sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
/** * Snake * author: dave_cn * date : 2010/7/14 * info : * @ ...... food */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ncurses.h> #define TBool int #define True 1 #define False 0 #define SHAPE_FOOD '@' #define SHAPE_SNAKE '*' #define GAMEWIN_YLEN 15 #define GAMEWIN_XLEN 60 #define LOGWIN_YLEN 7 #define LOGWIN_XLEN (GAMEWIN_XLEN) #define LOGBUF_NUM (LOGWIN_YLEN-2) #define LOGBUF_LEN (GAMEWIN_XLEN-2) #define MAXLEVEL 12 #define GetSnakeTail(s) ((s)->head->front) WINDOW *logwin; #define INITRUNLOG() logwin = newlogw() #define RUNLOG(str) runlog(logwin, str) #define DESTROYRUNLOG() delwin(logwin) int g_level; enum TDirection { DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN, DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT }; struct TFood { int y; int x; }; struct TSnakeNode { int y; int x; struct TSnakeNode *front; }; struct TSnake { int length; struct TSnakeNode *head; enum TDirection dir; }; int refreshgamew(WINDOW *win, struct TSnake *psnake); void movesnake(struct TSnake *psnake); int checksnake(struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake); void snakegrowup(struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake); void gameover(WINDOW *win, char *str); struct TSnakeNode *newsnakenode(struct TSnakeNode **ppsnode, int y, int x); WINDOW* newgamew(); struct TSnake* initsnake(); void destroysnake(struct TSnake *psnake); void drawsnakew(WINDOW *win, struct TSnake *psnake); void drawfoodw(WINDOW *win, struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake); TBool checkfood(struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake); WINDOW* newlogw(); void runlog(WINDOW *win, char *str); void cleanline(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); int main() { initscr(); raw(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(0); refresh(); g_level = 1; INITRUNLOG(); RUNLOG(" Press 'q' or 'Q' to quit."); RUNLOG(" Press 'w/s/a/d' or 'W/S/A/D' to move the snake."); RUNLOG("Info:"); WINDOW *gwin = newgamew(); struct TSnake *psnake = initsnake(); drawsnakew(gwin, psnake); while (refreshgamew(gwin, psnake) >= 0) ; getch(); destroysnake(psnake); delwin(gwin); DESTROYRUNLOG(); endwin(); return 0; } int refreshgamew(WINDOW *win, struct TSnake *psnake) { static TBool ffood = False; struct TFood pfood; if (!ffood) { drawfoodw(win, &pfood, psnake); ffood = True; } int key = -1; fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(0, &set); struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec= (6 - (int)(g_level/3)) * 100*1000; if (select(1, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0) return -1; if (FD_ISSET(0, &set)) { while ((key = getch()) == -1) ; switch (key) { case 'w': case 'W': (psnake->dir == DIR_DOWN) ? : (psnake->dir = DIR_UP); break; case 's': case 'S': (psnake->dir == DIR_UP) ? : (psnake->dir = DIR_DOWN); break; case 'a': case 'A': (psnake->dir == DIR_RIGHT) ? : (psnake->dir = DIR_LEFT); break; case 'd': case 'D': (psnake->dir == DIR_LEFT) ? : (psnake->dir = DIR_RIGHT); break; case 'q': case 'Q': RUNLOG("Quit Game!"); gameover(win, "Quit Game!"); return -1; default: break; } } movesnake(psnake); drawsnakew(win, psnake); switch (checksnake(&pfood, psnake)) { case 0: break; case 1: ffood = False; if (++g_level > MAXLEVEL) { RUNLOG("Win!!!"); gameover(win, "Win!!!"); return -1; } mvwprintw(win, GAMEWIN_YLEN-1, 2, " Level: %d ", g_level); mvwprintw(win, GAMEWIN_YLEN-1, 30, " Speed: %d ", (int)(g_level/3)); wrefresh(win); RUNLOG("Level UP!"); snakegrowup(&pfood, psnake); break; default: RUNLOG("Game over!"); gameover(win, "Game over!"); return -1; } return 1; } /** * stuct TSnake是一个倒置的首尾相连的链表,head->front指向snake的尾部 * 如: [a]<-[b]<-[c]<-[d] a为head * | ^ snake移动的时候,只用head指向d, * `--------------' 并且修改d的(y,x)为snake头移动到的位置. */ void movesnake(struct TSnake *psnake) { int hy = psnake->head->y; int hx = psnake->head->x; psnake->head = GetSnakeTail(psnake); switch (psnake->dir) { case DIR_UP: psnake->head->y = hy - 1; psnake->head->x = hx; break; case DIR_DOWN: psnake->head->y = hy + 1; psnake->head->x = hx; break; case DIR_LEFT: psnake->head->y = hy; psnake->head->x = hx - 1; break; case DIR_RIGHT: psnake->head->y = hy; psnake->head->x = hx + 1; break; default: break; } } int checksnake(struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake) { if ( psnake->head->y <= 0 || psnake->head->y >= GAMEWIN_YLEN || psnake->head->x <= 0 || psnake->head->x >= GAMEWIN_XLEN) { return -1; } struct TSnakeNode *pnode = GetSnakeTail(psnake); int i = 0; for (; i < psnake->length - 1; ++i, pnode = pnode->front) if (psnake->head->y == pnode->y && psnake->head->x == pnode->x) return -1; if (psnake->head->y == pfood->y && psnake->head->x == pfood->x) return 1; return 0; } void snakegrowup(struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake) { struct TSnakeNode *pnode = (struct TSnakeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct TSnakeNode)); switch (psnake->dir) { case DIR_UP: pnode->y = psnake->head->y - 1; pnode->x = psnake->head->x; break; case DIR_DOWN: pnode->y = psnake->head->y + 1; pnode->x = psnake->head->x; break; case DIR_LEFT: pnode->y = psnake->head->y; pnode->x = psnake->head->x - 1; break; case DIR_RIGHT: pnode->y = psnake->head->y; pnode->x = psnake->head->x + 1; break; default: break; } pnode->front = GetSnakeTail(psnake); psnake->head->front = pnode; psnake->head = pnode; ++psnake->length; } void gameover(WINDOW *win, char *str) { mvwprintw(win, (int)(GAMEWIN_YLEN/2), (GAMEWIN_XLEN/2 - strlen(str)/2), str); mvwprintw(win, (int)(GAMEWIN_YLEN/2 + 1), 20, "Press any key to quit..."); wrefresh(win); } WINDOW* newgamew() { WINDOW *win = newwin(GAMEWIN_YLEN, GAMEWIN_XLEN, 1, 3); box(win, 0, 0); mvwprintw(win, 0, 2, " GAME "); mvwprintw(win, GAMEWIN_YLEN-1, 2, " Level: %d ", g_level); mvwprintw(win, GAMEWIN_YLEN-1, 30, " Speed: %d ", (int)(g_level/3)); wrefresh(win); return win; } struct TSnake* initsnake() { struct TSnake *psnake = (struct TSnake *)malloc(sizeof(struct TSnake)); psnake->dir = DIR_LEFT; psnake->length = 4; newsnakenode ( &newsnakenode ( &newsnakenode ( &newsnakenode( &psnake->head, 4, 50 )->front, 4, 53 )->front, 4, 52 )->front, 4, 51 )->front = psnake->head; return psnake; } struct TSnakeNode *newsnakenode(struct TSnakeNode **ppsnode, int y, int x) { *ppsnode = (struct TSnakeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct TSnakeNode)); (*ppsnode)->y = y; (*ppsnode)->x = x; (*ppsnode)->front = NULL; return *ppsnode; } void destroysnake(struct TSnake *psnake) { struct TSnakeNode *psnode = GetSnakeTail(psnake); struct TSnakeNode *ptmp = NULL; int i = 0; for (; i < psnake->length; ++i) { ptmp = psnode; psnode = psnode->front; free(ptmp); } free(psnake); psnake = NULL; } void drawsnakew(WINDOW *win, struct TSnake *psnake) { static int taily = 0; static int tailx = 0; if (taily != 0 && tailx != 0) { mvwaddch(win, taily, tailx, ' '); } struct TSnakeNode *psnode = GetSnakeTail(psnake); int i = 0; for (; i < psnake->length; ++i) { mvwaddch(win, psnode->y, psnode->x, SHAPE_SNAKE); psnode = psnode->front; } taily = GetSnakeTail(psnake)->y; tailx = GetSnakeTail(psnake)->x; wrefresh(win); } void drawfoodw(WINDOW *win, struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake) { do { pfood->y = random() % (GAMEWIN_YLEN - 1) + 1; pfood->x = random() % (GAMEWIN_XLEN - 1) + 1; } while (False == checkfood(pfood, psnake)); checkfood(pfood, psnake); mvwaddch(win, pfood->y, pfood->x, SHAPE_FOOD); wrefresh(win); } TBool checkfood(struct TFood *pfood, struct TSnake *psnake) { struct TSnakeNode *pnode = GetSnakeTail(psnake); int i = 0; for (; i < psnake->length; ++i, pnode = pnode->front) if (pfood->y == pnode->y && pfood->x == pnode->x) return False; return True; } WINDOW* newlogw() { WINDOW *win = newwin(LOGWIN_YLEN, LOGWIN_XLEN, GAMEWIN_YLEN + 2, 3); box(win, 0, 0); mvwprintw(win, 0, 2, " LOG "); wrefresh(win); return win; } void runlog(WINDOW *win, char *str) { static char logbuf[LOGBUF_NUM][LOGBUF_LEN] = {0}; static int index = 0; strcpy(logbuf[index], str); int i = 0; for (; i < LOGBUF_NUM; ++i) { cleanline(win, i+1, 1); mvwprintw(win, i+1, 1, logbuf[(index+i) % LOGBUF_NUM]); wrefresh(win); } index = (index + LOGBUF_NUM - 1) % LOGBUF_NUM; } void cleanline(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) { char EMPTYLINE[LOGBUF_LEN] = {0}; memset(EMPTYLINE, ' ', LOGBUF_LEN-1); mvwprintw(win, y, x, EMPTYLINE); wrefresh(win); }
cc -o snake filename.c -lncurses