

Happy Spreadsheet Day 2018! It seems like we just took down the decorations from last year's party, and here it is again, our favourite celebration of the year.

2018年电子表格日快乐! 好像我们刚刚从去年的聚会上取下装饰品一样,这又一次是我们今年最喜欢的庆祝活动。

电子表格日的起源 (Spreadsheet Day Origins)

How did Spreadsheet Day get started? Way back in 2010, I noticed that there were all kinds of other "National Day of" events, but there was no Spreadsheet Day.

电子表格日是如何开始的? 追溯到2010年,我注意到还有其他各种“国庆日”活动,但没有电子表格日。

So, to fix that problem, I started Spreadsheet Day. You can read the details on the About page of my Spreadsheet Day blog.

因此,为了解决该问题,我开始了Spreadsheet Day。 您可以在“电子表格日”博客的“关于”页面上阅读详细信息 。

Spreadsheet Day didn't get much attention the first year or two, but is growing every year. Even Dan Bricklin and Mitch Kapor tweeted about it last year!

Spreadsheet Day在最初的一两年中并没有引起太多关注,但是每年都在增长。 甚至Dan Bricklin和Mitch Kapor都在去年发布了推文 !

为什么是10月17日? (Why October 17th?)

October 17th is the celebration day, because October 17, 1979, is when VisiCalc was first released – the first spreadsheet for personal computers. Read more about VisiCalc in the Spreadsheet History section.

10月17日是庆祝活动的日子,因为1979年10月17日是VisiCalc首次发布的日期 -第一个用于个人计算机的电子表格。 在“电子表格历史记录”部分中了解有关VisiCalc的更多信息 。

庆祝电子表格日2018 (Celebrating Spreadsheet Day 2018)

What will you do to celebrate this year?


  1. Build a fabulous new Excel workbook, with all the bells and whistles?

  2. Bake a cake and decorate it with a spreadsheet design?

  3. Change your Twitter avatar to a grid?

  4. All of the above?


If you see any Spreadsheet Day stories or tweets, please let me know!


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/10/17/happy-spreadsheet-day-2018/

