
  • quer    询问
    • query   质问
    • acquisition   获得,获得物
      • The company's many acquisitions pratically gave it a monopoly in the market.
    • acquisitiveness   贪得无厌
    • inquisitive   过分好奇的,好奇的
      • Children are known to have inquisitive minds that are like sponges to new information.
  • quest,quer   寻求,询问
    • querulous   抱怨的,多牢骚的
  • quiet,quie   静止
    • quietude   平静,寂静
      • During the weekend people from the city like to escape to the quiteude of the country to relax.
    • acquiesce  默许
      • The bank manager acquiescedc to the robbers so that no one would get hurt.
  • secut,sequ   跟随
    • persecute  迫害,不断困扰
      • Thousands of Jews were persecuted during the rea of the European Inquisition.
    • prosecute   告发,检举
      • The district attorney(检察官) plans to prosecuted her for burglary.
      • prosecution   起诉,控告
  • spir  呼吸
    • dispirited   垂头丧气的
    • aspirant  有抱负的人,有野心者
      • These times of opportunity have invigorated a generation of aspirants.
    • aspiration   渴望,热望
  • tempo,tempor   时间,时间引起的现象
    • extemporize   即兴(发言,创作,演奏,演说)
      • He is kind of speaker who is more effective whene he extemporizes than whe nhe reads from a prepared script.
    • extemporaneous   即兴的,临时的
      • He was surprised to have spoken so eloquently in the extemporaneous speech.
    • tempo   速度,拍子
      • Professional dancers can naturally move to the rhythm and tempo of the music.
    • tend,ten,tens   伸展
      • distend  (使)膨胀,胀大
        • The balloon distend almost to the bursting point.
      • ostensible   伪装的
        • My ostensible purpose for going to the library was to study,but I was really reading magazines.
      • ostentatious   虚荣的,炫耀的
        • The real hero is modest,,never ostentatious.
      • pretentious    自负的,自抬身价的
        • pretension   自命不凡
        • pretense    借口;虚假;自负
    • viv,vit    活泼的,生命
      • revive   苏醒,复活,复兴
      • revitalize  使复活,使新生
        • The president released a new plan t orevitalize the troubled economy.
      • vitalize   赋予...生命;鼓舞
        • The cartoonist vitalize the drawing of a mouse into one of the most famous icons in the world.
      • vitiate 削弱,损害;在(道德方面)败坏
        • Fraud will vitiate the contract(合同)
      • convivial   欢宴的,欢乐的 
        • The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college songs.
