresh,Sigma,H,kx,ky] = images.internal.parseNonStringInputsEdge(varargin,Method,Direction,nonstr);




% Local Function : smoothGradient


function [GX, GY] = smoothGradient(I, sigma)

% Create an even-length 1-D separable Derivative of Gaussian filter

% Determine filter length

filterExtent = ceil(4*sigma);

x = -filterExtent:filterExtent;

% Create 1-D Gaussian Kernel

c = 1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma);

gaussKernel = c * exp(-(x.^2)/(2*sigma^2));

% Normalize to ensure kernel sums to one

gaussKernel = gaussKernel/sum(gaussKernel);

% Create 1-D Derivative of Gaussian Kernel

derivGaussKernel = gradient(gaussKernel);

% Normalize to ensure kernel sums to zero

negVals = derivGaussKernel < 0;

posVals = derivGaussKernel > 0;

derivGaussKernel(posVals) = derivGaussKernel(posVals)/sum(derivGaussKernel(posVals));

derivGaussKernel(negVals) = derivGaussKernel(negVals)/abs(sum(derivGaussKernel(negVals)));

% Compute smoothed numerical gradient of image I along x (horizontal)

% direction. GX corresponds to dG/dx, where G is the Gaussian Smoothed

% version of image I.

GX = imfilter(I, gaussKernel', 'conv', 'replicate');

GX = imfilter(GX, derivGaussKernel, 'conv', 'replicate');

% Compute smoothed numerical gradient of image I along y (vertical)

% direction. GY corresponds to dG/dy, where G is the Gaussian Smoothed

% version of image I.

GY = imfilter(I, gaussKernel, 'conv', 'replicate');

GY = imfilter(GY, derivGaussKernel', 'conv', 'replicate');



% Local Function : selectThresholds


function [lowThresh, highThresh] = selectThresholds(thresh, magGrad, PercentOfPixelsNotEdges, ThresholdRatio, ~)

[m,n] = size(magGrad);

% Select the thresholds

if isempty(thresh)

counts=imhist(magGrad, 64);

highThresh = find(cumsum(counts) > PercentOfPixelsNotEdges*m*n,...

1,'first') / 64;

lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*highThresh;

elseif length(thresh)==1

highThresh = thresh;

if thresh>=1



lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*thresh;

elseif length(thresh)==2

lowThresh = thresh(1);

highThresh = thresh(2);

if (lowThresh >= highThresh) || (highThresh >= 1)






% Local Function : thinAndThreshold


function H = thinAndThreshold(dx, dy, magGrad, lowThresh, highThresh)

% Perform Non-Maximum Suppression Thining and Hysteresis Thresholding of

% Edge Strength

% We will accrue indices which specify ON pixels in strong edgemap

% The array e will become the weak edge map.

E = cannyFindLocalMaxima(dx,dy,magGrad,lowThresh);

if ~isempty(E)

[rstrong,cstrong] = find(magGrad>highThresh & E);

if ~isempty(rstrong) % result is all zeros if idxStrong is empty

H = bwselect(E, cstrong, rstrong, 8);


H = false(size(E));



H = false(size(E));




% Local Function : computeapproxcanny


function e = computeapproxcanny(a, thresh)

a = im2uint8(a);

if isempty(a)

e = logical([]);


if isempty(thresh)

e = images.internal.ocvcanny(a);


if numel(thresh) == 1

e = images.internal.ocvcanny(a, 0.4*thresh, thresh);


e = images.internal.ocvcanny(a, thresh(2), thresh(1));



e = logical(e);



有没有人有任何建议或与matlab edge()函数相同的精明边缘检测器Python代码? 任何建议或答案将非常有帮助。 谢谢。
