Top Ten Java Computing Stories of 2006

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NO 1. Java Open-Sourced.
          Yes, it finally happened.  My biggest concern was maintaining Java compatibility and things look very good in that respect.  Despite the awkward and surreal protestations by IBM - the overwhelming support of the open source community for this announcement speaks for itself and easily makes this the top story of the year.
           [Personal]: Sun just open a part of the souce, some core parts have not been opened to public. Althought Sun released source,  only a little people have interest in those code. How many people have read those opened source code?  "The overwhelming support " just speak out a voice that most programmers want to know much more about their common used lib.
NO 2.  The Arrival of Java SE 6.0.
           So many new features such as huge performance fixes and big changes for Swing.  One huge fix is the fixing of the Grey Rect Problem.  Java SE 6 provides a number of new features, fixes and technologies - scripting APIs, Smart Card APIs, embedded JavaScript engine,  embedded Java database, new web service APIs, Swing enhancements, new monitoring and management tools, pluggable annotations, security enhancements and huge improvements in performance as well as many more things. Need I say more - Java SE 6.0 is a huge and welcome release.
           [Personal]: Sun released her jdk so frequent that most of us can't catch her speed.  We should give our respection to Sun enginers ,  because their hard and smart work make Java more stronger.
          This technology has more or less been around for a while but the new toolkits and new components have made it popular - not to mention the availability of IDE support from NetBeans, Eclipse and other IDEs.  I am less than crazy with the UI aesthetics and the manageability of AJAX but the reality is people are using it and finding it useful.  In the end that is what counts. See jMaki as a nice example of what's happening.
          [Personal]: 2006 is the year of ajax (asynchronous javascript and xml). Many ajax frameworks have been released( It's not a new technology but a combination of javascript and xml (attention: some libs don't  use xml). Ajax has improved the users's interaction  wtih web, and give users a new interface.
NO 4. Java EE 5.0 Arrives and with it GlassFish
          Java EE 5 arrived with lots of carefully thought-out technologies such as Java Persistence APIs and EJB 3.0.  Both serve to provide better technologies for developers. In addition, a nice reference application server, GlassFish, is becoming increasingly popular.  GlassFish is an open source implementation of Sun's Java Application Server 9.
          [Personal]: GlassFish ? Anothe Application Server!
NO 5. NetBeans Arrives with NetBeans 5.5
          SOA, Visual Web Pack, UML, Java EE 5 and most important - the NetBeans community has created great extensions that provide support for Tapestry, Spring and Hibernate to name a few framework plugins.  While Eclipse remains popular it certainly is showing signs of stagnation that has to make one wonder if the conflict of interest between an open source project and multi- vendor-driven interests of are in sharp conflict. It is apparent to all that NetBeans is growing and innovating in high gear.
          [Personal]: NetBeans 5.5 is not very popular, I never use it for P&P development. Eclipse is very poewerful!
NO 6. Multi-Core Chip Architectures Are Here
         the CoolThreads servers are leading the way and a very cool example of why CMT (Chip Multi- Threading) matters.  To understand the performance implications of multi-core processors you can take a look at a few of David Dagastine's blogs on the topic to understand - this one and this one and visit my previous coverage on the topic here and here and here.  Couple this with the virtualization technologies and things are becoming very exciting.
          [Personal]:  Shit, I know a little about CMT
NO 7. Free Databases Arrive
         Though free databases have been around in the form of HSQLDB and MySQL - databases such as  Derby (JavaDB), PostgreSQL, Oracle Berkeley DB and others are being embedded into Java SE 6.0 and application servers.  This is one of the most under-hyped stories of the year.  One of the most interesting stories is the ability to embed JavaDB into the browser and the arrival of Java databases as part of the desktop.  
          [Personal]:  Powerful! I use PostgreSQL and Derby. Although they are fee, theri functions are very powerfull and strong. More important, their documents are very detailed. I thinked another question: why so many organizations and commercail companys spend so much money and manpower on OSS and Free DB? Only one reasonable  answer is  Market Share and Profits! OSS has dominated IT industry. Microsoft has been asked to open its products's source code not only by their products users, but also by Europe law. More ealy your oss product into market, more market share your company take!
NO 8. Java On the Desktop
          Java on the desktop and Swing have become hot and Matisse, Aerith are leading the way as a UI builder to use and an example of how to merge new browser-oriented services into Swing.  Java has not only made its way to the desktop but it has moved into gaming.  The new desktop features in Java SE 6.0 will only further propel Java on the desktop.  Swing/Java 2D has become hotter as a desktop delivery vehicle.  More interesting is the sophisticated new Swing-based GUI builder, Matisse, baked into NetBeans - Swing programming has become considerably easier.
          [Personal]: Desktop application is not Java's cup of tea. 
NO 9. Scripting and Dynamic Languages Arrive for the JVM
          Scripting languages and dynamic languages for the Java VM are on an impressive rise. JRuby, Groovy/Grails and Wicket are three notable languages but many, many others exist. Support for scripting languages is baked into Java SE 6.0.  IDE support is happening at a very fast pace.
          [Personal]: I should spend much more time on script.
NO 10. Plugins ?
           Yes, plugins.  The unwritten story of the year. No matter what IDE you use they are a necessary part of the landscape and with plugins comes a plugin architecture.  Both NetBeans and Eclipse have fostered all sorts of new plugins and a wonderful community.  Though plugins are mixed blessing - they generally provide us with the features we need.
          [Personal]: Plugins expand the functions of plugin-able software. Eclipse and N
etBeans will grow more storng!
