def bbox_alpha_iou(box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=False, GIoU=False, DIoU=False, CIoU=False, EIoU=False, alpha=3, eps=1e-9):
# Returns tsqrt_he IoU of box1 to box2. box1 is 4, box2 is nx4
box2 = box2.T
# Get the coordinates of bounding boxes
if x1y1x2y2: # x1, y1, x2, y2 = box1
b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[0], box1[1], box1[2], box1[3]
b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[0], box2[1], box2[2], box2[3]
else: # transform from xywh to xyxy
b1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[0] - box1[2] / 2, box1[0] + box1[2] / 2
b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[1] - box1[3] / 2, box1[1] + box1[3] / 2
b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[0] - box2[2] / 2, box2[0] + box2[2] / 2
b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[1] - box2[3] / 2, box2[1] + box2[3] / 2
# Intersection area
inter = (torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2) - torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1)).clamp(0) * \
(torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2) - torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1)).clamp(0)
# Union Area
w1, h1 = b1_x2 - b1_x1, b1_y2 - b1_y1 + eps
w2, h2 = b2_x2 - b2_x1, b2_y2 - b2_y1 + eps
union = w1 * h1 + w2 * h2 - inter + eps
# change iou into pow(iou+eps) 加入α次幂
# alpha iou
iou = torch.pow(inter / union + eps, alpha)
beta = 2 * alpha
if GIoU or DIoU or CIoU or EIoU:
# 两个框的最小闭包区域的width和height
cw = torch.max(b1_x2, b2_x2) - torch.min(b1_x1, b2_x1) # convex (smallest enclosing box) width
ch = torch.max(b1_y2, b2_y2) - torch.min(b1_y1, b2_y1) # convex height
if CIoU or DIoU or EIoU: # Distance or Complete IoU https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.08287v1
# 最小外接矩形 对角线的长度平方
c2 = cw ** beta + ch ** beta + eps # convex diagonal
rho_x = torch.abs(b2_x1 + b2_x2 - b1_x1 - b1_x2)
rho_y = torch.abs(b2_y1 + b2_y2 - b1_y1 - b1_y2)
# 两个框中心点之间距离的平方
rho2 = (rho_x ** beta + rho_y ** beta) / (2 ** beta) # center distance
if DIoU:
return iou - rho2 / c2 # DIoU
elif CIoU: # https://github.com/Zzh-tju/DIoU-SSD-pytorch/blob/master/utils/box/box_utils.py#L47
v = (4 / math.pi ** 2) * torch.pow(torch.atan(w2 / h2) - torch.atan(w1 / h1), 2)
with torch.no_grad():
alpha_ciou = v / ((1 + eps) - inter / union + v)
# return iou - (rho2 / c2 + v * alpha_ciou) # CIoU
return iou - (rho2 / c2 + torch.pow(v * alpha_ciou + eps, alpha)) # CIoU
# EIoU 在CIoU的基础上
# 将预测框宽高的纵横比损失项 拆分成预测框的宽高分别与最小外接框宽高的差值
# 加速了收敛提高了回归精度
elif EIoU:
rho_w2 = ((b2_x2 - b2_x1) - (b1_x2 - b1_x1)) ** beta
rho_h2 = ((b2_y2 - b2_y1) - (b1_y2 - b1_y1)) ** beta
cw2 = cw ** beta + eps
ch2 = ch ** beta + eps
return iou - (rho2 / c2 + rho_w2 / cw2 + rho_h2 / ch2)
# GIoU https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.09630.pdf
c_area = torch.max(cw * ch + eps, union) # convex area
return iou - torch.pow((c_area - union) / c_area + eps, alpha) # GIoU
return iou # torch.log(iou+eps) or iou