Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss


19-BMVC-Classification is a Strong Baseline for Deep Metric Learning

Softmax Loss

Layer Normalization


binary embeddings

19-ICCV-SoftTriple Loss:Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling

SoftTriple Loss

19-BMVC-Classification is a Strong Baseline for Deep Metric Learning

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第1张图片

1) we establish that classification is a strong baseline for deep metric learning across different datasets, base feature networks and embedding dimensions,

2) we provide insights into the performance effects of binarization and subsampling classes for scalable extreme classification-based training(极端分类),

3) we propose a classification-based approach to learn high-dimensional binary embeddings.

Softmax Loss

当类的权重看做proxy,使用余弦距离,Normalized softmax loss符合proxy paradigm

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第2张图片

  • 移除最后一层线性层的bias。

nn.Linear 默认参数初始化方法Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第3张图片

  • 输入x和权重p都经过L2归一化(因为这里是余弦相似度)
  • Temperature scaling:经典概率校准方法。放大类间差异,提升精度。\sigma
class NormSoftmaxLoss(nn.Module):
    L2 normalize weights and apply temperature scaling on logits.
    def __init__(self,
        super(NormSoftmaxLoss, self).__init__()

        # 移除线性层的bias
        self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_instances, dim))
        # Initialization from nn.Linear (
        stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(1)), stdv)

        self.temperature = temperature
        self.loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    def forward(self, embeddings, instance_targets):
        norm_weight = nn.functional.normalize(self.weight, dim=1)# L2归一化权重

        prediction_logits = nn.functional.linear(embeddings, norm_weight)

        loss = self.loss_fn(prediction_logits / self.temperature, instance_targets)
        return loss

CrossEntropyLoss= LogSoftmax + NLLLoss

计算softmax要计算指数, 可能出现nan.。分类问题里使用CrossEntropy的时候需要进行log运算, 如果将Log运算和Softmax结合在一起, 可以避免这个问题。


这里还提到了Large Margin Cosine Loss (LMCL):《CosFace: Large Margin Cosine Loss for Deep Face Recognition》2018,Hao Wang et al. Tencent AI Lab

Layer Normalization


  1. easily binarize embeddings via thresholding at zero.
  2. helps the network better initialize new parameters and reach better optima.

BatchNorm: 对一个batch-size样本内的每个特征做归一化
LayerNorm: 针对每条样本,对每条样本的所有特征做归一化

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第4张图片


self.standardize = nn.LayerNorm(input_dim=2048, elementwise_affine=False)



缓解损失由类内最差近似示例限定(17-ICCV-No Fuss Distance Metric Learning using Proxies)


binary embeddings


汉明距离(Hamming distance):无需计算内积, 可以降低计算复杂度;

两个二进制编码异或运算后各位数值加和的结果, 如 1011101(2)​与1001001(2)​之间的汉明距离是 2, 本质上就是两个二值向量的欧式距离;

binary_query_embeddings = np.require(query_embeddings > 0, dtype='float32')
binary_db_embeddings = np.require(db_embeddings > 0, dtype='float32')
# knn retrieval from embeddings (binary embeddings + euclidean = hamming distance)
dists, retrieved_result_indices = _retrieve_knn_faiss_gpu_euclidean(binary_query_embeddings,binary_db_embeddings,k,gpu_id=gpu_id)

代码:GitHub - azgo14/classification_metric_learning

19-ICCV-SoftTriple Loss:Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第5张图片

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第6张图片

1)SoftMax loss is equivalent to a smoothed triplet loss where each class has a single center.

现实中一个类不只有一个中心,例如鸟有很多姿势(从细粒度角度解释)。扩展SoftMax loss,每个类有多中心。

2)learn the embeddings without the sampling phase by mildly increasing the size of the last fully connected layer.不需要采样。

SoftTriple Loss

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第7张图片

最小化有平滑项 λ的normalized SoftMax loss=最大化平滑的triplet loss


Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第8张图片

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第9张图片

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第10张图片

 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第11张图片

Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第12张图片

 Multiple Centers:每个类c有k个中心。



 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第13张图片

Inspired by the SoftMax loss, improve the robustness by smoothing the max operator.
Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第14张图片



 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第15张图片

 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第16张图片

 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第17张图片


 Adaptive Number of Centers
Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第18张图片一个中心到其他中心的距离

 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第19张图片K个中心间的L2距离求和


 Softmax Loss、Softtriplet Loss_第20张图片

class SoftTriple(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, la, gamma, tau, margin, dim, cN, K):
        super(SoftTriple, self).__init__() = la
        self.gamma = 1./gamma
        self.tau = tau
        self.margin = margin
        self.cN = cN # 有cN个类
        self.K = K # 每个类K个中心
        self.fc = Parameter(torch.Tensor(dim, cN*K))
        self.weight = torch.zeros(cN*K, cN*K, dtype=torch.bool).cuda()
        for i in range(0, cN):
            for j in range(0, K):
                self.weight[i*K+j, i*K+j+1:(i+1)*K] = 1
        init.kaiming_uniform_(self.fc, a=math.sqrt(5))

    def forward(self, input, target):
        centers = F.normalize(self.fc, p=2, dim=0)
        simInd = input.matmul(centers)
        simStruc = simInd.reshape(-1, self.cN, self.K)
        prob = F.softmax(simStruc*self.gamma, dim=2)
        simClass = torch.sum(prob*simStruc, dim=2)
        marginM = torch.zeros(simClass.shape).cuda()
        marginM[torch.arange(0, marginM.shape[0]), target] = self.margin
        lossClassify = F.cross_entropy(*(simClass-marginM), target)
        if self.tau > 0 and self.K > 1:
            simCenter = centers.t().matmul(centers)
            reg = torch.sum(torch.sqrt(2.0+1e-5-2.*simCenter[self.weight]))/(self.cN*self.K*(self.K-1.))
            return lossClassify+self.tau*reg
            return lossClassify


代码:GitHub - idstcv/SoftTriple: PyTorch Implementation for SoftTriple Loss
