How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke.


1. 以browser开启DotNetNuke首页

2. 将所写的模块,手动新增到 Module Definitions 

3. 开启模块 项目 ,以Debug模式 建置项目
How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?

4. 将产生的dll档案与pdb档案拷贝到 DotNetNuke 的 bin下(记得要做,我第一次就是忘了,所以不成功)

5. 设定除错

(1) 选择选单的 工具à侦错处理序

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?
(2) 选择aspnet_wp.exe 后按下 “附加”How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?

(3) 勾选 Common Language Runtime 后按下 “确定”

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?

(4) 关闭

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?


6. 要除错的模块加到网页中:

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?
7. 设定断点

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?
8. 浏览网页

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke?
9. 除错

How to debug a Private Module Assembly in DotNetNuke? 




此文章是参考:How to build a Private Module Assembly in Rainbow.doc

