学习来源:日撸 Java 三百行(11-20天,线性数据结构)_闵帆的博客-CSDN博客
链表是由多个相同的节点链接形成的, 在C语言中用结构体来表示, 在Java中则用一个类来表示.
C语言中使用指针直接访问节点, 访问的同时实际对内存也有了读写的属性, 不稍加注意就会出现错误. 而在Java中就不会出现这种情况.
链表与顺序表在插入、删除时的不同: 前者不移动元素, 只改变引用 (指针).
* Construct an empty linked list.
public LinkedList() {
header = new Node(0);
}// Of the first constructor
查找给定数值元素的位置. 找不到就返回 -1.
一个整数, 如下所示
若链表中存在该输入整数则返回第一次出现时的链表中的序号, 若不存在则返回 -1. 如下所示
input 3
head -> 1 -> 3 -> 4 -> null
return 1
* Locate the given value. If it appears in multiple positions, simply return
* the first one.
* @param paraValue The given value.
* @return The position. -1 for not found.
public int locate(int paraValue) {
int tempPosition = -1;
Node tempNode = header.next;
int tempCurrentPosition = 0;
while (tempNode != null) {
if (tempNode.data == paraValue) {
tempPosition = tempCurrentPosition;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of while
return tempPosition;
}// Of locate
在给定位置增加元素. 如果位置不在已有位置范围之内, 就拒绝增加.
两个整数一个表示插入位置, 另一个表示需要插入的元素.
1 ==> paraPosition
4 ==> paraValue
返回一个布尔值, 增加成功返回 true , 增加失败返回 false.
* Insert a value to a position. If the list is already full, do nothing.
* @param paraPosition The given position.
* @param paraValue The given value.
* @return Success or not.
public boolean insert(int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
Node tempNode = header;
Node tempNewNode;
for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
if (tempNode.next == null) {
System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
return false;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of for i
// Construct a new node.
tempNewNode = new Node(paraValue);
// Now link them.
tempNewNode.next = tempNode.next;
tempNode.next = tempNewNode;
return true;
}// Of insert
删除给定位置的元素. 要处理给定位置不合法的情况. 该位置必须是已经有数据的.
返回一个布尔值, 删除成功返回 true , 删除失败返回 false.
* Delete a value at a position.
* @param paraPosition The given position.
* @return Success or not.
public boolean delete(int paraPosition) {
if (header.next == null) {
System.out.println("Cannot delete element from an empty list.");
return false;
} // Of if
Node tempNode = header;
for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
if (tempNode.next.next == null) {
System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
return false;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of for i
tempNode.next = tempNode.next.next;
return true;
}// Of delete
package datastructure.list;
* Linked List
* @author Shihuai Wen Email:[email protected]
public class LinkedList {
* An inner class.
class Node {
* The data.
int data;
* The reference to the next node.
Node next;
* The constructor
* @param paraValue The data.
public Node(int paraValue) {
data = paraValue;
next = null;
}// Of the constructor
}// Of class Node
* The header node. The data is never used.
Node header;
* Construct an empty linked list.
public LinkedList() {
header = new Node(0);
}// Of the first constructor
* Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
public String toString() {
String resultString = "";
if (header.next == null) {
return "empty";
} // Of if
Node tempNode = header.next;
while (tempNode != null) {
resultString += tempNode.data + ", ";
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of while
return resultString;
}// Of toString
* Reset to empty. Free the space through garbage collection.
public void reset() {
header.next = null;
}// Of reset
* Locate the given value. If it appears in multiple positions, simply return
* the first one.
* @param paraValue The given value.
* @return The position. -1 for not found.
public int locate(int paraValue) {
int tempPosition = -1;
Node tempNode = header.next;
int tempCurrentPosition = 0;
while (tempNode != null) {
if (tempNode.data == paraValue) {
tempPosition = tempCurrentPosition;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of while
return tempPosition;
}// Of locate
* Insert a value to a position. If the list is already full, do nothing.
* @param paraPosition The given position.
* @param paraValue The given value.
* @return Success or not.
public boolean insert(int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
Node tempNode = header;
Node tempNewNode;
for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
if (tempNode.next == null) {
System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
return false;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of for i
// Construct a new node.
tempNewNode = new Node(paraValue);
// Now link them.
tempNewNode.next = tempNode.next;
tempNode.next = tempNewNode;
return true;
}// Of insert
* Delete a value at a position.
* @param paraPosition The given position.
* @return Success or not.
public boolean delete(int paraPosition) {
if (header.next == null) {
System.out.println("Cannot delete element from an empty list.");
return false;
} // Of if
Node tempNode = header;
for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
if (tempNode.next.next == null) {
System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
return false;
} // Of if
tempNode = tempNode.next;
} // Of for i
tempNode.next = tempNode.next.next;
return true;
}// Of delete
* The entrance of the program.
* @param args Not used now.
public static void main(String args[]) {
LinkedList tempFirstList = new LinkedList();
System.out.println("Initialized, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
tempFirstList.insert(0, i);
} // Of for i
System.out.println("Inserted, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
tempFirstList.insert(6, 9);
System.out.println("Deleted, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
System.out.println("Deleted, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
System.out.println("Looped delete, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
} // Of for i
}// Of main
}// Of class LinkedList
栈作为一种数据结构不仅仅出现在当前需求中. 在计算机底层也少不了栈的使用. 通常编程中栈的增长方向是从下往上, 在计算机底层中栈的增长是从上往下.
两者都有一个共同的特点那就是栈需要遵守的属性是后进先出, 入栈(push)和出栈(pop)操作只能在栈顶执行.
返回一个布尔值, 入栈成功返回 true , 入栈失败返回 false.
* Push an element.
* @param paraChar The given char.
* @return Success or not.
public boolean push(char paraChar) {
if (depth == MAX_DEPTH) {
System.out.println("Stack full.");
return false;
} // Of if
data[depth] = paraChar;
return true;
}// Of push
返回一个char值为之前的栈顶元素, 若栈为空则返回 ‘\0’
* Pop an element.
* @return The popped char.
public char pop() {
if (depth == 0) {
System.out.println("Nothing to pop.");
return '\0';
} // Of if
char resultChar = data[depth - 1];
return resultChar;
}// Of pop
package datastructure.stack;
* Char stack. I do not use Stack because it is already defined in Java.
* @author Shihuai Wen Email:[email protected]
public class CharStack {
* The depth.
private static final int MAX_DEPTH = 10;
* The actual depth.
int depth;
* The data
char[] data;
* Construct an empty char stack.
public CharStack() {
depth = 0;
data = new char[MAX_DEPTH];
}// Of the first constructor
* Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
public String toString() {
String resultString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
resultString += data[i];
} // Of for i
return resultString;
}// Of toString
* Push an element.
* @param paraChar The given char.
* @return Success or not.
public boolean push(char paraChar) {
if (depth == MAX_DEPTH) {
System.out.println("Stack full.");
return false;
} // Of if
data[depth] = paraChar;
return true;
}// Of push
* Pop an element.
* @return The popped char.
public char pop() {
if (depth == 0) {
System.out.println("Nothing to pop.");
return '\0';
} // Of if
char resultChar = data[depth - 1];
return resultChar;
}// Of pop
* The entrance of the program.
* @param args Not used now.
public static void main(String args[]) {
CharStack tempStack = new CharStack();
for (char ch = 'a'; ch < 'm'; ch++) {
System.out.println("The current stack is: " + tempStack);
} // Of for ch
char tempChar;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
tempChar = tempStack.pop();
System.out.println("Poped: " + tempChar);
System.out.println("The current stack is: " + tempStack);
} // Of for i
}// Of main
}// Of CharStack
无论是链表还是栈, 都不过是对数据的特定存储和处理. 不同的数据结构为的是解决不同的问题.
结合之前的内容无非就是增删改查. 根据之前学习C语言的经验, 对于栈的函数应该还可以增加获取当前栈顶元素而不需要出栈, 或者查找栈中元素.