10.1 结构基础知识
聚合数据类型(aggregate data type)能够同时存储一个以上的单独数据。C提供了两种类型的聚合数据类型:数组和结构。数组是相同类型的元素的集合,它的每个元素是通过下标引用或指针间接访问来选择的。
** 结构的基础知识。
struct struct_a{
int i;
float f;
double d;
void print_struct_info( struct struct_a a );
struct struct_a update( struct struct_a a );
int main( void ){
int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
int *p;
struct struct_a * pstruct;
struct struct_a exam_a;
struct struct_a exam_b;
struct struct_a exam_c;
int array_len;
int i;
/* the default length of array */
array_len = sizeof(array) / sizeof(*array);
/* use array name to represent the address of array directly */
p = array;
/* use & operator to obtain the address of examp_a */
pstruct = &exam_a;
printf( "access the elements of array by using the form of array[subscript] and print the size of every element:\n" );
for( i = 0; i < array_len; ++i ){
printf( "array[%d] = %d, sizeof(array[%d]) = %zd\n", i, array[i], i, sizeof(array[i]) );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "access the elements of array by using the form of pointer[subscript] and print the size of every element:\n" );
for( i = 0; i < array_len; ++i ){
printf( "p[%d] = %d, sizeof(p[%d]) = %zd\n", i, p[i], i, sizeof(p[i]) );
printf( "\n" );
** in exam_a, the size of member may be different.
** Assign value to the member of struct.
exam_a.i = 1;
exam_a.f = 1.0;
exam_a.d = 1.0;
print_struct_info( exam_a );
** assignment operation of struct.
exam_b = exam_a;
printf( "after exam_b = exam_b:\n" );
print_struct_info( exam_b );
** struct type as return value of function and function parameter.
exam_c = update( exam_b );
printf( "after update( exam_b ):\n" );
print_struct_info( exam_c );
** declare the array of struct.
struct struct_a struct_array[3];
struct_array[0] = exam_a;
struct_array[1] = exam_b;
struct_array[2] = exam_c;
char ch = 'a';
for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
printf( "print the contents of exam_%c:\n", ch++ );
print_struct_info( struct_array[i] );
void print_struct_info( struct struct_a a ){
printf( "access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:\n" );
printf( "var_name.i = %d, sizeof(var_name.i) = %zd\n", a.i, sizeof(a.i) );
printf( "var_name.f = %f, sizeof(var_name.f) = %zd\n", a.f, sizeof(a.f) );
printf( "var_name.d = %lf, sizeof(var_name.d) = %zd\n", a.d, sizeof(a.d) );
struct struct_a update( struct struct_a a ){
a.i = 2.0;
printf( "after var_name.i = 2.0:\n" );
return a;
/* 输出:
access the elements of array by using the form of array[subscript] and print the size of every element:
array[0] = 1, sizeof(array[0]) = 4
array[1] = 2, sizeof(array[1]) = 4
array[2] = 3, sizeof(array[2]) = 4
array[3] = 4, sizeof(array[3]) = 4
array[4] = 5, sizeof(array[4]) = 4
array[5] = 6, sizeof(array[5]) = 4
access the elements of array by using the form of pointer[subscript] and print the size of every element:
p[0] = 1, sizeof(p[0]) = 4
p[1] = 2, sizeof(p[1]) = 4
p[2] = 3, sizeof(p[2]) = 4
p[3] = 4, sizeof(p[3]) = 4
p[4] = 5, sizeof(p[4]) = 4
p[5] = 6, sizeof(p[5]) = 4
access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:
var_name.i = 1, sizeof(var_name.i) = 4
var_name.f = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.f) = 4
var_name.d = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.d) = 8
after exam_b = exam_b:
access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:
var_name.i = 1, sizeof(var_name.i) = 4
var_name.f = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.f) = 4
var_name.d = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.d) = 8
after var_name.i = 2.0:
after update( exam_b ):
access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:
var_name.i = 2, sizeof(var_name.i) = 4
var_name.f = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.f) = 4
var_name.d = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.d) = 8
print the contents of exam_a:
access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:
var_name.i = 1, sizeof(var_name.i) = 4
var_name.f = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.f) = 4
var_name.d = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.d) = 8
print the contents of exam_b:
access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:
var_name.i = 1, sizeof(var_name.i) = 4
var_name.f = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.f) = 4
var_name.d = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.d) = 8
print the contents of exam_c:
access the elements of struct by the form of var_name.member and print the size of every element:
var_name.i = 2, sizeof(var_name.i) = 4
var_name.f = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.f) = 4
var_name.d = 1.000000, sizeof(var_name.d) = 8
Process exited after 0.09383 seconds with return value 0
请按任意键继续. . .
10.1.1 结构声明
struct tag { member-list } variable-list ;
struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} x;
struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} y[20], *z;
z = &x;
struct SIMPLE {
int a;
char b;
float c;
struct SIMPLE x;
struct SIMPLE y[20], *z;
typedef struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} Simple;
Simple x;
Simple y[20], *z;
** 结构声明。
** omit label of struct, create a variable.
struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} x;
** omit label of struct too, create a array y and a pointer z.
struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} y[20], *z;
** label of struct exits, omit the variable of type struct SIMPLE.
** It means it doesn't create any variable.
struct SIMPLE {
int a;
char b;
float c;
** omit the label of struct and variable, Simple is type of struct.
typedef struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} Simple;
int main( void ){
** can't pass compilation.
** because *z and x are annoymous struct, but they are the same data type.
** z = &x;
** use no label of struct to create three variables:
** x2 and x3 are two variables with the same type.
** y2 is a pointer points to struct { int a; char b; float c; } variable.
struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} x2, x3, *y2;
y2 = &x2;
struct SIMPLE x;
struct SIMPLE y[20], *z;
** can pass compilation.
** because *z and x are the same data type.
z = &x;
Simple sx;
Simple sy[20], *sz;
sz = &sx;
** create three files: simple.h, simple.cpp, main.cpp
/* the source code of simple.h is follow: */
** put struct type declared by typedef into header file.
#ifndef SIMPLE_H
#define SIMPLE_H
** omit the label of struct and variable, Simple is type of struct.
typedef struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} Simple;
void print_simple( void );
/* the source code of simple.cpp is follow: */
#include "simple.h"
void print_simple( void ){
Simple simple;
simple.a = 1;
simple.b = 'a';
simple.c = 1.0f;
printf( "simple.a = %d\n", simple.a );
printf( "simple.b = %c\n", simple.b );
printf( "simple.c = %f\n", simple.c );
the source code is follow:
#include "simple.h"
int main( void ){
/* 输出:
10.1.2 结构成员
struct COMPLEX {
float f;
int a[20];
long *lp;
struct SIMPLE s;
struct SIMPLE sa[10];
struct SIMPLE *sp;
一个结构的成员可以和其他结构的成员的名字相同,所以这个结构的成员a并不会与struct SIMPLE s的成员a冲突。正如接下去看到的那样,成员的访问方式允许指定任何一个成员而不至于产生歧义。
** label of struct exits, omit the variable of type struct SIMPLE.
** It means it doesn't create any variable.
struct SIMPLE {
int a;
char b;
float c;
struct COMPLEX {
float f;
int a[20];
long *lp;
struct SIMPLE s;
struct SIMPLE sa[10];
struct SIMPLE *sp;
int main( void ){
10.1.3 结构成员的直接访问
struct COMPLEX comp;
( (comp.sa)[4] ).c
** label of struct exits, omit the variable of type struct SIMPLE.
** It means it doesn't create any variable.
struct SIMPLE {
int a;
char b;
float c;
struct COMPLEX {
float f;
int a[20];
long *lp;
struct SIMPLE s;
struct SIMPLE sa[10];
struct SIMPLE *sp;
int main( void ){
struct COMPLEX comp;
int *pa;
int a;
SIMPLE simple;
float c, c2;
pa = comp.a;
a = comp.s.a;
simple = (comp.sa)[4];
c = (comp.sa)[4].c;
printf( "c = %f\n", c );
c2 = comp.sa[4].c;
printf( "c2 = %f\n", c2 );
/* 输出:
10.1.4 结构成员的间接访问
void func( struct COMPLEX *cp );
由于这个结构有些惹人厌,因此C语言提供了一个更为方便的操作符来完成这项工作--- ->操作符(也称箭头操作符)。和点操作符一样,箭头操作符接受两个操作数,但左操作数必须是一个指向结构的指针。箭头操作符对左操作数执行间接访问取得指针所指向的结构,然后和点操作符一样根据右操作数选择一个指定的结构成员。但是,间接访问操作内建于箭头操作符中,所以不需要显示地执行间接访问或使用括号。例如,它们像前面一样使用同一个指针。
cp->f 访问结构的浮点数成员
cp->a 访问结构的一个数组名
cp->s 访问结构的一个结构
** label of struct exits, omit the variable of type struct SIMPLE.
** It means it doesn't create any variable.
struct SIMPLE {
int a;
char b;
float c;
struct COMPLEX {
float f;
int a[20];
long *lp;
struct SIMPLE s;
struct SIMPLE sa[10];
struct SIMPLE *sp;
void func( struct COMPLEX *cp );
int main( void ){
struct COMPLEX comp;
struct COMPLEX *pcomp;
pcomp = ∁
func( pcomp );
void func( struct COMPLEX *cp ){
float f, f2;
int *p, *p2;
struct SIMPLE simple, simple2;
f = cp->f;
f2 = (*cp).f;
p = cp->a;
p2 = (*cp).a;
simple = cp->s;
simple2 = (*cp).s;
/* 输出:
10.1.5 结构的自引用
struct SELF_REF1 {
int a;
struct SELF_REF1 b;
int c;
struct SLEF_REF2 {
int a;
struct SLEF_REF2 *b;
int c;
typedef struct {
int a;
int c;
typedef struct SELF_REF3_TAG {
int a;
struct SELF_REF3_TAG *b;
int c;
** 结构成员的间接访问。
** can't pass compilation.
** because it can lead to loop infinitely.
** struct SELF_REF1 {
int a;
struct SELF_REF1 b;
int c;
** };
** can pass compilation.
** because struct SLEF_REF2 can be konwed.
struct SLEF_REF2 {
int a;
struct SLEF_REF2 *b;
int c;
** can't pass compilation.
** because we can't the definition of SELF_REF3 when the program stream executes it.
** typedef struct {
int a;
int c;
** } SELF_REF3;
** a solution.
typedef struct SELF_REF3_TAG {
int a;
struct SELF_REF3_TAG *b;
int c;
int main( void ){
/* 输出:
10.1.6 不完整的声明
这个问题的解决方案是使用不完整声明(incomplete declaration),它声明一个作为结构标签的标识符。然后可以把这个标签用在不需要知道这个结构的长度的声明中,如声明指向这个结构的指针。接下来的声明把这个标签与成员列表联系在一起。
struct B;
struct A {
struct B *partner;
/* other declarations */
struct B {
struct A *partner;
/* other declarations */
** 不完整的声明。
** member in struct A is a pointer points to the type of struct B,
** member in struct B is a pointer points to the type of struct A.
struct B;
struct A {
struct B *partner;
/* other declarations */
struct B {
struct A *partner;
/* other declarations */
** member in struct A2 is a variable of the type of struct B2,
** member in struct B2 is a pointer points to the type of struct A2.
struct B2 {
struct A2 *partner;
/* other declarations */
struct A2 {
struct B2 partner;
/* other declarations */
int main( void ){
/* 输出:
10.1.7 结构的初始化
struct INIT_EX {
int a;
short b[10];
Simple c;
} x = {
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
{ 25, 'x', 1.9 }
** 结构的初始化。
** omit the label of struct and variable, Simple is type of struct.
typedef struct {
int a;
char b;
float c;
} Simple;
struct INIT_EX {
int a;
short b[10];
Simple c;
} x = {
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
{ 25, 'x', 1.9 }
int main( void ){
int i;
int arr_len;
printf( "print the content of x:" );
printf( "x.a = %d\n", x.a );
arr_len = sizeof(x.b) / sizeof(*x.b);
for( i = 0; i < arr_len; ++i ){
printf( "x.b[%d] = %d\n", i, x.b[i] );
printf( "x.c.a = %d, x.c.b = %c, x.c.c = %f\n", x.c.a, x.c.b, x.c.c );
/* 输出: