maxine-vm_团结的面Kong:Maxine Schlein

maxine-vm_团结的面Kong:Maxine Schlein_第1张图片


As part of our commitment to democratizing development, solving hard problems, and enabling success, our Product Marketing team works closely with our product and sales teams to ensure we build tools and services that serve the opportunities and challenges of our developers. In this Faces of Unity post, Maxine Schlein, our Head of Product Marketing for Monetization, Analytics, and Machine Learning, gives us the inside scoop into what she does at Unity and what motivates her here!

作为我们致力于实现发展民主化,解决难题和实现成功的承诺的一部分,我们的产品营销团队与我们的产品和销售团队紧密合作,以确保我们构建工具和服务来满足开发人员的机遇和挑战。 在本期《面对面Kong》的帖子中,我们的获利,分析和机器学习产品营销主管Maxine Schlein向我们提供了她在Unity从事的工作以及激励她的内幕消息!

Read on to learn more about Maxine! And if you’re interested in joining Unity, check out our careers page.

继续阅读以了解有关Maxine的更多信息! 如果您有兴趣加入Unity,请查看我们的职业页面 。

您在Unity做什么? (What do you do at Unity?)

I lead our Product Marketing team across Monetization, Analytics, and Machine Learning. It is my team’s job to understand the opportunities and challenges for our developers and to work with our Product teams to create tools or services that will help our community. We then take what the teams have built and communicate the solutions to developers, making sure they’re offered in a way developers can use.

我领导我们的产品营销团队进行货币化,分析和机器学习。 我的团队的工作是了解开发人员的机遇和挑战,并与我们的产品团队合作创建有助于社区的工具或服务。 然后,我们利用团队已经构建的内容,并将解决方案与开发人员进行交流,确保以开发人员可以使用的方式提供解决方案。

您平均每天工作时间如何? (What’s an average day at work like for you?)

Every day is different! In general, I get to spend a lot of my time working with people across a variety of teams, especially Marketing, Product, and Sales, to make sure what we build solves our customers’ needs. At the beginning of the quarter, we set up product and marketing strategies, and then we execute.

每一天都不一样! 总的来说,我会花费大量时间与各种团队(尤其是营销,产品和销售)的人员一起工作,以确保我们建立的产品能够满足客户的需求。 在本季度初,我们制定了产品和营销策略,然后执行。

As a manager, I spend a large portion of my time making sure my team is set up for success. I help remove barriers, drive their work forward, prioritize our time, and represent us across the organization. I’m also committed to our team members’ personal growth and focus efforts to ensure they are working on projects that play to their strengths and interests while giving opportunities to learn. (By the way, I’m hiring!)

作为经理,我会花费大部分时间来确保我的团队为成功做好准备。 我帮助消除障碍,推动他们的工作向前发展,优先安排时间,并在整个组织中代表我们。 我也致力于团队成员的个人成长,并专注于确保他们正在致力于发挥自己的优势和兴趣,同时提供学习机会的项目。 (顺便说一句, 我正在招聘! )

加入Unity之前您在做什么? (What were you doing before joining Unity?)

I was at Facebook working in Monetization Product Marketing where I got to be part of building a team that focused on business in emerging markets. It was there that I developed a passion for tackling tough problems and creating products that could be used globally.

我曾在Facebook的货币化产品营销部门工作,在那里我必须组建一支专注于新兴市场业务的团队。 在那儿,我对解决棘手的问题和创造可在全球范围内使用的产品充满了热情。

是什么让您决定在Unity工作? (What made you decide to work at Unity?)

I’m excited by what Unity has done, but even more excited about where it can go. Real-time 3D is just at the beginning: simulations, AR, design – Unity is part of all of it! Games and other industries are moving towards more real-time 3D and Unity is driving that forward while making sure it as easy and flexible as possible.

我为Unity所做的事情感到兴奋,但对它的发展方向感到更加兴奋。 实时3D才刚刚开始:模拟,AR,设计– Unity是所有这些的一部分! 游戏和其他行业正在朝着更加实时的3D方向发展,而Unity正在推动这一发展,同时确保尽可能轻松和灵活。

您从事/从事过哪些很棒的项目? (What cool projects have you worked/are you working on?)

My team led Unity’s first ever major presence in the creative agency and brand world at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. We partnered with Cannes Lions and built AR directly into the Festival’s app. This put AR into the hands of some of the world’s most innovative creators and showcased the possibilities of using Unity. I was inspired to meet a whole new set of Unity creators who were building mind-blowing projects with a focus on brands.

在戛纳国际创意节上,我的团队领导了Unity在创意代理和品牌领域的首次重要活动。 我们与戛纳电影节(Cannes Lions)合作,并将AR直接内置到Festival的应用中。 这使AR成为一些世界上最具创新力的创作者的手,并展示了使用Unity的可能性。 受到启发的我认识了一大批新的Unity创作者,他们正在建立令人侧目的项目,重点关注品牌。

您在Unity遇到了任何专业里程碑吗? 如果是这样,该怎么办? (Have you met any professional milestones at Unity? If so, what?)

Unity is the first place I’ve gotten to build a team. Ready for the corny metaphor? I’ve learned building a team is not just putting together a puzzle, it’s making sure you have the right pieces – people with the right skills and experiences. To actually complete the puzzle, we layer on support, training, structure, and relationship building so we are in a place to accomplish our goals – and be happy and motivated doing it.

团结是我建立团队的首要条件。 准备好接受比喻了吗? 我了解到, 组建团队不只是拼凑难题,还可以确保您拥有合适的人才–具有正确技能和经验的人。 为了真正解决难题,我们依靠支持,培训,结构和建立关系的基础,以便我们能够实现目标 -并为此感到高兴和动力。

对Unity的公司文化有何想法? (Thoughts on Unity’s company culture?)

Collaboration is key. We work on new, market-changing products and we solve hard problems, which requires people with a lot of different knowledge and experience to bring their own perspectives in the room. Even though we’re collaborative, we’re not a “yes” culture. You can respectfully disagree with someone to build to a better outcome.

协作是关键。 我们致力于开发新的,瞬息万变的产品,并解决棘手的问题,这需要具有很多不同知识和经验的人在会议室中展现自己的观点。 即使我们是协作的,我们也不是“是”的文化。 您可以恭敬地不同意某人以取得更好的结果。

您喜欢在Unity工作吗? (What do you like about working at Unity?)

You are given a lot of responsibility and ownership at Unity. The projects are meaty and interesting and could take a lot of different directions. You are not told what to do, you figure out the best way to solve problems or accomplish goals. We get to think creatively about these opportunities – the best answer may not be the obvious one.

Unity赋予您很多责任和所有权 。 这些项目既有趣又有趣,可能会朝着许多不同的方向发展。 不会告诉您该怎么做,您会找到解决问题或达成目标的最佳方法。 我们必须创造性地考虑这些机会–最好的答案可能不是显而易见的。

最喜欢的电子游戏? (Favorite video game?)

Mario Party 2. As of this post, I’m officially challenging my brother to a rematch.

Mario Party2。截至本文发帖,我正式向我的兄弟挑战重新比赛。

您最喜欢Unity游戏/电影/体验制作什么,为什么? (What is your favorite made with Unity game/film/experience and why?)

One of my favorite made with Unity experiences is “My Africa” developed by Vision 3. “My Africa” is a VR experience that transports you to an elephant sanctuary in Kenya. In part of this experience, you get to take care of a baby elephant – feed it, wash it, and give it medicine. Beyond the visual quality and immersion, what was so incredible was that all of these tasks had physical objects associated with them. When you fed the elephant there you were given a bottle that was weighted to feel like a real, full, bottle. It was a perfect blend of the physical and digital world to bring you to a new reality.

我最喜欢用统一的经验作出的是“ 我的非洲 ”的远景3.开发的“我的非洲”是一个虚拟现实的经验,你传送到一个大象保护区在肯尼亚。 在这种经历的一部分中,您需要照顾一头小象–喂食,清洗并给它服药。 除了视觉质量和沉浸感外,令人难以置信的是,所有这些任务都具有与之关联的物理对象。 当您给大象喂食时,会给您一个瓶子,称重后感觉像是一个真实,饱满的瓶子。 它是物理世界和数字世界的完美融合,将您带入了一个新的现实。

大多数人不了解您的一件事是什么? (What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?)

I’m a decent juggler.


您会告诉某人考虑在Unity工作的消息吗? (What would you tell someone considering a career at Unity?)

Come to Unity if you like solving problems or finding opportunities that don’t necessarily have “right” answers. We work in a fast-paced environment and there are always new projects emerging so I would not expect you to ever be bored.

如果您喜欢解决问题发现 不一定有“正确”答案的 机会 请来Unity 我们在快节奏的环境中工作,并且总是有新项目在涌现,所以我不希望您感到无聊。


To learn more about Maxine’s work and what we’re up to at Unity, check out the websites for our Monetization, Analytics, and Machine Learning teams! And get to know more about other Unity employees by reading previous Faces of Unity blog posts!

要了解有关Maxine的工作以及我们在Unity上的工作的更多信息,请访问我们的获利 , 分析和机器学习团队的网站! 阅读前《 Faces of Unity》博客文章,进一步了解其他Unity员工!

If you’re interested in joining Maxine’s team or other teams at Unity, you can find the latest job openings on our careers page.



