PMBOK Guide 笔记一

Purpose of the PMBOK® Guide

The primary purpose of the PMBOK® Guide is to identify that subset of the Project
Management Body of Knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice.
“Identify” means to provide a general overview as opposed to an exhaustive
description. “Generally recognized” means that the knowledge and practices
described are applicable to most projects most of the time, and that there is
widespread consensus about their value and usefulness. “Good practice” means that
there is general agreement that the correct application of these skills, tools, and
techniques can enhance the chances of success over a wide range of different
projects. Good practice does not mean that the knowledge described should always
be applied uniformly on all projects; the project management team is responsible
for determining what is appropriate for any given project.



What is a Project?

1.2.1 Project Characteristics
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or

1 . 2 什么是项目
1 . 2 . 1 项目的特征

1 Temporary
Temporary means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end. The
end is reached when the project’s objectives have been achieved, or it becomes clear
that the project objectives will not or cannot be met, or the need for the project no
longer exists and the project is terminated. Temporary does not necessarily mean
short in duration; many projects last for several years. In every case, however, the
duration of a project is finite. Projects are not ongoing efforts.

1 临时性

2 Unique Products, Services, or Results
A project creates unique deliverables, which are products, services, or results.

2 独特的产品、服务或成果

3 Progressive Elaboration
Progressive elaboration is a characteristic of projects that accompanies the concepts
of temporary and unique. Progressive elaboration means developing in steps, and
continuing by increments1. For example, the project scope will be broadly described
early in the project and made more explicit and detailed as the project team develops
a better and more complete understanding of the objectives and deliverables.
Progressive elaboration should not be confused with scope creep

Progressive elaboration of a project’s specifications needs to be carefully
coordinated with proper project scope definition, particularly if the project is
performed under contract. When properly defined, the scope of the project—the
work to be done—should be controlled as the project and product specifications are
progressively elaborated. The relationship between product scope and project scope
is discussed further in the Chapter 5 introductory material.

 3 逐步完善
逐步完善是项目伴随临时性和独特性两个概念的特点之一。逐步完善意味着分步、连续的积累’。例如,在项目的早期项目范围的说明是粗略的,随着项目团队对目标和可交付成果的理解更完整和深入时,项目的范围也就更具体和详细。请勿将逐步完善与范围潜变混淆(见55 节)。
项目产品技术要求说明书的逐步完善务必要与项目范围的恰当定义谨慎地协调起来,在项目是按合同实施时,尤其应当如此。如果项目范围即需要完成的任务,规定得恰如其分,则即便是在产品技术要求说明书的逐步完善过程中,项目范围仍应保持控制状态。第5 章的引言将进一步讨论产品范围与项目范围之间的关系。

What is Project Management?

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to
project activities to meet project requirements. Project management is accomplished
through the application and integration of the project management processes of
initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. The project
manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the project objectives.
Managing a project includes:
   • Identifying requirements
   • Establishing clear and achievable objectives
   • Balancing the competing demands for quality, scope, time and cost
   • Adapting the specifications, plans, and approach to the different concerns and
     expectations of the various stakeholders.
Project managers often talk of a “triple constraint”—project scope, time and
cost—in managing competing project requirements. Project quality is affected by
balancing these three factors (Chapters 5 through 7). High quality projects deliver the
required product, service or result within scope, on time, and within budget. The
relationship among these factors is such that if any one of the three factors changes,
at least one other factor is likely to be affected. Project managers also manage
projects in response to uncertainty. Project risk is an uncertain event or condition
that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on at least one project objective.

1 . 3 什么是项目管理
项目经理经常提到,在出现管理互不相让的要求时遇到的项目范围、时间和费用“三重制约”的问题。项目的质量受这三个因素权衡的不利影响(第5 章一第7 章)。高质量的项目能在预算内按时提交满足要求的产品、服务或成果。上述因素之间的关系是,如果三个因素之一发生了变化,其他因素中至少有一个会受到影响。项目经理还根据不确定性来管理项目。项目风险是一旦发生至少会积极或消极影响一个项目目标的不确定事件或条件。

Section III: The Project Management Knowledge Areas
Section III, The Project Management Knowledge Areas, organizes the 44 project
management processes from the Chapter 3 Project Management Process Groups into
nine Knowledge Areas, as described below. An introduction to Section III describes
the legend for the process flow diagrams used in each Knowledge Area chapter and
introductory material applicable to all the Knowledge Areas.


3 部分,项目管理知识领域,将第3 章介绍的44 个项目管理过程归纳为下面即将说明的9个知识领域。

3 部分有一段引言,分别介绍各知识领域的各章所使用的过程流程图的图例,以及适合于所有知识领域的入门性材料。

Chapter 4, Project Integration Management, describes the processes and
activities that integrate the various elements of project management, which are
identified, defined, combined, unified and coordinated within the Project
Management Process Groups. It consists of the Develop Project Charter, Develop
Preliminary Project Scope Statement, Develop Project Management Plan, Direct and
Manage Project Execution, Monitor and Control Project Work, Integrated Change
Control, and Close Project project management processes.

4 章,项目整体管理,介绍了将项目管理各种不同要素综合为整体的过程和活动,这些过程和活动在项目管理过程组的范围内识别、定义、组合、统一并协调。项目整体管理由下列项目管理过程组成:制定项目章程、制定项目初步范围说明书、制定项目管理计划、指导与管理项目执行、监控项目工作、整体变更控制和项目收尾。

Chapter 5, Project Scope Management, describes the processes involved in
ascertaining that the project includes all the work required, and only the work
required, to complete the project successfully. It consists of the Scope Planning,
Scope Definition, Create WBS, Scope Verification, and Scope Control project
management processes.
5 章,项目范围管理,项目应该包括成功地完成项目所需的全部工作,但又只包括完成项目所必需的工作,本章介绍了确保达到上述要求所执行的诸过程。项目范围管理由如下项目管理过程组成:范围规划、范围定义、制作工作分解结构、范围核实和范围控制。

Chapter 6, Project Time Management, describes the processes concerning the
timely completion of the project. It consists of the Activity Definition, Activity
Sequencing, Activity Resource Estimating, Activity Duration Estimating, Schedule
Development, and Schedule Control project management processes

6 章,项目时间管理,介绍了确保项目按时完成所需的各项过程,包括活动定义、活动排序、活动资源估算、活动持续时间估算、制定进度表以及进度控制。
Chapter 7, Project Cost Management, describes the processes involved in
planning, estimating, budgeting, and controlling costs so that the project is completed
within the approved budget. It consists of the Cost Estimating, Cost Budgeting, and
Cost Control project management processes.

7 章,项目费用管理,介绍了确保项目按照规定预算完成须进行的费用规划、估算、预算的各项过程。项目费用管理由如下项目管理过程组成:费用估算、费用预算和费用控制
Chapter 8, Project Quality Management, describes the processes involved in
assuring that the project will satisfy the objectives for which it was undertaken. It
consists of the Quality Planning, Perform Quality Assurance, and Perform Quality
Control project management processes.

8 章,项目质量管理,介绍了确保项目达到其既定质量要求所需实施的各项过程。项目质量管理由如下项目管理过程组成:质量规划、实施质量保证和实施质量控制。
Chapter 9, Project Human Resource Management, describes the processes
that organize and manage the project team. It consists of the Human Resource
Planning, Acquire Project Team, Develop Project Team, and Manage Project Team
project management processes.

9 章,项目人力资源管理,介绍了组织和管理项目团队的各个过程。项目人力资源管理由如下项目管理过程组成:人力资源规划、项目团队组建、项目团队建设和项目团队管理。
Chapter 10, Project Communications Management, describes the processes
concerning the timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage
and ultimate disposition of project information. It consists of the Communications
Planning, Information Distribution, Performance Reporting, and Manage
Stakeholders project management processes.

10 章,项目沟通管理,介绍了为确保项目信息及时而恰当地提取、收集、传输、存储和最终处置而需要实施的一系列过程。项目沟通管理由如下项目管理过程组成:沟通规划、信息发布、绩效报告和利害关系者管理
Chapter 11, Project Risk Management, describes the processes concerned
with conducting risk management on a project. It consists of the Risk Management
Planning, Risk Identification, Qualitative Risk Analysis, Quantitative Risk Analysis,
Risk Response Planning, and Risk Monitoring and Control project management

11 章,项目风险管理,介绍了与项目风险管理有关的过程。项目风险管理由如下项目管理过程组成:风险管理规划、风险识别、定性风险分析、定量风险分析、风险应对规划,以及风险监控。
Chapter 12, Project Procurement Management, describes the processes that
purchase or acquire products, services or results, as well as contract management
processes. It consists of the Plan Purchases and Acquisitions, Plan Contracting,
Request Seller Responses, Select Sellers, Contract Administration, and Contract
Closure project management processes.

  12 章,项目采购管理,介绍了采办或取得产品、服务或成果,以及合同管理所需的各过程。项目采购管理由如下项目管理过程组成:采购规划、发包规划、询价、卖方选择、合同管理以及合同收尾
