2014-06-04 Created By BaoXinjian
(1). 建立Expense Report
(3). 触发工作流-通知申请人已签
(4). 审批结束后对Expense Report Audit
(5). 通过CP<Expense Report Export>产生Invoice
(6). 产生Invoice
1. 建立Expense Report
select * from apps.ap_expense_report_headers_all
where report_header_id = 42016
select * from apps.ap_expense_report_lines_all
where report_header_id = 42016
select * from ap_exp_report_dists_all
where report_header_id = 42016
select * from wf_notifications
where message_type = 'APEXP'
and message_name = 'OIE_AME_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPRVL'
and from_role = 'OPERATIONS'
and begin_date > TRUNC (SYSDATE)
select * from applsys.wf_item_attribute_values val
where val.item_key = '33593-1'
3. 触发工作流-通知申请人已签
select * from wf_notifications
where message_type = 'APEXP'
and message_name = 'OIE_EXP_REPORT_MGR_APPROVED'
and from_role = 'CBROWN'
and begin_date > TRUNC (SYSDATE)
4. 审批结束后对Expense Report Audit
5. 通过CP<Expense Report Export>产生Invoice
a. expense_status_code not in ('ERROR', 'PEND_HOLDS_CLEARANCE', 'HOLD_PENDING_RECEIPTS')
b. soure in (CREDIT CARD, Both Pay, SelfService)
6. 产生Invoice
select * from ap_invoices_all
where invoice_num ='42016'
select * from ap_invoice_lines_all
where invoice_id = 457112
Thanks and Regards