Fly With Your Dream

At first, I want to tell you a story.

Long, long ago, in the depth of the forest lived a kind of unknown birds. One day when the old bird was to die, he called his three children together.

“Dear children,” the old bird rallied his energy and said with a weak voice, “you have grown up, which makes me very happy. What a pity that I haven’t much time to live with you in the world.”

The three little birds lowed their heads and tears ran out of their eyes.

“Don’t be so sad, my children. Pay attention. I have some important words to tell you.” He cleared his throat.

“First, I want to ask you a question—can you fly?”

“I can fly meters high.” Said the first bird.

“I can fly miles away.” Said the second bird.

But the least bird kept silent.

“You can’t fly in fact.” The old bird shook his head with a bitter smile.

“When I was young, my father told me that there was a pair of golden wings called dream wings somewhere in the deep heart of the great prairie. The one who can get them will become king of all the birds, which is the highest honor for a bird. But I am not brave enough to get them. So I have to stay in the forest for all my life. I hope you can get the honor and I will take pride in you.” After these words, he died without telling them the great prairie’s location.

Despite of sadness, the three little birds made their mind to seek for dream wings.

After a long flight, they were all completely exhausted. The first bird tried to fly upwards and over the trees, but the trees are too tall for him. The bright sunshine nearly brunt him dry. Finally, he settled on a branch. He was so thirsty that he pecked a hole in the branch to suck the juice in it.

He said to his brothers that he had no enough strength to fly out of the forest.

“Why can’t we stay here as our father do to enjoy a comfortable life? I have been content with all that I have here.” He gave in and become a parasite of the tree, singing “I am content with my lot” every day. It’s cicada that people call him.

   The left two birds flew on and they got out of the forest. They asked every creature that whether it knew where dream wings were. Each time they would get an answer of sorry. A stretch of boundless farmland appeared in front of them. They are so hungry that they landed to eat more food. "Father must tell a lie. We have flown for such a long way but no one knows where dream wings are. I decide to stay here, for there are so much delicious food in the fields. "He gave in, too. People call him sparrow.

   After a good meal, the third set off.

   He flew over mountains, forests and rivers. He faced coldness, hunger and danger, but he never lost heart. He couldn't count the days that had passed. His wings grew larger and stronger day by day. At last, he reached the prairie but he found nothing but grass and hills. Suddenly he saw a large bird with a pair of huge wings circling around in the high sky, He flew up to him.

   “Would you please tell me where dream wings are? I have been searching for them for many years.”

“Look at yourself, brave young man. You have become a strong hawk.” Said the huge bird.

   The third bird looked over himself only to find that he was not a little bird any more, he had got a pair huge and strong wings, which shining with a golden light in the sun.


 Everyone has his own dream. It may be a beautiful house, a chance to go abroad for further education, or even a pleasant present from her friend on her birthday. No matter what your dream is, once you are determined to realize it, you must gather enough bravery to overcome any setbacks that you will face.

 Everyone is not born with wealth, brilliance, or other super abilities. But everyone has a pair of wings and we are flying with them to seek for our dream every day, though not everyone has noticed the wealth. Get down to your work and never lose heart. One day, you will find you have got a pair of real dream wings. It’s just so simple.

