
I'll drop you at the station. They met at a conference.
(2)表示事情发生的时间: The train leaves at 6.00.  Will you be home at lunchtime?

1  at | + 名词短语

   At one end of the beach there is a restaurant.
   We have just landed at Gatwick Airport where the local time is 11.25.
   I left my wallet at home.
   The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.
   Let's meet at the cinema.
   The meeting finished at 9.00.
   The trains stop running at midnight.
   I only ever see my family at Christmas.
   Dad retired at 65, and took up gardening..

2  动词 | + at | + 名词短语
   Look at the moon!
   Don't shout at the dog: it can't understand you.
   The children waved at the train as it passed.
   I pointed at my glass and the waiter refilled it.

3  形容词 | + at |  + 名词短语
   Isobel is good at maths.
   At school I was terrible at sports.

   at the beginning,at the end,at the top,at the bottom;
   at home,at work,at school,at university等;
   at Stuart's(place),at Lorna's等;
   at the doctor's,at the hairdresser's,at the drycleaner's等;
   at the bank,at the station,at the post office等;
   at a party,at a meeting,at a concert,at a wedding等;
   at breakfast,at lunch,at dinner。
   经常跟at搭配表示时间的词有:dawn,sunrise,sunset,noon,night,midnight,the weekend.
   经常跟at搭配(语法结构2)的动词是: look,stare,smile,laugh,get和be aimed。
      Don't stare at the nuns.It's rude.
      Can you get at the jar on the top shelf? I'm not tall enough.
      I don't understand you. What are you getting at?
      The publicity is aimed at teenagers.

    at (long ) last = eventually 最终
    At long last the food arrived,but we were too tired to enjoy it.
    at once= immediately,or,at the same time 立刻;同时
    Serve it at once,while it is still hot.
    You shouldn't try and do so many things at once.
    at least ...至少,起码
    There were at least a hundred people at the funeral.
    If you do nothing else,you could at least tidy your room.
    at the moment/at present=now 现在
    I'm sorry,I'm rather busy at the moment.Can you call back?
    at its/his/her etc. best= in its/his/her etc. best state 在它/他/她等的最佳状态
    I'm sorry,I'm not at my best before breakfast.
    'while you're at it' 顺便
    I'm going to get some bread.~ Can you get some croissants while you're at it?
    at all
